Chapter 56 - Black Ghoul (Part 2)

Third Floor 

Rory opens a door leading to a hall, he looks around for V-ghoul's or agents before stepping out, quietly walking further. He was on the fourth floor when he heard the loud crash a few minutes ago. 'I wonder what caused that sound'. Rory thought puzzled, he just hoped it wasn't some bomb by the agency because something like that was bound to happen again if the agency was involved. he just hoped it was something else that caused it. He heard static noises from his comm. 

"Iris! Iris is that you? Where are you?" Rory asked hastily hoping to get a word from his sister, he prayed she was okay.

The static cleared.

"Rory Lake, this is Kayla Gibbs from the Silver-lining". Rory froze when he heard the tiny voice.

He was confused.

"Your sister is at the next turn, she's seriously injured," Kayla said.

"What?" Rory said in shock. He panicked hoping it wasn't serious.

"There's no time to explain now, you have to get to your sister. Ghost will be coming to get you guys". The comm went off. 

"Ghost?" Isn't that Liam's Claw?" he said in realization.

"That means the crash, it was Liam," he said again. 'Liam's here?'. He thought, he came after all and in a big way.

His eyes drift to the hall, he rushed further as he was told where he would find Iris.


Iris was seated on the floor against a wall, her body shocking in pain but worse it was coming from her knee, she held her injured knee hissing in pain.

"Dammit" she cursed looking around, hoping no agent would come at this state she was in, it could end badly for her.

"Rory where are you?" she said worried, her comm had no signal, she couldn't get to him, their mission was in jeopardy, there was no use going on with it, she knew that now, she silently prayed her brother was okay, there was nothing more important than that.


She gasps when she heard Rory's voice, she turned as he rushed to her side. Iris wounded knee slowly healed now that Rory was here.

"The window glass just broke all of a sudden" Iris said.

"I know it," Rory said, giving her a look that he experienced it too.

"Rory what was that? it couldn't be a bomb right?".

"Yes, I thought it was a bomb too but it wasn't" he took a deep breath.

"It was Liam. Liam is here" Rory said sighing this time.

Iris's eyes slowly widen in shock.

"He...he...he's here?" she said trembling at the mere thought of it. She couldn't believe it, Liam was here, he was here, he came for them, her call reached him when she thought it didn't, the thought of him coming because of her call made her smile faintly. 'Liam is finally here' she thought as her insides bobbled with joy.

Suddenly about five agents came into the hall. They froze as the agents point their guns at them, they were about to shoot when something zaps in their mist, the next thing was, blood splashed everywhere as the agent drops dead on the ground. Rory and Iris watch with shaky eyes as Ghost stood in their presence, he stared at his bloody claws, he waved it as the blood on it splashed on the wall. He growls turning to them.

"Ghost," Iris said shakily.

He smirks.

"Ghoul twins" Ghost said amused. They paled at the sound of his voice.

"Holy shit! Ghost can talk?" Rory said astonished, Ghost throws the comm to Rory, he caught it clumsy still stunned.

"Rory, Iris" Liam's voice came through the comm. 

"Liam!" Rory and Iris said in unison.

"Liam, is that you?" Iris said as tears filled her eyes, hearing his voice right now made her heartache.

"I will handle things from here, Ghost will get you guys out" the comm went off.

"Liam wait!" Iris said haste as she took the comm. But only static noise could be heard.

"Time to go," Ghost said coming at them.

"Wait what are you doing?" Rory panics.

Ghost just chuckles darkly as he grabs them

In a flash, he jumps out of the window flying out in a distance.


Two Building Away From The Mall

Ghost flew to the top of a building landing hard, he drops them. Rory held his stomach as a wave of nausea hit him.

"Fuck" he cursed as he rushed to hurl at a corner.

Iris felt like her head was spinning, she held her ground before she would fall.

Ghost turned about leaving, Iris rushed to him. 

"Ghost," she said.

He halts turning slightly.

"Liam, what's he gonna do?" Iris asked with shaky eyes.

"Finish your mission" Ghost said as his black wings spread out waving and then flying out.

Rory groans walking towards Iris, his stomach practically empties from the hurling, but that wasn't his concern, but rather the impossible thing that happened right in front of him.

"Ghost can talk and more importantly understand us," Rory said still finding it hard to believe, they never knew Claws could do that, Claws were only their predatory organs, a part of them but talking? something like that has never happened.

"He said Liam will finish the mission," Iris said still staring at the building a distance away.

"You mean like-"

"Kill the leader of the V-ghouls" she cut him off facing him.

"That will lessen some load right?" he shrugs.

"I hope so," Iris said, she wasn't so sure that just killing their leader would stop the V-ghouls from striking again.

They heard the roof door open, they turned at the sound, as an average height lady walks towards them.

"Who are you?" Iris demands seeing the strange face.

She smiled as the wind careless her dark red long hair packed in a high ponytail, she adjusts her glasses.

"Kayla Gibbs at your service," she said smiling, clicking on her earplug.

Rory and Iris looked at each other briefly before facing her.


The Mall

Fourth Floor 

Wayne walks into the long lobby, about three V-ghouls behind him. 

"That crash was caused by the black ghoul sir," a V-ghoul said certainly.

A dark smile pressed against his lips broadly. 

"He has come to us," Wayne said amused.

He halts his step, turning to the V-ghoul's.

"Evacuate with the others, I will meet with the black ghoul alone," he said sternly, they nod heading back.

Wayne walks to the other side of the lobby where the elevator was, it made a ding sound as the door slide open.

Wayne halts his steps at the sudden ding sound.

Liam steps out, he turns to Wayne.

"Liam O'Brien" Wayne said amazed like he was staring at an out worldly creature.

"We finally meet,".

Liam's look darken.

"My name is Wayne Sanford, leader of the V-ghoul's, I believe we have much to discuss".

"Discuss?" Liam raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was getting at.

Wayne took a step closer as he explained.

"Yes Liam, you see I have been looking for you for years now, I believe we share the same ideals".

Liam just made a Hmm sound at his words.

"We both want to get rid of the agents once and for all and create a better world where ghouls can have the right to live," he said sincerely.

"The humans will pay for treating us like garbage" he spat grimacing.

"We may have the same ideology Wayne" Liam motioned with his hands pointing to them both

"But our choices make us different" he adds sternly.

Wayne smiles but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Even ghouls should pay, ghouls like your father" Wayne said darkly.

Liam's fist tightens just by the sound of that, although it was impulse yet he felt his blood boil, his ghoul's eyes beam dangerously.

"Yes Liam, I know what your father did, I know everything," he said, knowing he had an edge to Liam's pain and anger, he just had to pull the trigger, why else would Liam come after the agency, he knew Liam resented them as much as he did too. 

"Join me, Liam, join me and we can set this world right, we will rule the world together," Wayne said stretching out his hand for Liam to take.

It was inevitable that Liam would agree to this, the agency took everything from him, Liam was like a ticking bomb wherever he went and Wayne needed the button so he could push it as much as he wants, as far as he was concerned Liam wasn't pushing his limit as hard as he wanted him to, which is why Wayne needed him and why Liam needed him, all he just had to do was say yes and the world would be theirs.

Wayne smirks as he notices Liam's eyes drifted to his hand, he knew he would take it because he could give Liam what he wants.... Total destruction of the agency.

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