Chapter 57 - Black Voice

Wayne smirks as he notices Liam's eyes drifted to his hand, he knew he would take it because he could give Liam what he wants... Total destruction of the agency. 

"You are very unique Liam" Wayne surge further knowing he was reaching Liam in no time, he just had to keep the conservation going.

"You are different from other ghouls, you possess a greater power over ghouls. You, Liam, will rule the world" he was certain because he knows it, Liam and his Claw were unlike anything they have ever seen over the years, he was their piece to every puzzle waiting to be solved.

"We ghouls live by an ancient monarchy" he began knowing this would catch Liam's attention and he alone had the answer.

"Ancient monarchy?" Liam scoffs at the mere sound of it. 'An ancient monarchy for flesh-eating monster, sick'. He thought grimacing.

"Yes, and you have every right to become the next ghoul king, join me and all that will be realized"

Liam scoffs out loud.

"Am not seeking for power" Liam began his ghoul eyes burning in his.

Wayne's smile slowly fades.

"I want only Justice for ghouls and the end of the agency".

Wayne's stretch-out hand dropped to his side, giving Liam a stern look, seeing no interest in his eyes, it was only hatred.

"And you V-ghouls" Liam said the name in disgust.

"Your hunger for ghouls and your hostile rage is posing a threat to my kind".

"Am I... a threat to you Liam?" Wayne asked.

A moment of silence between them, Wayne knew, he could see it in his eyes, Liam would make his greatest enemy and not his ally, that was not on his agenda.

"Yes! You are" the moment Liam mouths those words, through the window Ghost bust in, Wayne turns in shock as Ghost grabs him by the neck, lifting him and then slamming him against the wall, hard.

"Do you think I will join your silly parade that is nothing but a bunch of maniacs roaming free and for what... ghoul king?" Liam said the word in distaste like it was foreign to him, he never wanted any freaking monarchy, he didn't know stuff like that existed in the ghoul world but that wasn't his concern.

Ghost elf ears twitches when he heard the word 'Ghoul king' his smile faded slowly as he fidgets a bit.

Wayne chuckles despite the pain he was in.

"There's a lot you don't know and understand..." Wayne said though clenched teethes the pain building in his throat, the air almost leaving his lungs.

"...about ghoul's traditions,"

Liam blinks, the what now?

"And... not all ghouls are the same" the moment he said that Ghost growls deeply as green bandages came out of Wayne's body and wrap around him.

Liam watches the action with widening eyes, the gradual fast process as the bandages forms around Wayne's body and that of his Claw merging as one, going up to the same height as Ghost, ghoul eyes flashing open.

"You are not the only one with the cool stuff," Wayne said, his voice sounding double of him and his Claw.

Wayne stood before them, merged with his Claw, it was just like any Claw wrapped in a green bandage but it was taller like Ghost and deadlier.

Before Ghost could make a move, Wayne grabs Ghost by the throat and fling him out the window with force.

On the building edge, Ghost held his ground, holding onto something to keep him from falling, one of his wings bent out of shape down to the impact.

Wayne's head snaps to Liam.

'He can merge bodies with his Claw?' Liam thought puzzled, it was unlike anything he has ever seen, he and Ghost could only merge for flight and it was limited but this right now standing in front of him was what he rendered impossible.

"You can't wield your responsibility, I will gladly take that title from you by killing you" Wayne growls coming at Liam in speed with loud feet steps and thud sounds, His sharp claws aimed for Liam's head but he dodges it swiftly in simple moves but Wayne was faster, and his hostile behavior only made it worse, Liam found it hard to keep up with his reflex, simple dodge and mostly combat attack wasn't gonna make much effect.

Roaring Wayne grabs Liam by the throat flinging him against the wall, Liam's body made a hard impact with it, causing cracks, but that didn't affect Liam as much as Wayne anticipated, he snarled in response.

Liam rises to his feet, blood trailing from his lips, their ghoul eyes burning into each other for what seems like seconds.

Wayne cracks his head coming at Liam at full speed, his footsteps loud and banging, he roars.

"Switch!" Liam hissed as he zaps out in place of Ghost who grabs Wayne's hand.

Ghost growls clawing at Wayne aggressively, pissed, as they both clashed to the up floor in an intense battle.


Liam was outside holding onto something, he quickly crashed into the third floor in force through the window. His body slides to the ground hard, he rises to his feet his hood coming off in the process, he leans his shoulder against the wall, a glass sticking out his leg, spilling a mouth full of blood he grabs the glass taking it out, blood gushing but his wounds healed, he grunts in pain.

Liam turns, growling in a pissed mood, his eyes beaming dangerously, he was surely gonna dig his head deep in Wayne's chest and that was a promise but all that thought crash when his ghoul's eyes spot a frightened little boy seated against the wall, his knees to his chest as he trembles in fear of seeing Liam. 

Rex shakes more on seeing his ghoul eyes, as terror rakes his body.

"Aren't you far from home kid?" Liam said standing fully with a groan, he could see the fear in his eyes, the poor kid was properly on the verge of fainting with his intense breath, it was too much for him to process, Liam could only figure he has been here long and most likely seen scenes he shouldn't have.

"You could get killed out here".

Rex sobs as he cried, he stared deep into Liam's ghoul eyes but that wasn't the only thing that brought more fear to his body but the cold glamour his features held.


A voice in a distance came in and it sounded familiar, he didn't remember bringing anyone to the mission aside from Kayla who was faraway but more importantly it called for this frightened boy. 'Could be the mom'. That was his thought but the voice came in again.

"Rex where are you?!" this time it was close and Liam got the better sound of the voice, a shiver ran down his spine, his heart slams in his chest. 'That voice' he thought.

Lorna rushes to the lobby pointing her gun, she saw a frightened Rex in a few distances leaning against the wall staring at a dark figure close to him, her eyes drift to Liam.

"Get away from him!" she hissed pissed pointing her gun at him, sure as ready to pull the trigger.

Liam slowly turns, It was like slow motion as their eyes locked, the world around them disappearing instantly.

Lorna's breath caught seeing it was the black ghoul, she saw footage of him when she was still in Los Angeles, and right now she could tell that this is the black ghoul, there was no doubt about it. Her hand's trembles, why did she have to be so unlucky, could fate be any crueler? Face to face to the bringer of death and the agency's biggest foe.

Liam's eyes widened in pure shock, he stood frozen where he was, his eyes changed to his brown ones, a light inside just by seeing her, tears threatening to come out, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe his eyes, this must be some kind of dream or something, it has to be.

Lorna froze at this action, she was unable to pinpoint why he was there... stiff, not a word said or any move to kill her, he should be making a move to kill her right? She was fucking pointing a gun at him! All her body and mind were screaming danger, alert, fear, and confusion but still, he was just... lost staring deep into her eyes, Lorna felt like he could see inside her soul and unravel the secrets within, maybe he could, which was weird and strange.

'No'. Liam thought, he just couldn't help it, the void in his heart widens the more. 'It can't be'. His lips went apart, the tears rolling down his cheeks, leaving him vulnerable but he didn't care, he couldn't think and it was hard to breathe because after all this time a name he hasn't called for years finally found his lips.


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