Chapter 65 - Black Drug (Part 2)

"Liam, you're not going alone, are you? That place will be swamped with agents" Iris said but Liam was already out.

The doors sliding shut.

Iris sighs. 'Great he just ignored me like that' she thought rolling her eyes, but that wasn't gonna stop her.

"That's it, am going after him," she said facing the others.

"He's gonna need back up or something".

"Boss need back up?" Race scoffs shaking his head.

"Yeah right".

"Liam doesn't take partners out" Sean began.

"Ever since Riley" he adds.

Iris nods getting his point, but still, it didn't sit well with her that Liam was out there on his own, she was worried.

"But we can Ju-".

"We will help out from here or otherwise" Sean cuts in clearly.

Iris sighs in defeat.

"Am lost here who's Riley?" Gray asked speaking up puzzled.

"I have the same question," Kayla said raising her hand, the curiosity was overbearing for her, especially with the mean her boss had a week ago when he asked her to look up the name Lorna Hart.

"Riley is Liam's girlfriend, they were simply more than that if you ask me," Rory said.

They paled at his words.

"His.. girlfriend?" Kayla said staring at Rory like he had two heads.

"Boss had a girlfriend?" Gray huffs like it was impossible because Liam always putting up a cold glamour that literary scares everyone away, but when he saw Sean, Iris, and Rory's expressions, he knew they were dead serious. 'The hell?' he thought in his head with wide eyes.

"Wait you guys are serious?!" Gray said looking back and forth between them.

"She died when the agency was stormed three years ago," Sean said sternly as the memory played in his head, when he heard the news of Riley death along with Evan and the rest of the agents, Liam hasn't said anything to the rest of his team about his personal life, Sean knew they will eventually find out.

"I heard about his sister too, I never knew his lover is dead also," Kayla said sadly, knowing that her boss has been through a lot by the look of things, she was surprised he kept going forward after everything he has been through.

"Boss has been through a lot" Race said as his face drops in sadness.

"Yes, he has," Iris said with shaky eyes.

"Okay," Sean said clapping his hands together gaining their attention.

"Let's get back to work, reliving the past won't get us anywhere" he adds.

The rest nods in agreement.


Section Three 

Ghoul Investigators Headquarter (GIH)

"Incident of a green powder?" Lorna asked puzzled as she read through the headlines in the transparent iPad.

"Yes green powder, a bunch of students lost their lives, some went missing, and it's all centered in this green powder stuff. I want you and Jesse to investigate it ASAP, any findings if related to a ghoul attack, inform the team immediately" Chase said sternly, leaning on his chair.

"Looks like we finally got an assignment" Jesse murmurs to Lorna.

She just nods, her eyes fixed on the iPad.

"Hilton College," Lorna said.


Section Four 

Hilton College

By the time Lorna and her partner arrived, the place was flooded with the press and some civilians along with the NYPD (New York Police Department).

"Nothing gets past New Yorker's huh," Lorna said sarcastically.

"Yep," Jesse said in agreement.

They both got down from the car walking towards the entrance lined with a yellow caution band. A policeman stops them.

"Am sorry ladies but this place is under investigation by the NYPD" the man said.

Jesse smirks as they both flash their badges.

"We are investigating also, this incident appears to be phenomenal, and as agents, it's our job to check if it ghoul related this is also kind of our jurisdictions," Jesse said.

The man took some time staring at their badges, before giving way.

"Have it your way ladies" he said sighing in defeat.

Jesse nods as she and Lorna went under the caution band line walking towards the building.

"Being agent's rocks" Jesse whispers to Lorna, she giggles at her antics.

They both headed towards the fraternity hostel where the incident happens, along the way they passed several students along the way.

"Students still around huh," Lorna said observing the place.

"Most likely inmates, they will be kept under supervision, but as long as the government is a concern, school is closed due to the accident, word has it, it might have been a ghoul attack," Jesse said.

"Relating to the strange powder?" Lorna asked puzzled, the possibility of a green powder being the cause of the ghoul attack was very slim, it was always a Claw breakout or sightings to relate it to one.

"Well we are just about to find out, let's hope we get some answers," Jesse said as they got close to the building, police were there too, but they showed off their badges, gaining entry.

Inside the NYPD observed the place, forensics did their jobs also analyzing the environment.

As they walked in they froze, seeing the scene, splashes of blood everywhere, Claw marks on the walls and grounds.

"Are you sure this wasn't a ghoul attack?" Lorna said gasping.

"Will call in our forensics team, this is our jurisdiction," Jesse said dialing a number in her phone.

A Few Minutes Later

Peter used a small cleaning tool to brush off some prints on the ground. The agency swamp the area now, taking over the whole investigation.

As Peter did his work, Lorna and Jesse walked around, their hands covered with white hand gloves as they observed the scene.

Lorna walks around accessing the hall, searching for anything that could help make sense of the incident.

"Guys over there" Peter signaled for them, they rushed to his side.

"What's it what did you find?" Lorna demands.

"Well you won't believe it if I tell you," Peter said carefully parking some green particles into a small transparent bag.

"Other than two chicks being partners and worse agents, what's crazier than that" Jesse motioned, earning a slight chuckle from Lorna and Peter.

"Well I won't say that crazy, it's kind of hot" Peter said staring into space.


"Alright, well just like we found everywhere, still traces of green powder everywhere along with Claw residue like we find in any ghoul attack," Peter said.

"Then a ghoul was present right?" Jesse asked.

Peter sighs.

"Maybe, maybe not" he shrugs.

"Seems like there's more," Lorna said catching on with his expression, knowing there was something.

Peter looks around unease before saying. 

"Well firstly I found shoe prints of the black ghoul right here and by my guess, if we clean up more, we might find more" Peter said sternly, showing them the small device he held that showed the quick analysis of Liam O'Brien DNA popping out.

They froze. 

"Are you saying the black ghoul might have been the one that caused this accident?" Lorna asked with wide eyes.

"I don't know I mean our team checked all the surveillance cameras but no image of him came up during the party or any of the entrances so it's still a mystery if he was involved," Peter said.

"Why would the black ghoul kill a bunch of students using a green drug, it doesn't exactly make sense," Jesse said puzzled folding her arms.

"Maybe he erased all footage of him or something, I mean he's the black ghoul, the bringer of death, he wouldn't care less about a bunch of kids," Peter said certainly, slightly shivering at the thought.

Jesse nods in agreement, knowing his theory was true, for all they know it might just be the black ghoul tricking them to thinking it was another threat to drift their attention away from him now he's back to New York after all these years.

"Guys I don't think it's the black ghoul" Lorna cut in remembering when he saved Rex, as far as she was concern she knew his only enemy was the agency and not just that she has looked over his records and couldn't find any killings of random, just the agency.

"Wow, agent Lorna are you taking the black ghoul side right now?" Jesse asked raising an eyebrow, a bit surprised by her words.

"Oh please no am not…" she trailed off gulping having a second thought about her actions, maybe she was taking his side. 'Fuck'.


"Guys I don't think it's the black ghoul" a video sounds showing clear images of the halls and the agents around investigating, not knowing a spy-cam watch all their moves.

Liam raises an eyebrow at Lorna's words, he was present on the rooftop out of plain sight, watching the agency moves through the spy-cam he hid when he first investigated the hall before any agent came in.

"Oh please, no am not…".

He watches as the agent pauses her words as her eyes widen in the realization of what she just said.

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