Chapter 66 - Black Drug (Part 3)

"Psst... Oh please come on guys, like what... taking the black ghoul side? I may have survived his clutches once or whatever but that doesn't mean I was brainwashed" Lorna said like a ten-year-old denying she didn't take the candy.

Liam couldn't help a huff that brushes off his lips in amusement, it was slight and simple, as soon as it came it was gone. This agent was gaining his attention something he didn't like, she looked like his lover and that was confusing him the more, cause each time he stares at her, he couldn't look back without a second thought, her presence was distracting and he hated it, his fist tighten against the transparent iPad he held in response to his raging thought in his head, he had to find a way to see that agent as any other agent other than Riley he saw.

"Come in boss" Kayla's voice sounds in the earplug he wore. 

"Am still alive and kicking, there's no need to track me so soon" Liam said zooming in the video feed in the small pocket-size transparent iPad he held, his eyes observed the scene on a wide video feed, viewing the entire hall.

"Sorry Boss but we were worried".

"It's okay, am sending in some samples I picked up at the crime scene, and some info. 37 dead teens, 5 missings. Am counting there are survivors but I couldn't get any info, the agents were faster than I expected" Liam said as his eyes drift to Lorna for a brief second.

"Jesus a whole house full of teens all dead?" Kayla said shocked, it was evident in her tone.

"But Boss if you checked the area before the agents came in, don't you think they would have caught your shoe prints in one of those their device thingy?"

Liam smirks knowing she caught on. Kayla could easily tell from his silence. 'Shit'

"Fuck Boss, they will pin you to the case in less than a second!"

"Am curious to know what the agents find out, I will tail them so no contact until I send the word" Liam said not bothered about the agents relating him the case, it wouldn't be the first time the agency has pinned cases on him when he had just only come after the agency, besides it was fun to him, gave him the leverage to kill more agents.

Kayla sighs in defeat, knowing her boss has always been reckless without a second thought.

"Aye Boss" The comm went off.


"Alright whatever" Jesse said rolling her eyes at Lorna's childish antics, she would just pretend that Lorna wasn't just taking the black ghoul side.

"Okay before both of you started going like my twin grandma's, I haven't mentioned the second," Peter said sighing.

They turned to him.

"Well the second theory is, the black ghoul might have not been included in the attack, maybe he came to investigate" he shrugs.

"Well am not the only one taking his side," Lorna said rolling her eyes.

"Well it's just a fact, but surely something like this can involve the black ghoul, he may have gone radio silence but am sure he's trying to keep us up on our feet," Peter said certainly.

"So what's the third theory assuming there is," Jesse said.

"Well there is, with what I have gathered, I found just Claw prints lying around everywhere, it's like just the Claws attacked only," he said.

"Just Claw prints?" Lorna asked puzzled, that can't be right.

"Yes and in every ghoul scene there should be prints of both the ghoul and their predatory organs"

"Claws," Jesse said nodding.

"So you think the ghouls ordered their Claws to attack from a far-range distance," Lorna said raising an eyebrow, it might just be the fact, maybe the ghouls didn't wanna draw attention to themselves only their Claws.

"Definitely," Peter said certain, it was the only explanation to all the Claw prints lying around. To Peter, this was a well-planned attack, because the ghouls involved made sure no trace led back to them just their Claws, since when did ghouls plan an attack this well, that was the thought he had, well except the V-ghouls attack on the mall a week ago.

"My final theory, it could be the V-ghouls involved," Peter said with a stern look.

"Guys!" Mia said rushing in.

They turned.

"Check this out," Mia said showing them her transparent iPad, the footage played.

"I was able to tap into the security footage of the school," she said. That was Mia's specialty, able to trace any hidden footage or cut out server and lead them back, this helped in most of their findings of ghouls on the run.

They watch with anticipation, it showed the out entrance of this very hall the day the incident happened, it was dark in the footage but the lights lying around from the building helped them make out the visual.

"Why just outside the hall why no view inside?" Lorna asked puzzled.

"Trust teens these days to disable them and do their dirty works," Mia said.

"Drugs!" Jesse and Lorna said in unison staring at each other for a brief second, knowing that will be their agenda because drugs were prohibited on campus, and trust teens to go against the rules.

"Guys look," Peter said pointing at something in the footage.

They watch as a figure rushed out in panic. Mia zoomed in, they got a clear image of a light brunette-haired girl.

"A survivor?" Jesse said.

"Yeah, probably the only one" Mia said using the facial recognition system to find her.

Several images came up until there was a match.

"Got it! Cassandra Williams, age 21, a student right here in Hilton college, major in Public Relations".

"Jesse and I will go check it out, she's definitely still in school probably lives on school grounds," Lorna said.

"No one has left the school grounds since the incident, we better catch her before she bolts, she's either a victim or the culprit," Jesse said certainly.

"So she's the culprit now, what happened to the black ghoul being the one" Lorna said raising an eyebrow.

"Well we are still investigating, he's still our prime suspect though," Jesse said rolling her eyes.

"Will head back to the lab and analyze what I found here, with that I can get better insight, I need my equipment to dig deeper into this" Peter said packing his stuff.

"Let's go partner we have a suspect to catch, how about a college adventure," Lorna said in amusement.

Jesse giggles at her antics.

"Be serious Lorna we are working here" Jesse said in amused.

"Which makes it more fun, unless we are dying," Lorna said making a face at the dying part.

Jesse busts out a peal of hard laughter but quickly shut it in giggles when strange stares were on them.

They gave them a look.

"Seriously get to work you two" Mia hissed.

They step out in amusement.

Mia and Peter sigh at the same time.

"Tell me why those two are partners," Mia said with clenched teeth.

Peter shrugs, giggling a bit, those two were fun to be around.


"Okay Mia just sent me info on Cassandra, we got her class and more importantly her dorm number," Jesse said as they both strolled along the tiled road of the wide compound, the rest of the areas were filled with green grasses.

"She should be in her room no doubt, she can't be in class," Lorna said certainly.

"What makes you think she's at her dorm?"

"The girl just experienced a traumatic incident and bolted the minute it happened, she doesn't wanna draw attention to herself if she wanted to she would have come clean to the police, and of course she wouldn't cause she might just be the ghoul we're looking for" Lorna explained, no ghoul will ever turn themselves in or wait out in the incident, so she was one.

"Wow, you're good at this" Jesse comments.

Lorna just smirks.


Lorna halts when she heard the name, Jesse stops beside her puzzled as to why she stops. Lorna couldn't help but turn, curious as to who called the name, again.

Her eyes land on a young woman about her age.

Cindy was left mesmerized, she couldn't believe her eyes, the last time she heard Riley Leah was dead during the attack on the agency three years ago, maybe she was seeing a ghost right now or something.

"Riley," she said once more stunned, getting a closer look now that she was facing her, the resemblance exactly of that of Riley's.

The last time Cindy saw Riley, was three years ago at a party when a ghoul attacked and it was revealed she was a ghoul herself, which was a shocking discovery because Riley was her best friend when she was in college and she had no idea of her true identity before.

Who was this woman standing before her?

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