Chapter 73 - Black Predator (Part 2)

Two years ago

The Year 2023

Los Angeles Agency Branch

Conference Hall

"As an agent, we uphold our utmost duty to keep the country safe, the government has long given us the authority to wield military to eliminate humanity greatest foe… Ghouls" a man wearing a white long sleeve shirt folded to the arms, along with brown pants and black shoes said.

Lorna listened carefully at what he said, they were about hundreds of them present in the hall, listening attentively. This was mandatory for every agent to attend the briefing, even though Lorna hated the classes and prefer training, she was no exception.

She sighs folding her arms and leaning her back against the comfortable chair, she crosses her right leg against the other, this was boring to her but she listened, they said it was important so she had no choice in the matter.

"Now we face even the greatest of all threat, the highest wanted enemy of the agency," the man said pressing a button on the small device he held, a picture came up showing the profile of Liam O'Brien on a widescreen at the center of the class.

"The black ghoul" he announced as whispers filled the hall.

Lorna's eyes never left his picture it looked more like a passport taken when he was human, it was said his abilities were lying dominant until it was unleashed. She tilts her head to the side assessing the picture more, he had handsome features, too bad he was a killer, that was Lorna's thought, she couldn't help but think what might have driven him to be such a man, a death bringer, a plague, a killer. She figured there were no answers to her question, he was the agency's biggest threat and she was dying to bury a bullet deep in his chest to save all of humanity.

Present Day

The Year 2025

Lorna stood still, her eyes shaking only, it was like the world around her fell silent all of a sudden, her breaths and everything around her was seized of all sounds, her shaky eyes fixed on Cassandra a few distances away from her, with four Claws beside her, she held a shock expression against her features the gun she held brought out steams signifying a bullet was shot, that struck Lorna as she recalled what happened, she slowly dropped her head, her eyes landing on her lower abdomen, the inner ash shirt she wore instantly stains red like a big map. Yes, she remembers, she took a bullet for the black ghoul without thinking straight. 'How silly of me'. She thought.

Her body gave out that moment as she drops but strong arms caught her before she reaches the ground, she fell into the arms of Liam instead of the ground, she faces him as her body was still unable to process what she just did, the blood flowing out endlessly.

Liam's shaky hand applied pressure to her side hoping to stop the blood flow, but instead, his hand soaks with her crimson blood.

Lorna could feel his body shaking, his widened eyes of shock fixed on her wound. That moment she could see all the emotion written on his face for the first time since she met him, it showed confusion, shock, sadness a whole sort of feelings played out, she wonders which were more prominent.

"Why," he said faintly his body tensing, he didn't understand why she would do such a thing, confusion flushed his features.

"You saved me, I only just returned the favor," Lorna said weakly, his wistful eyes found hers, and when she saw the pain and sadness, she knew it was only directed because she looks like Riley.

"So the black ghoul feels," She said in an amusement that didn't reach her eyes, she was hurt because his emotion was directed to a ghost.

Lorna groans in pain as she buries her face in his chest, she was losing a lot of blood and she became more paled every second.

"That fucking agent took the bullet," Cassandra said sternly, the rest of the Claw growls in response.

"Well I won't miss next time, am getting that cure for all of us," She said clicking on the gun once more, it made an automatic sound powering up. She fired the bullet, it came at Liam but to all their surprise he caught the bullet stretching out his hand the result made his blood splash on his face as the bullet buried deeply in his palm as he clenched his fist hard, his eyes changing to his ghoul ones instantly.

Lorna watches the action with weak eyes.

"Don't you ever do that again" Liam said darkly referring to Lorna but his eyes didn't reach her but still fixed on Cassandra and the others.

"Am not worth risking your life for" he adds waving his hand, his blood splashing on the ground, the bullet out, the wound healing instantly.


Just that word as Ghost surges out of his back, standing beside him wearing a dark smirk on his wide lips, his lips went apart exhaling steams out with a deep growl.

"That's impossible his Claw shouldn't have healed so fast" Cassandra panics knowing very well they disabled Ghost to a point he should still be asleep but they underestimated him.

Liam's whole body erupts in a black wild aura, Lorna shivers against him, the aura was cold and bizarre, it frightens her and she could tell just by staring at the side of his face, he was pissed, for her sake? she couldn't tell.

"This can't be happening," Cassandra said shaking her head sideways, as she moved back slowly.

"Jack," she said faintly as one of the Claw snaps his head towards her in response.


That word was the trigger, Liam didn't care for the name he wanted anymore but blood and Ghost itching to get revenge for what they did.

In a zap Ghost came at them, roars and snarls could be heard, Lorna couldn't turn her head, the sounds and screams were all she could hear, she shakes at the horrifying sounds, Ghost was pissed and his anger was menacing.

"Stop" it was a faint whisper from her, of course, those bastards deserve it for what they did but still the sounds were horrifying and she didn't want to hear more. Her fingers grip his jacket tightly.

"Please," Lorna said in pain, as her lower abdomen clutch tightly in pain.

That moment choppers could be heard, Ghost paused his action as his elf ears switch at the sound.

"JACK!" Cassandra screams as her boyfriend turns to dust beneath Ghost's foot.

On hearing the choppers knowing they were probably surrounded by agents, she transforms to her Claw dashing out in speed before Ghost's attention could drift to her.

Lorna's vision slowly fades all the strength leaving her body, she felt gravity leave her body as well, she was dropped to the ground gently. She instantly realized Liam wasn't holding her anymore, on the ground her head turns to the side he stood beside Ghost, her hand clutches her stomach tightly in pain, her vision blurry.

Her weak gaze stares at Liam's back, he didn't make any move to turn to look at her as he merges with Ghost in black shadow increasing in height and then black wings spreading out, she watches as he flew on a low profile, deeper into the woods out of sight.

Her lips apart as she turns her head to face the dark skies, series of choppers on-air circling along with their bright lights. Lorna's eyes slowly close, she gives up trying to stay awake.


A voice came into her consciousness, it was familiar and sounds like... Jesse yes Jesse it was her, joy overwhelmed her body knowing her partner was still alive.


Everything went blank.


Outskirts OF The City

The Silver-lining Manor

Sean walks out of the control room, he and all the rest of the team has been there for hours trying to locate Liam, he knew Liam had everything under control but still, he took too much time and they were beginning to worry about his well being, Kayla has long been tracking and they just found out the agency has already stormed the area, no news about the black ghoul so they were on a safer side that Liam wasn't found on the scene, then where is he?

A sound on the rooftop made Sean look up, it was loud like something or someone landed there, Sean's eyes widen in realization, as he rushed to the rooftop.


In haste he opened the bunker that leads to the roof, he climbed up and then saw Liam seated on the roof, a knee raised and one of his arms against it as he stares into the dark skies.

"Liam," Sean said worried not able to read his mood but he knew something was up because he didn't alert them that he was back.

Tearing his eyes away from the skies, he faces downwards saying.

"I found my trump card".

Sean stares at him puzzled by his words.

"Lorna Hart is related to Barbra Jones".

Sean froze at the discovery, they didn't see any of these when they viewed her profile, he knew Liam must have discovered it on his own.

He turns to face Sean with unreadable eyes.

"I know how to tear the agency from the inside out".

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