Chapter 74 - Black Black

Few Hours Earlier 

"Her bp is dropping fast," one of the medics said as they carried Lorna's body with the aid of a stretcher, Jesse beside in tears as they entered through the back of the ambulance, they gently placed her inside, one of the medics quickly connected a drip t o her hand.

"She's losing so much blood," Jesse said in tears using the blue thick towel they gave her to apply pressure to the wound but it was already drenched in blood.

"Fast we need to take her to doctor Steve and get her operated on," Chase said stepping inside the car sitting beside Lorna at the center.

The medic nods at Chase's words as she slammed her palm on the van signaling it to move.

"She's gonna be okay, the sooner she gets operated the better," Chase said to a sobbing Jesse, she nods as the tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Chase's eyes drift to Lorna, her nose and mouth held oxygen, her skin was pale from her loss of blood, her dark hair drenched to her face due to the sweat against her features, when they arrived and found her unconscious the area was cleared but they got proof that a fight happened there, due to the broken branches and dust on the ground, Chase couldn't begin to wonder what exactly happened and how did agent Hart got a bullet buried in her lower abdomen, there were tons of questions he was dying to find out but first Lorna needed saving or else it will be too late.


Section Six

Lorna's residence

The balcony glass doors of Lorna's home were wide open, the white curtains dancing around due to the harsh wind. Inside Liam O'Brien was present, he stood assessing the apartment, it was neat and well arranged, the entire room smelt like her, a scent he was now getting used to, it smelt of lavender and rose, a unique scent it was, and he found it appealing, he made him ease, something he hasn't felt for years ever since Riley.

His eyes land on framed pictures against her dresser, one of high school when she graduated, the other was when she graduates college all taken in Los Angeles, the discovery before him was like cold water washed upon him, it was the hard truth which he now saw for himself, this girl was entirely different, a human and an agent that just happened to look like Riley, all the pictures before him, she was smiling so brightly wearing her graduation uniform not a worry in the world, she was just mixed up in all this just because she resembles a ghoul, she was an agent who brought justice to humans.

What made him tensed the more was the picture of her agency nomination, Barbra Jones was present, together with Lorna as received her title as an official agent, Liam grabs the picture, bringing it up close. A small writing present by the corner.

'Thanks Aunt for always being there for me'

His grip tightens against the frame the glass cracking in the process as the realization struck him like thousand tons of bricks, she was related to Barbra Jones.


Outskirts of the city

The Silver-lining Manor 

Liam on the rooftop after he just landed a while ago, his wistful eyes on the dark skies that held stars, the wind blew harshly around, it was chilly but didn't affect him, he was like a cold body right now, yes he has been dead ever since the death of Riley, he was just a cold body solely moved by the desire to bring down the agency and stop his father for everything he has done. The only thing he cared about was destruction, a flash of Lorna standing right in front rang in his head, the agent took a bullet for him when he would have just easily deflected, she knew nothing like that could stop him but yet she risk her life for his.

"Lorna Hart" her name brush against his lips, her body lying on the cold ground drench in her blood flash In his head and he couldn't help his chest tighten just by the mere thought of it, this pull was becoming unbearable, it took every bit of the strength to leave her there knowing the agents will come for her, he didn't want to leave, he wanted to carry her in his arms and save her life, he wanted no one else to do that but him, her sacrifice awoke something in him he didn't like.

"Liam" Sean's voice came in, but he didn't answer.

Lorna hart wasn't just an agent that caught his attention but the piece to every puzzle, his attraction to an agent or using his trump card? He chose the latter.

"I finally found my trump card," he said staring downwards.

"Lorna Hart is related to Barbra Jones".

To get Barbra Jones, Lorna was the key.

He turns to face Sean with unreadable eyes.

"I know how to tear the agency from the inside out".


One Month Later

Section Three 

Ghoul Investigators Headquarter (GIH)

"Geez Jesse slows down," Peter said trying to keep up with her.

"Jesse!" he said practically jogging after her now.

Medic Unit

Lorna carefully put on her shirt groaning, she carefully took her seat holding her side, she sighs as her eyes drift to her unpacked things. 'Great'. She thought, she just got discharged today and she hasn't gotten anything ready yet.

The doors to her room slide open, as Jesse and Peter rushed in.

"Jesse, Pete what are you guys-"

"Seriously Lorna you got discharge and you didn't tell me," Jesse said hurt.

"Tell us... she meant to tell us," Pete said pointing to him also that he was hurt too that she didn't say anything.

Lorna sighs. 

"Look guys am sorry but this past month you guys have done nothing but taken care of me since I was unconscious I can't burden you guys more".

"Lorna, you were on a three weeks coma, of course, we should be there for you, if I haven't heard from the Captain you were discharged today you would have just left like that? Really?" Jesse said, sadness evident in her tone. 

"Am sorry okay, I just didn't wanna burden you guys and I can get myself home, am perfectly fine," Lorna said amused with a shrug.

"Really," Jesse said referring to her holding her side.

"Busted" Pete said folding his arms.

Lorna rolled her eyes.

"Lorna you are not a burden or anything," Jesse said helping Lorna pack her things in her bag.

"You're my partner and my friend," she said.

"Family if you might add," Pete said taking his seat making himself comfortable.

Lorna's heart flutter by their words, a charming smile formed on her lips.

"Thanks so much that means a lot," Lorna said softly, tears at the corner of her eyes but she didn't let them fall, trying to be strong.

"Let's get you home okay".


The doors slide open as Lorna, Jesse, and Peter walk out while laughing at a joke.

"Look as much as I would love to see you home, I gotta go," Pete said the amusement from his previous joke still evident in his tone.

"No worries Pete, I got my knight in shining armor right here," Lorna said.

Jesse just rolled her eyes at her words.

"Yeah I can see that, have lots of rest Lorna, cant wait to show you something cool," he said winking as he left.

"See ya Pete"


The drive to Lorna's apartment was a bit long, it was already night hour by the time they got there, Jesse helps Lorna carry her bag upstairs much to her disagreement.

"Am good Jesse really" Lorna said in between giggles. They stood at her door.

"Okay," Jesse said sighing, staring at Lorna before embracing her in a tight hug.

"Can't breath" Lorna said amused sounding like she was choking.

Jesse giggles at her playful antics before letting her go.

"Have lots of rest okay?" Jesse said.

Lorna nods as Jesse leaves.

A smile on her lips as she opened her door with her wrist band, she was glad to have a friend like Jesse, her door made a clicking sound opening, she carried her bag stepping inside her comfy home, the door locking behind her, she drops her bag on her couch sighing as she held her side when she felt a slight pain, ignoring it she carries her bag to her room, her eyes caught the picture's dresser, she blinks when she saw the cracked one of she and her aunt, she didn't remember it falling or anything, then how come?

She shivers as the hairs at the back of her neck stood up, she felt cold, how come when the temp was on, in realization she turns her head to the glass doors leading to her balcony, she froze when she saw it was the doors were wide open and worse she senses a presence there.

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