Chapter 75 - Black Attraction

"Who's there?" she said mentally cursing herself for letting her voice sound shaky, she automatically walks towards it, passing through the dancing curt ains to the balcony.

There the black ghoul stood hands in his pocket with an unreadable expression, she should be on high alert that a dangerous criminal was in her apartment but she wasn't but she was stunned that he was here. His chocolate eyes fixed in her green ones.

Lorna slightly pinches herself, hoping whether she was dreaming or not but still silently praying that she wasn't. 'Seriously Lorna'

With every strength he had Liam fought the urge to come here but yet here he was, with an agent, trespassing, that didn't bother him, he needed to make sure she was okay after all took a bullet which still made his body tense just by the thought of it.

Liam's eyes drift to the lower abdomen she held.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked seeing her body tense up a bit by the mere sound of his deep voice.

Her lips went apart like she wanted to say something but nothing came out, silence grew between the two until Lorna finally composed herself, clearing her throat of course.

"How did you know I was out?" she asked curiously because she had been off the radar for a month, recovering inside the agency.

"I have my ways" his answer was short and simple like no further questions asked, but Lorna knew he must track her or hacked into the security footage or something. 'Such a stalker' Lorna thought grimacing.

"I asked a question," Liam said impatiently.

'And very impatient'

"Geez isn't it obvious," Lorna said rolling her eyes.

Liam raised an eyebrow at her words.

"It still hurts a bit but am good" she adds shrugging.

"Good," he said turning, attempting to jump down.

'Wait that's it?' before she could stop herself she said.

"Liam wait!"

That was the trigger the moment his name rolled off her tongue, the pull was unbearable, before Lorna could blink, her back was instantly slammed on the wall but not with much force, she gasps from the impact as Liam enclosed her with his large frame, one of his hand against the wall to keep the space, their face inches apart almost touching, Lorna's face tilted backward to meet his heated gaze due to his height.

"What did you call me?" Liam asked huskily wanting to hear his name from her lips again, the sound of his name from her lips set his body ablaze.

Lorna felt butterflies in her stomach, his body pressed against hers made her body shock in desire, yes desire, she was attracted to this man before her in ways she couldn't understand.

"I s...said...Li...Liam" she said as her cheeks heated unable to hold herself, well she wasn't the only one, without thinking Liam leans in for a kiss wanting so badly to taste those plump lips of hers.

*Static Noise*

"Liam are you there?"

His action pause instantly, his lips brushing against hers for a split second, that contact alone sent electric sparks in his body, he felt Lorna shivers from the contact also.

Lorna was frozen where she was with widening eyes, her heart slamming loudly in her chest, did the black ghoul just tried to kiss her? She panics in her head at the mere thought, her cheeks heating more than she can bear.

"Liam?" the sound came from the small device he wore in his ear, Lorna heard it and it sounds like that of a female.

"Am worried Liam, you have been gone for days".

Lorna couldn't help a stroke of pain in her chest when she heard those words, who was she? Was she his girlfriend or something? the hurt in her eyes was evident but Liam didn't seem to notice as he moved away from her body, Lorna missed the warmth but didn't intend to show it, she was hurt.

Liam clicked on the earplug, a moment of awkward silence between them.

"For what it's worth am glad you're okay," he said.

She made a hmm sound.

"Just took a bullet to the side, not the heart, I appreciate your concern, black ghoul," Lorna said adding the last part as darkly as she could with a bit of disgust wanting to irritate him.

Something flash in Liam's eyes, she couldn't tell if it was hurt or amusement, he smirks but it didn't reach his eyes.

"I can't guarantee our next meeting will be pleasant," he says.

"Has any of our meeting been pleasant?" Lorna said sarcastically, reminiscing their first encounter with the V-ghoul's and then the Claws, their meetings were always danger present or awkward.

"I hope we don't see again," she adds, her eyes pinning him down, her looks stern.

"Because next time we see I might just bury a bullet deep in your chest," she adds in amusement folding her arms.

Not what she was expecting Liam smirks a dark twisted way that set her body ablaze, those lips of his curving like that will be the death of her, a desire struck within to smash her lips on his.

"Am counting on it, Agent Hart" he said as his whole body consumed in black shadow and then black wings spreading out, he was out before she could blink, into the dark skies.

Lorna huffs. 

"I fucking need a distraction".


A music beat played in Lorna's apartment, the beats intense and loud, It was just what she needed to set her head straight, music has always had the way of taking her mind off things.

"25" she grunts with deep breaths, her hands hanging on a horizontal pole, she stretches upwards as she groaned, stretching up to meet her hands clenching the pole tightly. She stretches downwards, with a growl, her side shocking in pain but she ignores it going up again.

"26" she grunts going up once more, about five more laps she was done, dropping downwards taking deep harsh breaths, her body drenched in sweat, she walks slowly grabbing a can of water and then drinking it in one swift move taking a deep breath, she turns as her eyes lands on the balcony, memories of two nights ago flooding in her head.

"Fuck" she curses closing her eyes.

"That's it," she said final, these past days have been nothing other than thinking about that night nonstop, his scent, presence, and voice filled her head and she didn't like it, she needed to be away from it and going to the agency was just the best distraction and more importantly she needed to lay her report of what happened that day, her aunt specifically told her to rest as much as she can but she just can't stay home anymore, it was a constant reminder of that night and she wanted to avoid it as much as she can.

Figuring the agency was the best distraction right now she got ready.


Outskirts of the City

Silver-lining Manor

Alone in a private training room where a punching bag swayed slowly in front of him, Liam gave eager punches to it, his whole body drenched in sweat from his actions, he had been at it for hours nonstop, punching and kicking hard, one hard kick sent the bag flying across the wall, he sighs seeing the torn bag on the floor, Not having enough he went for another one lined up in the corner, he was just getting started.

His agile was the focus, the need to build up his body more was the main focus, he and Ghost were planning on unlocking another phase of their ability, and of course, just him had to train for that purpose, and still, this was also a distraction for him, he needed it after the encounter with the agent, his mind has been on her ever his attempt to kiss her, which was crazy of him, that night he let his attraction for her get the better of him rather than his plan of using her to get to Barbra Jones and destroying the agency from the inside out.

He hangs the bag as it dangles in the air, he set his tight fist ready for engagement, a voice came into his head.

'You are thinking about that agent aren't you' Ghost said in amusement.

In all these years these were how they communicate, with this Liam has never been alone for a second, because Ghost was practically a talkative in his head.

"Looking into my head again buddy," Liam said out loud punching the bag.

'It's what Ghost does, where is the fun in not doing it' he said chuckling in amusement.

"Typical" Liam said grunting as he punches.

"Ghost is starting to get used to these human languages, thanks for the lessons'

Liam huffs.

"I didn't teach you anything"

'Ghost listens and learns, Ghost is only five years old but smart' he chuckles.

Funny enough to Ghost, he counts his age ever since he first emerges from Liam, because his memories have always been of Liam, the rest was void.

Liam lets out a burst of dark laughter punching the bag fiercely. 

"Iris at the door" the computer program he installs in his apartment sounds.

'If you need a better distraction that chick is all you need, she's always drooling around you' Ghost said in amusement.

"Horny bastard".

'We're horny' Ghost said chuckling purposely flashing the encounter of him and Lorna three nights ago in his head.

"Dammit Ghost!"

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