Chapter 76 - Black Distraction

The door from the entrance automatically opened, Iris stood assessing the apartment as she walks in, this was her first time here, Liam had his building different from where they operate from or where the rest of the ghouls gathered, this was his apartment more like his house.

She observed the living room in awe, everywhere and everything spotless white with black designs around, the living room was so wide and big, a wide TV at the center, about five black chairs and a center table, a fireplace at the corner, she stood at the center amazed by the environment, several antiques on display as well as some painting against the walls, mostly painted with black color or dark shades, the environment was comfy and nice, everything suited to his taste.

Liam steps out shirtless wearing only loose black pants, a white towel around his neck, the moment her eyes land on him, she gulps at the sight unable to tear her eyes away from his hard ton chest, his six packs, she couldn't resist the urge to run her hands through, she also notices some slightly visible scars against his chest, but still, those abs of his were appealing, he was like a walking hot sexy god before her, she subconsciously rubs her knees together, getting wet down there.

"Um hi," she said finally breaking the silence knowing she was staring too much, he didn't want him to strike her as odd.

Liam noticed her stare as a faint smirk found his lips.

"Hi" he replied.

She shivers just by hearing his voice, she bit her lips, trying so hard to compose herself.

"You have been cooped up here for days, I was worried".

"It's how I have been living for years Iris" Liam said strolling to a fridge by the corner, bringing out a can of water.

"Okay then, well we have been trying to track down that Cassandra Williams but she's off the radar, too bad we didn't get the name of the distributor we would have at least had a lead," She said.

Liam paused his drinking action, as his mind drifts to that day.

"Any word on the hostile Claws around, there should be tons of them the drugs will surely be distributed throughout the whole city," Liam said facing her.

"Well the killings have increased, multiple deaths, the agents have been busy, the city is upside down at this point, and this will cause the hunt of innocent ghouls who has nothing to do with this," she said with a flash of anger in her eyes not liking the idea.

"We have to put a stop to this" she adds sternly.

"We will Iris, I believe Wayne Sanford has something to do with this, we find him we get all the answers we need," Liam said certainly knowing very well he was the distributor.

Iris nods.

"How are you and Rory holding up?" he asked curious about their well-being.

"Trust Rory to be having most of the fun but he's always getting on Kayla's nerves, I think he likes her," she said giggling at the thought.

"How are you holding up?"

She was taken back at his question, Her eyes instantly land on Liam's own, she smiled softly.

"Good," she said.

Liam nods at her reply.

"Just that I don't see you much," she said taking a step forward.

Liam smiles.

"You are always out doing stuff, I know you are so bent on destroying the agency but you shouldn't carry all the load yourself," She said standing right in front of him. 

Liam was silent, his eyes never left hers.

"You could share some of the load with me," she said placing a hand on his cheeks stroking it gently with her thumb.

"You don't have to do that Iris" Liam said as his eyebrow flicked together.

"I just want you to know you're not alone in this, am here for you" she assured him.

Liam forced a smile, placing a hand on hers against his cheek.

"I know," he said staring into her eyes, her lips curved into a smile as she slowly went on her tiptoes kissing him softly, Liam stood immobile at her action.

'A good distraction' Ghost said in his head.

Closing his eyes Liam kissed her back with eagerness, Iris moans at his action, she kissed him without thinking, her mind screaming at her that she shouldn't that he wasn't ready, maybe she was wrong cause right now his action said the opposite.

Liam's lips roamed hers endlessly, Iris loved the feel of his lips on hers the response straight to her core. His mouth gained assess in ways that set her body ablaze, she instinctively ran her fingers on his hard chest, she loved the feel of it as she circles them in observation, Liam groans in response deepening the kiss, their lips going up, down, and sides ways in the perfect rhythm.

Liam's hands roam her waist around her shirt, tempted to take it off, they slit beneath as his fingers assess her flat stomach, Iris gasps as his cold fingers came in contact with her skin, she shivers at his touch as his hands moved to her bra, it slides beneath cupping one of her breasts and gently squeezing it.

"Liam!" she gasped.

Liam quickly retreats his hand.

Disappointment flashed her features.

"Sorry I got carried away," Liam said, knowing very well if he continues he can't stop himself.

"Don't stop!" she said breathlessly, unable to contain the burning desire in her, as her hands rubbed the back of his neck in motion, his eyes darken instantly with desire in response as he smashed his lips on hers once more, Iris opened her mouth for his without question as he devoured every inch of her mouth with his tongue and teeth, Iris moaned loudly running her hands to his shoulder blades, Liam instinctively grabs her ass rising her up, her legs quickly wraps around his waist tightly, her fingers buried deep in his thick brunette hair.

Liam moved, walking towards his bedroom, his mouth still locked with hers.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Lorna walks into the agency removing her sunglasses, she walks straight to the transparent glass elevator, punching the number as the doors slide close. 


Tenth Floor

The elevator made a ding sound as she got off while checking her watch, she walks along the hall walking towards an entrance, the inside was filled with several desks and chairs in rows looking like a police precinct but customized differently. She walks toward her table.

"What the hell Lorna, what are you doing here?" Jesse said with wide eyes, stunned she was here, she was supposed to be resting.

"Well I need a distraction and I was bored, right here is my solitude," Lorna said taking a seat on her desk.

"A distraction?" Jesse said blinking puzzled.

Lorna just sighed arranging her desk.

"So it's just not about you recovering then" she adds raising an eyebrow.

Lorna was silent.

"Oh my God! Are you having a guy problem?" she asked as her face lit up in amusement, there were no other things than that if a girl needed distraction it was definitely to avoid the guy.

"Geez no!" Lorna snaps instantly.

Jesse smirks knowing from her outburst she was right.

Lorna wanted so badly to avoid the conversation with Jesse, she wasn't about to tell her the black ghoul all in his glory visited her apartment three nights ago and attempted to kiss her and she didn't make any move to stop him. Lorna shivers at the thought.

"Oh yes that looks like a guy problem written all over your face," Jesse says not buying that nothing was wrong.

"Am serious Jesse, no guy problem, I have enough on my plate already" Lorna said looking sideways not wanting to lock gaze with her, knowing Jesse will find out she was lying.

Jesse raised an eyebrow in amusement, knowing very well her partner was keeping something, but she just shrugs it off knowing it was about her personal life and she didn't wanna pry or make her feel awkward.

"Agent Hart!".

Their heads snap up to the top office at the voice.

Chase stood at the glass window facing their hall. Hands in his pocket, he was dressed in a white long sleeve shirt folding at the arm along with a loose tie, dark blue pants, and shoes.

"My office now!" he hissed turning back to walk out of sight.

"Oh no not the scarecrow, I came here for solitude not to face another problem" Lorna groans.

"Well if you would have just stayed home you wouldn't have to, am sure it's about your statement about the incident," Jesse said.

Lorna froze at the word statement completely forgetting she had to state everything that happened to her when she was kidnapped and explain means explaining how she got a bullet in her.

'Crap' she thought with wide eyes.

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