Chapter 77 - Black Interrogation

"Your statement is really important, it could help us in finding a lead, in this case, we need to find the drug dealers, the past month multiple hostile Claws around the city," Jesse said.

Lorna gulps hard rising to her feet.

"Look Lorna if you're not up for it you tell him, am sure you went through something traumatic, you can lay your statement later," Jesse said worriedly of her well-being.

"It's okay Jess," Lorna said forcing a smile as she walks towards Chase office with an unreadable expression


The door slides open as she walks into the wide well-furnished office of Chase Wyatt's.

"Take a seat" he motioned from where he sat pointing at the front of his desk.

Lorna did as she was told, taking a seat.

"You should be resting," he said noticing when she held her side as she sat.

"Laying around won't help me," she said forcing a smile.

Chase nods.

"You can resume back to work but you will be on desk duty for the meantime, it's for your good," he said sternly.

'Wow' she thought with wide eyes, where was the stone-hearted, Chase? Who was this in front of her?

"Am sure you know I need details on what happened that day" he began, his eyes held seriousness.

Lorna gulps nodding.

"Well?" he raised an eyebrow.

"The Claw, one of the Claws Cassandra Williams she said the drugs are called G-st, they have to keep taking them or they will die" she explained.


"It's all fuzzy and all but am pretty sure the black Ghoul came, I think he needed the name of the drug dealer".

"And did you get it?"

"She was very stubborn she kept her mouth shut, all she was blabbering about was getting a cure that the only way was to kill the black ghoul".

Chase gave her a look.

"Yes sir there's a bounty on his head, every drug addict will be coming for him," she said sighing. She could at least share that info with him, in exchange for keeping the rest out.

"How did you get shot with the agency-assigned gun?"

She froze at the question, she silently prayed he wouldn't ask her that but she was wrong, Chase was very vigilant in everything he does. 

"I-it was Cassandra, she went on a rampage as I tried to escape and she was angry the black ghoul killed her boyfriend and the rest of her team, so she wanted to get back at me".

Chase nods at getting at her statement, making a hmm sound, relaxing on his chair. 

Lorna's fingers played with the hem of her jacket luckily Chase didn't notice because of the table in between them, she was nervous and scared never for once has she ever given a false statement, she always stayed true to her reports and her oath to her agency, was she throwing that away for the black ghoul?

"Then tell me..." he began reaching for his drawer pulling out a cloth in a transparent poly bag.

Lorna stares puzzled at it, it was her shirt from when she got shot, it was still stained with her blood.

"What is the black ghoul print doing all over your shirt?" he demands.



Outskirts Of The City 

The Silver-lining Manor

Liam got off the bed, putting on his black pants and white shirt.

"Where are you going?" Iris asked huskily turning to face him naked on his bed.

"To train" his answer was short and simple.

"You could just stay in bed with me" she offers going on her knees on the bed, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, she purposely pressed her bare breast against his back trying to get a reaction from him.

She couldn't get her mind off their session, it played over her head over and over again, how he pushed her to the edge making her feel extraordinary, she had been with guys before but none made her feel how Liam did and it got her heart slamming loudly in her chest.

Liam held her hands turning, she met with his unreadable eyes, it was so hard to read, she wanted to know at least if he enjoyed himself as she did.

"Rory and the rest are trying to track down Cassandra, she has to get to her before the agency," Liam said pulling some strands of her hair behind her ear, it was just a simple move but she shivers from it.

"Am working on something with Ghost, if I ever face Wayne again I have to make sure I kill him" he said with a faint smile that didn't reach his eyes.

But Iris could tell it was about the thought of killing Wayne, Iris's features dropped in a frown but she composed herself with a smile. 

"Sure," She said letting him go.

A kiss on her forehead was all he did, from the feel of it she felt no affection, it was just a simple move also. 

She watches as he walks away, she grabbed the sheets around her naked body lost in thought, she couldn't tell what he was thinking, he was like a stone wall, the man she knew three years ago wasn't this man she was seeing, the Liam she knew was affectionate and got worried when anything he couldn't handle got out of hand, he talks more and smiles more and jokes around with them, what happened to the man she knew? Did she make a mistake by sleeping with him thinking he felt the same way she did? Did he even feel anything anymore? Those questions were left unanswered in her head


Section Three 

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Lorna's palm felt sweaty, her mind in a haze she gulps constantly trying to think about a solution to does, she had no idea Chase would this far as testing her shirt for evidence, what was she a suspect? Was the agency suspecting her or something? Maybe they were.

"Lorna!" he hissed impatiently, she has been silent ever since he asked the question and it didn't sit well with me.

"Look sir I don't get where this is coming from but I have already given you my statement!" she hissed back at him.

"Did you just raise your voice at me?" Chase said as his eyes flash in anger. 


"Am sorry sir but I don't get why my statement is turning into an interrogation".

"Because of this," he said pointing to her shirt.

"For fuck sake Lorna this is enough to pin you as conspiring with the black ghoul"

"But I wasn't! Why was my shirt even tested in the first place when I was on the verge of dying" Lorna said hurt by his actions, her chest tightens in response, it was like her own agency didn't even trust her, well can she blame them? She was after all covering for the black ghoul.

"You had a bullet buried in your stomach Lorna as far as am concern I have been on this job longer than you have, Claws or Ghouls don't use weapons against agents they practically devour them or maul them to death, guns are used against ghouls, not the opposite," he said.

What he said makes sense, ghouls never used weapons against the agency just their Claws which they depended solely on.

Lorna looks away her body boiling in anger, she knew she was in a wrong here, she knew this was her fault and now everything was slapping her right in the face.

"I told you everything was fuzzy and mixed up, All I knew was I wanted to survive" she faces him.

"Was that the wrong thing to do? I was the only human in that woods surrounded by hungry Claws" she states.

Chase sighed leaning back on his chair never taking his eyes off her so does Lorna.

"I can't help but say this but you're a suspect in this case so for two months desk duty and you're off the case," he said sternly.

Lorna froze as her mouth hung open.

"A suspect? Desk duty for a month? And am off the case?" she said stun.

"Yes no further argument, you're dismissed!" he said resuming what he was doing, going through the files on the desk.

Lorna gasps in frustration as she got off her feet storming out of the office she went downstairs and is met with tons of stares from the rest of the agents. They must have heard, news travels fast in the agency.

Ignoring them she took her seat.

"Lorna" Jesse began with a look of worry.

"Is it true about the black ghoul prints?"

'God why me?' did she have to lie to her partner too, why was she doing it anyway, it was not like he asks her to, her body is just moving on her own accord. Was he even worth it?

"Lorna!" an agent walks up to her.

Her head shot up at the sound of her name.

"The Captain wants to see you".

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