Chapter 78 - Black Info

A pile of papers dropped to the table.

"How the hell did you get caught up in this Lorna" Barbra said rubbing her temples.

"Look Aunt it wasn't my fault my shirt had the black ghoul prints all over it, what Agent Wyatt did was wrong how could he go that far as viewing me as a suspect, what will the rest of the team think? That I had a hand in the drugs or that I manipulated being kidnappped or that I hurt Jesse and got myself shot?" Lorna said.

'Okay I did get myself shot but blamed FOR THE REST?' she thought in her head.

"I know you had nothing to do with this, but Chase has to follow protocols which are mine"

"So you told him to view me as a suspect and kick me out of the case?"

"It's understandable Lorna you don't get to question that and not giving you special treatment".

"I didn't ask for your special treatment, fine you raised me after my parents died but I worked my way into the agency without your influence," she said proudly because Lorna was a woman of her own. 

"I see," Barbra said folding her arms knowing what she said was true.

"Fine then, I didn't intend on giving you one either, just lay low and don't cause any more attention on yourself as you already have"

"I didn't mean for any of this" Lorna said through gritted teeth. 

"At least reduce my desk duty or something, two months is a long way" 

"Now who's depending now," she said smirking.

Lorna rolls her eyes.

"Well, you're the boss".

"That's right," she said in a glint of amusement but it wasn't a pleasant one.

The door slide open as Mia rushed in.

"Captain," she said haste.

"What is it?"

"We get Intel on the drugs" she began.

Lorna's gaze snaps to hers at the sound of that.

Mia handled Barbra her transparent iPad, seeing the info. 

"We traced several drugs in the city until we got to the one we were looking for" she states.

"G-st," Lorna said with wide eyes.

Mia stares at her puzzled at the name.

"It's the name of the drug"

Mia just nods at the discovery, she faced Barbra.

"One of our inside man in the streets got Intel about a grand ball tomorrow night"

'A ball?' Lorna thought puzzled, what does a ball have to do with drugs?

"But it's a cover-up for a drug dealing, they are planning on selling that night" Mia adds.

"A grand ball for selling drugs. Now we have a hint of who the drug dealer might be, it will be someone of high status, a billionaire more or less" Barbra said amused.

"So our drug dealer is a rich ghoul?" Lorna said raising an eyebrow.

"This all points to Wayne Sanford or the black ghoul, they both have influence and are able to keep off the radar, no info or backgrounds on them, it would take tons to pull that strings," Mia said certain.

'The black ghoul doesn't have a hand in this, it's most likely Wayne' Lorna thought certain.

"I need my best agents in that ball undercover, come up with an organization and make sure we stand out to blend in, we need to know if they are dealing G-st that night, Chase will be in charge" Barbra states.

"Yes Captain will let him know," Mia said rushing out.

"You have to let me on this mission," Lorna said.

"You're on desk duty and out of the case," she said finally taking her seat.

Lorna sighs in frustration.


Outskirts of the City 

The Silver-lining Manor

Kayla drew the info from her transparent iPad to the wide desk holding air computers.

"A ball?" Rory huffs.

"Yes a grand one at that, I have a friend there a drug addict" Kayla began.

"Obviously a Claw now" she adds with sad eyes, she had known him since back then she was in New York with her parents, they attend the same high school, sadly he was now a walking Claw.

"You shouldn't have gone that far, those Claws are my enemies," Liam said a stern look, his arm folded against his broad chest.

"I know boss am sorry, I promise I didn't let him know am working for you, and we needed info on the drugs and he was willing to help," Kayla said guiltily.

"What's the catch then?" Glay asked knowing there is.

"If I lend him money to buy more drugs," she said in a tone too low but they hear her due to their enhanced hearing.

"It appears they have to keep taking the drugs or they die" she adds.

"That's sick," Iris said grimacing.

"And there's something else".

"What?" Sean asked.

Her eyes land on Liam. 

"There's a bounty on your head boss, your death for the cure".

Liam huffs.

"Sounds like Wayne to me, he's been so bent on killing me ever since I declined his offer, I wouldn't be so surprised he's sending drugs addicts to do his dirty work," he said in amusement, itching to kill Wayne the more. 

'Ghost can't wait to rip his heart out' Ghost growls in his head.

"And more, the people attending the ball are high-class people, not just people, ghouls crazy rich ghouls staying out of the system," Kayla said.

"Am sure the agency has picked up on this already, won't they like raid the place or something" Race said knowing the agency will storm the place without a second thought.

"Well it's just not any ball," she said displaying the invite on the screen.

"It's a masked ball"

"Hidden under the shadow while doing their dirty works," Liam said amuse, it was dark and twisted.

"I will attend the ball, there's no order option but am not going alone" he adds as his eyes land on Iris, she shyly met his.

"And I will need a partner".


Section Three 

Ghoul Investigator Headquarters (GIH) 

Lorna silently walks back to her desk, the rest of the agent's eyes still on her but she ignores them.

She groans taking her seat.

"How did it go?" Jesse asked.

"Well it's all my aunt it seems, still stuck on a desk study and a suspect" Lorna said frowning.

"Am sorry I know you're going through a lot am sure there's an explanation why the black ghoul prints were all over you, he might have reached out when you were shot trying to harm you and then flee when we storm the area" she said forcing a smile.

'I wish all that was the case' Lorna thought but it was the opposite.

"I-I have to clear my name or something, I swear I have nothing to do with the drugs" Lorna faced her with pleading eyes.

"I know I believe you but there's nothing you can do, you just have to stay low for two months, hopefully it will die down," she said rubbing her shoulder to give her reassurance.

'Stay quiet? For two months' Lorna thought running her fingers in her hair, how could she do that when the rest of her colleagues gave her a suspicious look. She was definitely putting a bullet in the black ghoul's chest when she sees him next, she was counting on it.

A report came in Jesse's iPad.

"Wow seems like I got selected in the mission everyone is talking about, a grand freaking ball with tons of ghouls, great" Jesse said shivering at the idea of being undercover as a ghoul in the midst of flesh-eating monster's, she gulps hard.



"Can I ask you for a favor?"

Jesse's eyes drift away from her iPad to Lorna's gaze, her eyes widen in realization.

"NO!" She yelled gaining the attention of others, but quickly lower her voice.

"I know that look there's no freaking way" she warns.

"Come on Jess this is my chance, if I get Wayne myself I can clear this suspicion and get off desk duty, everyone goes home happy".

"Really Lorna, really? You're crazy to go that far as kill the leader of the pack of savaging V-ghouls' and a drug dealer, you're nuts!"

"But it's the only way, you have to help me into the ball" she pleads.

"Are you trying to get yourself kicked out of the agency?" Jesse said stun.

"And get me in trouble for helping you, oh it's definitely fucked up if Agent Wyatt's finds out" she adds looking sideways. 

Lorna placed a hand on hers. 

"No one will know you helped me, once I get in leave the rest to me," she said.

Jesse sighs in defeat.

"Well you don't have to worry much, it's a masked ball, getting you in won't be a problem".

"Thanks, Jesse this means a lot to me," Lorna said smiling sincerely.

"Just don't get caught or I kill you myself" she threatens.

Lorna giggles 

"Well even if I get caught, you have nothing to do with it,  I go down alone".

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