Chapter 82 - Epilogue

The classical music changed to another rhythm, other partners filled the dance floor following with the loud beats.

Lorna's eyes caught Liam and Iris dancing.

She faces Chase.

"Okay this particular song is about changing dance partners," Lorna said.

"So what's the plan?" he asked spinning her for a brief second.

"We swap with the black ghoul, I think I can get answers from him," she said coming back to him.

"What makes you think he will disclose any info to you?"

"Well because he doesn't know my identity, he thinks am a ghoul so will just have a friendly ghoul chat" she shrugs.

"That's a stupid plan," Chase said scowling, a beat came in.

"Well too late," she said leaving his arms and then spinning.

Before Chase could act Iris was now in his arms, he mentally cursed but forced a smile on the outside, his eyes drift to Lorna locked in the black ghoul arms, he felt unease.

"Well this is a surprise," Liam said amused, grabbing her waist tightly as they waltz.

"If it's isn't the famous ghoul in the city," Lorna said amused.

"I'm a fan, trust me every ghoul is" she shrugs.

With a dark smirk, Liam leans closer to her.

"Are we seriously playing this game right now" he whispers close to her ear, she shivers in his deep voice.


The color from her face drains instantly. 'He fucking knows' she thought with wide eyes, before she could ask why, Liam spins her clockwise, she spins back to Chase's arms.

"What's wrong?" Chase ask as a flush of worry found his features, she looked unease.

"Um nothing, am fine, I just need more time," she said.

"Keep the lady close and swap with another partner," she said as the beat came in again.

"Lor-" before he could say anything, she spins back to Liam.

"Twice in a row, keep tempting me agent or I won't let go next time," Liam said amused.

"H-how d-did y-you-"

"Your eyes gave you away" he cut her words, spinning her clockwise for a brief second.

She gulps coming back to his arms, he held her firm and tightly like he didn't want to let go.

The music changed to a slow beat as the lights dim down, they stop waltzing and moved slowly with the beat, it took a minute of silence before she broke it. 

"Why? Because it's like Riley?" Lorna said in a sassy manner, she couldn't help the pain in her chest knowing that was his only reason.

"No, because I knew it belongs to one particular agent am desperately trying to avoid," he said in a bored tone.

"The feelings mutual," Lorna said sternly.

Liam roughly pushed her body more to him, Lorna gasp from the impact biting her lips.

"Really now, then why do I sense hesitant in your voice," he said softly, their faces inches apart, their eyes locked in one another. Liam's hand on her waist slowly trails her exposed back, she shivers as his fingers brush against her smooth skin running up and down the center sensually, she bit her lips once more fighting a moan that threatens to escape her lips.

Liam smirks knowing the effect he had on her and it turned him on and set his body ablaze.

"Tell me Lorna" he whispers.

"Why are you resisting" he adds huskily.

A faint moan escapes her lips, Liam's smirk grew wider.

"You have no idea what you are doing to me," Liam said as his other hand traces her side outlining her curves, a wave of desire struck through her body like wildfire. Her hands tighten against his shoulder blades. 'Get it together Lorna' she mentally slaps herself, she had work to do, not drooling over a handsome man that stole each breath away from her, she needed to focus on the goal at hand, or else more suspicion will be on her from her team.

"That woman Linda Sanford, she's the drug dealer isn't she?" Lorna asked.

"Your agency questions your survival don't they," Liam asked avoiding her question with his.

Lorna froze at the sudden question.

"Living through me three times will certainly raise suspicion" he tilts his head to the side as they slowly met the beat of the music.

"You should be detained or worse for siding with me unless," he said brushing his face against her side face, Lorna shivers at the contact as her body ran hotter by the second, she burned for his touch against her skin more.

"You didn't tell them what happened" he adds burying his head in her neck inhaling her wonder scent that smells of cinnamon and rose, it gave him the comfort he never thought he could find ever since Riley. Her hair was packed up so he got a better view of her neck, his eyes soften seeing no birthmark as Riley had, it was proof this woman that mysteriously resembles his lover wasn't her and what struck him the most, his unusual feelings towards this agent was still evident, he could feel it with every fiber of his bone and it scared him.

"Do I have a choice?!", the sweet sound of her voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"What do you expect me to tell them Uh? That I told a bullet for the most dangerous ghoul ever? The very enemy of the company I work for?".

He slowly redrew from her neck facing her.

"And what do you expect?" he began with tender eyes she never knew he had, he always had a hard look but right now she could finally see his emotions written all over his face, confusion, sadness, longing, and pain.

"Tell my organization I have a soft spot for an agent who works for the very agency that took everything away from me," he said as his eyes harden and his expression blank.

"The very niece of the one woman I despise with every fiber of my being".

Her eyes shake in horror knowing what he meant, what did her aunt do to him to turn him into such a cold-hearted person?

"Barbra Jones," he said the name with distaste as the music stops, he pulls away from her, she missed his touch and hold, she felt like she was losing her mind, her lips went apart, the words hung in her throat.

He turns walking away. Lorna stood frozen in time as applause were made at the excellent dance, her hands tighten on either side of her gown, as she took a harsh breath, the tears she held in on the blink of falling, she felt empty and lost without his presence right now, she felt sad and hurt for him, she couldn't breathe, what was this pull she just suddenly felt like thousand tons of bricks.

"Lorna" Chase's voice came in but it was deaf to her ears as she did the unthinkable, she ran towards him.

Raising her gown a bit so that it wouldn't get in the way of her heels, she passes through the crowd going back to their seats, she looks around but she couldn't find him, she so desperately wants to, her eyes found the stairs leading to the up floor, she rushes climbing up, going straight to the up floor, it was secluded along with the lobby and a bit dark, the lights came from the wide windows and then she saw him.

"Liam!" she called, his steps halt instantly but he didn't turn.

Liam froze when he heard her voice, the sound of his name running through her lips was like angels singing, in frustration, he loosens his tie with a growl as he turns marching towards her before she could think or act he smashes his lips on her's rough, she moaned loudly at the impact as Liam helplessly hungrily devours her lips, his hands cups her face deepening the kiss with desperation as he gains asses to her teeth, tongue, tasting every flavor of her mouth with dominance.

Lorna desperately ran her fingers in his thick brunette hair in passion, moans escape her lips as Liam devours every inch of her mouth like a mad man, their desires evident in the air, their bodies brushing against each other as the heat rises between them, both so badly want each other. Liam wanted so badly to rip her gown off and taste every each of her skin until she was screaming his Liam only and no one else, he wanted to get down on his knees and taste her and feel all parts of her till she screams for more.

But a dark giggle came in distracting them from their moment of passion.

Liam broke the kiss turning.

There Cassandra stood a few distances away from them, her arms folded.

"I knew I smelt something funny," she said amused.

"Cassandra?" Lorna said, she could recognize that voice from anywhere.

"An agent in our midst," she said cracking her head as two Claws crawled on the walls both sides of her snarling dangerously.

Liam's looks darken as his eyes changed to his ghoul ones.

"I don't know why my mother intends on keeping you alive," Wayne said coming forth beside Cassandra.

"I should be ghoul king, I should wield the greater power, you are not worthy of that, just look at you, getting your hands all over an agent, a human" he spat.

Lorna shivers at his harsh words, she slowly reaches for her exposed lap showing from the gown cut-out style grabbing a device.

She felt Liam's hand on hers, stopping her from pulling it out, she faces him but he didn't look back he still looked gaze of the two.

'A signal' she thought in realization.

"Kill!" Wayne hissed as the Claws against the wall came at them in speed, clashing the side windows as they did, they roared as they jump at them.

"Duck!" Liam hissed as his body erupts in black shadow, Lorna quickly did as she was told pulling out the device, it shifts into a gun making an automatic sound powering up.

Liam hand ducks in one of the Claw's chest ripping the heart out.

With one shot from Lorna's gun, the other Claw drops dead.

Wayne merges with his Claw roaring dangerously coming at them in speed. Ghost zapped out of Liam grabbing Lorna, in a blink she was behind Cassandra, pointing the gun at her back, she froze.

Ghost zaps out stopping Wayne's Claw before it reaches Liam, Ghost chuckles darkly as he crushes Wayne's hand, he roars in pain going on one knee.

Lorna was about to pull the trigger when Cassandra's elbow slams her face, Lorna groaned taking a step backward. She faces Lorna smirking as she transforms.

"Great" Lorna said clicking her gun pointing at Cassandra, she fires but she dodges it, her sharp class came for Lorna's head but she dodges it and kept shooting. Casandra snarls going on all fours climbing on the walls to dodge the bullets.

"Don't think I will let you live this time," Liam said as Ghost aimed for his chest. 

Wayne chuckles.

"What happens when the agents you fancy turns into one of those Claws" he growls.

Liam froze.

"CASSANDRA!" Wayne roars.

Cassandra got down transforming back to her human self as Lorna stops firing due to her loss of bullets, she smirks as she brought out a sachet of the drug, clawing it with her sharp nails, and then waving it at Lorna's face, the dust came as she inhaled it.

"An eye for an eye" Cassandra said fulfill getting revenge for the death of her boyfriend.

Liam saw red.

"GHOST!" he shouts as he rips out's Wayne heart out, his body drops dead with wide eyes dropping to the ground transforming back to his human self on the pool of his blood.

Cassandra turns snarling like the animal she was frozen but as Liam was in front of her in a split second snapping her neck backward, she drops to the ground lifeless.

Liam watches in horror as Lorna took harsh breaths like she was having a panic attack as the green veins creep through her skin straight to her eyes, they changed, the white part black and the color of her eyes green. She looks up at Liam.

"Liam!" she said with tears in her eyes.

To Be Continued...

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