Chapter 83 - Prologue

*Heart Beats Slowly*






*Sharp Breaths*






*Slight Groans*






*Solemn Silence*






*Continuous Heart Beat*

Lorna's green eyes were on her arms, watching the green vein creep her skin slowly, moving and beaming like a pulse, panic filled her body like a rush of adrenaline, the tears at the corner of her eyes threatening to fall, her breaths uneven as she watches the horror unfold right in front of her.

Her gaze shifted to worried ghoul ones, a mix of panic, shock, and the pain was evident on his face all a once as he stood there frozen, unable to think or act.

"Liam!" Lorna said in a broken voice as the tears fell, wetting the mask she wore, she knew it was over, she could feel it, her every being was shifting to what she feared most, her body was readjusting and transforming, it took one sniff of the drug to turn her world apart and she was scared of the outcome cause she knew in heart she would sneak for blood and flesh just like the rest of the Claws.

"Lorna," Liam said with shaky eyes, she could see in his eyes the shock and panic, she knew just then her eyes might have changed to that of a ghoul, she could feel it.

He took a step closer wanting to be close to her and find how to stop this nightmare if it was in his power to do so.

"DON'T!" she shouts with that of the monster forming inside, it sounded double and rough, the tears fell more knowing she was slowly losing herself. Liam stops instantly at the sound of her abnormal voice.

"I don't wanna hurt you" she broke in more tears unable to contain the pain, her human life was practically over at this point, there was no going back.

She held her hair in a tight grip shaking her head negatively like she was losing it, Liam another step, didn't he hear her the first time?

"Please don't," she said moving back slowly, she didn't want to hurt him or hunger for his flesh, it made her sick of even thinking of it.

He still came for her step by step not stopping and she keeps going backward in fear of doing the unthinkable now the monster was taking over.

She felt her body shifting, she panics more going back in a haste but she stumbles on her heels, her body reaching for the floor but strong arms caught her before her body found the cold floor, he held her firm not minding if she was slowly turning into a Claw.

"Am not staying away from you" he said with a firm voice, the tears keep dripping uncontrollably as she tightens her fingers on his suit not wanting to let go.

"Please don't let me turn into a monster" she pleads with teary eyes.

"Kill me if I change" she adds with shaky eyes, she could see the flash of darkness in his ghoul ones as his grip tightens on her, she instantly regrets saying those words but what other choice do they have, sooner or later she could turn into something she can't control.

She felt something cold run down her nose, Liam slowly wipes it off, it was blood but it was green in color.

"Something doesn't smell right" Ghost's deep rough voice sounds behind them.

Suddenly her eyes and ears bleed also, in green blood.

"Ghost what's happening to her" Liam hissed in a panic worried this might turn into something more or was this how the change happens?

Lorna was light-headed as her eyes changed to their normal green ones, her vision blurred as her eyes bleed more.

"Ghost doesn't know but it feels like her body is fighting the drug, Ghost can smell it," Ghost said sternly, he smelt something also but he couldn't quite place the scent.

"Is that even possible?" Liam said confused cause he knew even though it was hard to admit it, she should be transforming but the opposite was happening.

"LORNA!" a voice came in along with some loud footsteps.

"Liam" she began weakly knowing her body would give out any second.

"You have to get out of here, they can't find you," she says knowing it was Chase that called her name, she was sure the rest of the agents were coming also, maybe they raid the party or something.

"I said I'm not leaving you," Liam said with clenched teeth holding unto her tightly.

"Liam please" she begged.

He stares into her eyes seeing her pain, he knew just then he had to leave or else more suspicion will be on her and he didn't want that, but still he couldn't just bring himself to leave her out here while she bleeds out of the unknown.

"They can't see you here with me, I will cover-up," she says weakly holding on to the bit of consciousness she had before her body gave out, she had to make sure he leaves not just because she would be caught for being with him but she wanted him safe.

With an unreadable expression, Liam pulls away from her, merging Ghost in a black shadow.

"I will be back for you," Liam said in a double voice of him and Ghost as black wings spread out, he dashes out the window.

Lorna laid on the cold floor paralyzed, her body no wonder felt like it was shifting, for an odd reason she felt calm and peaceful as the world around her turns to darkness, hearing her name once more as strong arms grab her.


A building away Liam watches from the ceiling he stood on, removing his mask, he watches as the rest of the agents gathered her, he hated he had to leave her vulnerable, he hated he had to leave her side when he needed to be by her, but the reality still suck in like cold water, she was an agent and the line they cross was forbidden and dangerous but there was no turning back now.

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