Chapter 87 - Black Heart (Part 1)

Three Years Ago

The Year 2021

Beneath the agency (Project Z)

"DAD!" Liam shouts, he was pinned to the wall by Seth's bones sticking out his back.

Steve halts instantly.

"Why are you doing this?" he adds with shaky eyes, the tears threaten to fall. He didn't understand why his dad would do this to him, betray him, he was working for the very agency that tore their family apart, what possible reason could it be?

"For a better future Liam".

For a better future? It didn't make any sense, how would betraying him be for a Better Future, this kept stabbing at the back of his head like a drum. There was only one true explanation for this, Steve was working for the agency and the reason why their mission went sideways.

Steve began walking away not turning his back. 

"DAD!" Liam shouts again but he didn't turn. Liam kept shouting, kept calling him but he didn't respond, just like that his father walks away from him without looking back, that very moment was the greatest betrayer ever and Liam would never FORGET. 


Present Day 

The Year 2024

Liam's fist clenched tightly almost drawing blood, black veins creep out around it, his eyes beaming dangerously ready to lash out any second, the memories of three years ago kept playing in his head, over and over again.

"I must be seeing things," Steve said removing his glasses, wiping them with his lab coat.

Liam's side face turns only, the corner of his eyes fixed on him dangerously as his blood boils in pain and anger, the very man that turned his back at him, the very man he selflessly called Father. His teeth clenched just by the word father, it made him more pissed.

Steve sluggishly puts on his glasses, Liam crossed his mind, ready to rip his heart out in a blink, he was itching to do so. 

He wore it straightening up, the doors instantly barge open covering Liam from the view, Liam froze when he saw Lorna with sharp breaths holding the door open, he faces forward. What was she thinking?

"Lorna what are you doing? You can't be out of bed" Steve said as worry flushed his features rushing to her side.

Lorna instantly went on her knees taking harsh breaths, he held her steady. 

"Are you out of your mind?" he said placing his palm on her forehead to check her temperature and then his watch to narrow it down. 

"You're burning up".

"I know am sorry I-I needed water, I was thirsty," she said her breath calms down, she looks behind, sighing a breath of relief, Liam was gone. 'Thank God' she sighs in relief, she overheard Steve calling Liam's name, panic filled her body knowing he would get caught, she had to think of something, thankfully her reckless attempt did the trick, She pauses for a minute, 'Why did Doctor Steve call Liam by his name?' she thought puzzled, something wasn't right, something was off.

"Did any doctor visit you while I was away?".

Steve's question broke her out of her trance.

"Um no! No, I didn't see anyone" she answers biting her lips a bit in nervousness hoping he didn't catch her white lie.

Steve smiles warmly.

"Then I guess I require new glasses then, mine is getting pretty old," he said in amusement.

Lorna giggles slightly uncomfortable.

"Let's get you to bed, the more you rest the faster your body with recover," He said helping her up to her feet, he stole glances at the empty halls before going in, the door shutting behind.


In a quiet neighborhood, Liam walks towards his bike parked in a corner, he was dressed in all black, black pants, a black shirt, a black jacket, and black shoes. His expression in a foul mood, he grabs his helmet, his whole body boils, his father's face played in his head, the wicked smirk he had when he cleaned his glasses, he knew, he knew he was there but played it like he was insignificant, was this a game to him? 

In a rage, Liam slams his helmet on his bike growling, with each hit it wasn't enough to rip his father's sick amusement in his head.

He shouts with anger as with one hard kick to his bike it slams the wall hard causing a crack, he flings the helmet pressing his head on the wall, he tightens fist at both sides, above his head, he calms his breath down as much as he could.

*Static noise*

"Boss" Kayla's voice came in.


"B-Boss are you okay?" her voice sounded shaky, he immediately regrets raising his voice.

"I'm fine... J-Just send in a car to pick me up" Liam said leaning his back against the wall taking a deep breath.

"A car? Why? What happened to your bike?"

Liam turns to his bike making a cranking noise before hitting the ground in a loud crash sound.

"A minor accident," Liam said.

"Just order a new one" he adds.


"There, this will do," Steve said changing Lorna's drip. 

Unable to contain the curiously overwhelming her she asked.

"I heard you call the black ghoul's name".

He paused his action instantly, he shrugs.

"Well, I thought I saw him".

"The way you called him" she gulps.

"It was like you knew him".

He faced her.

"Who doesn't know the black ghoul Lorna," he said amused.

"Will see you in a bit, try not to move around this time," he said turning to walk away.

"What did my medical reports say?" she demands, she needed answers to why it was changed, it was futile to attempt, she just hoped she would get answers.

He halts instantly.

"Jess said the drug didn't get to my system, I know you know it did, you said it yourself I'm immune".

He turns to her amused.

"The reports came out later on Lorna, turns out immunity wasn't the case, it was a narrow escape for you," he said firmly before walking away.

Lorna watch as the white door shuts close.

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