Chapter 88 - Black Heart (Part 2)

Outskirts Of The City 

Silver-lining Manor 

Iris paced in front of the Silver-lining Manor, her arms folded, she turns when a black car drop-in, the door open as Liam got down.

"Iris," he said puzzled, she rushed and hug him tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly, going on her tiptoes to reach his height.

Liam just stood frozen, his hands still at his side not embracing her.

"It's been days Liam," she said shakily not wanting to let go.

"You've been acting strange".

Liam was silent, his eyes glued to the floor, not getting a response from him, she broke the hug pulling away.

"You've got an organization to look out for" she began sternly.

"You have a purpose, that one purpose to bring down the agency and I understand if you have to use that agent to get to your goal".

Liam blinks as his head snaps to face her.

"Who told you that?!" he demands.

"Sean did and it's okay I understand she's your trump card, I understand you have to use her," she said taking a step closer to him placing her hands on his hard chest.

"But you must not get carried away, even if she looks like Riley, she's not her, Riley is dead," she said firm not taking her gaze off him as did he, his eyes darkens.

Liam placed his hand on hers on his chest pulling it away, she gasps at his action.

"I'm very well aware of that," he said darkly walking away, leaving a stunned Iris.

She huffs sassy, running her fingers in her hair.


Sean was busy in the wide lab specially made for him, with all equipment he could use. His eyes in a binocular of a microscope staring at the sample he assesses, he sighs moving his face away from it leaning on his chair, his eyes drift to Liam's white shirt on the table, he grabs it observing the green blood on it.

"How's this possible," he said puzzled.

The doors slide open as Liam walks in.

"What did you find?!" Liam demands leaning his hands on the table.

"Well it's nice to see you too after days, you need a shave" Sean points out referring to the bits of hairs on his jaw and side face, it was hard to notice if he was far away but well-defined upfront.


"Okay fine I tested the green blood on your shirt belonging to this agent, I think she's immune to the drugs," Sean said still finding it hard to believe, for a human, she would have transformed by now, for ghouls it was immediate death.

"She said something like that too, but they changed her reports," Liam said in confusion.

"Wait you went to see her?" Sean said stun staring at Liam like he had two heads. 

"Liam do you realize what could have happened if you were caught?" he reasons.

"Look I know it was stupid but I had to see her," Liam said firmly.

"Liam!" Sean began with a stern look.

"Is she still your trump card or is it turning into something more? I need to hear it from you".

Liam's eyes soften for a brief second but went back to being cold.

"It's not and it won't, I need to get her to gain my trust," Liam said darkly.

"Good, cause you how bad it will end up if you let any feelings get in the way, she's an agent, not just any agent, she's the niece of Barbra Jones that bitch" Sean said scowling.

"I know".


Liam stood in front of the widescreen computer showing different footage and files, one, in particular, was in front, detailed info on Lorna Hart showing, her picture present. His gaze locked with her green eyes. The words of Sean rang in his head, his mind flashed back to their dance at the ball, when his eyes found her neck, it was bare no birthmark and yet even after finding that out, the pull towards her was still evident and he didn't know why.

He turned on his heels walking away leaving the hall with an unreadable expression.


Section Three 

Ghoul Investigator headquarter (GIH) 

Thirtieth Floor 

Barbra sat reading a file on her desk, it was Lorna's real medical reports, a scowl against her features mixed with confusion, she taps her long nails on her desk, it made a click sound, the other hand against her jaw in deep thought.

Tenth Floor

Steve was in his private Lab, a mixture of blood in his front, he grabs one titled Riley another was on the blood crate titled Lorna, he smirks.

"Soon Liam, you will understand," he said softly in amusement, his eyes drift to the family picture on the table, consisting of Liam, Jenna, Chloe, and him. His smirk broadens more, he was close very close, this discovery he just recently obtains was a bonus for him, something he never thought would happen and it all made sense now, all that was remaining for the final puzzle was Ghost but that was a long way to come.

"Ghost," he thought with shaky eyes, he has to awaken soon cause for now he was just a baby with no memories and Lorna was the key, it was only a matter of time and his years of work will finally pay off.


Outskirts Of The City 

Silver-lining Manor 

Liam was on the bed fast asleep, he was still fully clothed, his one hand fell from the bed holding a bottle of beer, about five more were scattered close to the bed, Ghost surges out of him wearing a deep scowl, he stood hunching staring out the window, his eyes caught the full moon at its highest peak, his head moved to face his hand, his fingers embodied with sharp deadly claws, it trembled.

"Ghost" Liam groans his eyes half open half close as he held his head growling.

"Why are you out?" he grumbles rolling to the other side.

"Ghost had a dream," he said growling.

Liam chuckles using the black blanket to cover his head.

"Claws don't dream, you aren't even human" he grumbles drifting to sleep in an instance.

Ghost head faces the moon back, it reminded him of his dream.

"Ghost saw white Claw, so beautiful"

In his head, Liam heard his words, but the sleep and the drunk state he was in consume his thoughts in darkness.

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