Chapter 92 - Black Mission

"This is Cain" Chase said as the wide transparent screen computer in his office showed a profile picture of Cain. He looked in his late thirties, tattoo's all over his naked chest up to his neck and the corner of his face. He had dark blue short hair and black eyes.

"According to our Intel, he's a Claw walker dealing G-st" he adds.

"Then he should know the manufacturer" Natasha spoke up.

"Yes that's our hunch, we get Cain, we get to the manufacturer which means we have to catch him as fast as possible" Chase said pressing a button, a warehouse in the city showed.

"This is their workplace where they package the drugs after buying it, there's more of them there".

"Claw walkers," Lorna said sternly.


"So it's our job to infiltrate the warehouse and get Cain, just five of us?" Johnny said puzzled.

"For now five of you were specially recommended for this mission others will be joining soon if needed" Chase answers.

"If needed? We are about to storm a warehouse full of Claw Walkers... God knows how many" Lorna snaps.

All attention drifts to her, Chase's eyes soften.

"You're not attacking the warehouse, it's not necessary, just taking Cain," he said.

"Which means five of us to apprehend just one criminal," Vincent said folding his arms.

"I like that plan," Natasha said smirking.

"Ugh, drama queen" Jesse murmur rolling her eyes.

"That's all, seems like you all understand the mission unlike some" Chase said facing Lorna.

Lorna looks away as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"You're dismissed, get armed for your mission" he adds.

"Yes sir!" they said in unison leaving the office one by one.


She halts as Chase called her, she turns to him, only their left in the office.

"You should know it was because of your contribution we were able to get all these leads" he began softly.

She nods.

"About Wayne not being the manufacturer, his mother the drug dealer we are still searching for as well".

"All that was just a hunch, sir, I wasn't exactly able to gain the info I needed from the black ghoul even though I was undercover, he's smart," she said sternly. The memory of their encounter flood her head, and then when he just left after their session acting strange, it has been three weeks, and he was a no show and Lorna hated it but it was just a truth of reality that whatever they have or feel for each other can't work.

"Lorna," Chase said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. The action broke Lorna out of her trance as she stares at him, he could see the sadness, pain, and confusion in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked gently.

"If you're in a situation you have to choose between your job and love what would you do?" Lorna asked with shaky eyes.

"If who I love is worth it, why won't I take that risk," he said.

"What if the person you love is not someone you can be with," she said sighing.

"It all depends I guess, I'm still new to all the loving stuff" he shrugs.

Lorna smiles.

"Then tell me sir have you ever been in love?" she asked amused.

"No, but I don't mind trying or Renee is gonna kill me," he said chuckling.

Lorna giggles.

"And call me Chase if it's just two of us, I believe I have told you before," he said amused, cupping her right cheeks. Feeling the contact, she instantly pulls away.

"Um," she forced a smile.

"I'm sorry I just thought"

"It's okay" she sighs.

"It's okay Chase, but I think I have to leave now" she adds in a serious tone.

He nods.

Lorna turns quickly leaving, the doors shutting close.

Chase took a deep breathtaking seat, he ran his hair in frustration, lost in deep thought.



"Okay, Cain will be passing through this block in few minutes, the footage around was able to detect that, Jesse, Lorna you apprehend him while we get him when he's cornered" Johnny's voice sounded through the comm.

"Who made him in charge," Lorna said rolling her eyes, using the mini binoculars to scan the crowd of people.

Jesse and Lorna were both in the car waiting to detect Cain.

"Chase" Jesse said with a shrug like wasn't it obvious?

Lorna sighs forgetting that part.

"Great" she murmurs under her breath.

"His voice sounds so sensual from the comm," Jesse said moaning.

Lorna rolled her eyes once more, there was a lot of eye-roll today, she was surprised her eyes were still intact.

"Shit! That's him" Jesse said pointing from her window side.

Lorna turns to see him, there he was walking wearing blue jeans just the half of his waist showing his white boxer's beneath, along with a sleeveless tight shirt that hung his body perfectly, showing the tattoo that careless his arms.

"That's is a bad boy overload," Jesse said.

"Come on, let's get him," Lorna said clicking on her gun, it made an automatic start-up sound so did Jesse.


They got down from their car walking into the crowd of the busy streets, their gun behind them.

"Approaching the target," Lorna said to her comm, following behind Cain.

He slowed his walking like he sensed something, he abruptly halts so did Jesse and Lorna, they waited, gripping their guns tightly.

He turns with a dark look, they quickly hid behind a wall.

"You think he saw us?" Jesse asked.

"Well they have high senses, am sure he sniffs us out," Lorna said, her heart slamming loudly in her chest.

Lorna carefully looks behind the wall taking deep breaths, her eyes locked with ghoul ones, her breath caught.

The white part black, the color of his eyes green, he shifts. 

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Lorna shouts coming out of hiding, pointing her gun at him.

Cain roars in response causing panic from everyone as screams could be heard.

Cain dashes out disappearing into an alley.

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