Chapter 93 - Black Pursue

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Lorna shouts coming out of hiding, pointing her gun at him.

Cain roars in response causing panic from everyone as screams could be heard.

Cain dashes out disappearing into an alley.


Lorna took harsh breaths, her body ached from the intense running but she ignores it, the pursue was still on because Cain was resilient, taking several turns away from anyone in sight like he was luring them somewhere.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Lorna shouts but his speed only just increased with loud thud sounds.

"Come in, come in, we need backup" Jesse hissed to her comm for the third time but still no answer like they went radio silent.

"Damn that Claw walker!" Lorna hissed pissed, shooting at Cain but he dodges the bullet with ease and then stops abruptly, facing them with a roar, others emerge from the buildings, crawling out like spiders, about ten of them and more.

"Fuck!" Jesse cursed.

"It's a trap," Lorna said setting her gun it made an automatic sound, rebooting.

They were outnumbered and surrounded.

The one they pursue, shift to human form. He was wearing only jeans, shirtless, revealing his full-body tattoo for them to see. He smirks.

"How about that agents" he mocked in a sick manner.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN OUTRUN ME!" he roars in a double voice of him and his monster within.

"WELL FUCK YOU!" he shouts as the other Claws charge towards them.

Lorna and Jesse fired in unison intensely, some Claws dropping dead and then fading to dust.

More roars could be heard.

"They just keep coming" Jesse hissed shooting, killing as many as they could before it got to them.

"We got you guys" Johnny's voice sounds from their comm.

A loud shot was fired destroying a Claw to pieces, Johnny emerges with a bigger gun like an Ak47, the tip was spiral beaming red.

"Told you we will get them cornered," he said cockily.

'What the fuck, he used us as bait?' Lorna thought pissed at his actions, it was obvious, they just happened to be around in this particular area, making a plan like that and leaving them out of it.

Natasha emerges too, spinning a long stick she had with ease, the tip pointy and red as she stabs about two Claws at once, it turned to dust.

The remaining Claws roar coming at them, they engaged in a heated battle, shots fired and several Claws dropping dead.

A Claw hand almost rips Jesse's head off, but a bullet stops it making the Claw roar in pain holding his hand, Jesse quickly used the opportunity to shoot it dead, her eyes tracing where the bullet came from.

It was from Vincent at the top of a rooftop, he clicks his gun ready to fire again as it made an automatic rebooting sound.

Lorna shot three claws at once dead coming at Cain, he growls shifting coming at her in speed, but she dodges his sharp claws with ease, he roars in frustration grabbing her by the neck but Lorna shot his hand, breaking free and then spinning, sending a hard kick to his face, he roars jumping at her, slamming her to the ground hard, her gun sliding away.

Lorna growls trying to break free as his grip around her neck tightens about snapping her neck, but then he paused for a minute sniffing the air around her, purring like he smelt something appealing, Lorna practically wanted to rip his nose off, what he did make her skin crawl, his ghoul's eyes widen in realization.

"Why the fuck do you smell different?!" he growls in his double voice with a confused expression, he sniffs once more just to be sure his nose wasn't playing tricks on him, it was the same scent the same when he was shown the cure if he catches the black ghoul, it was just for a brief second but he would remember it clearly because his life depended on it.

Lorna still struggling to break free. His eyes widen in realization, it all made sense.

"You!" he growls.

Lorna quickly reaches for a knife in her back pocket stabbing him in the arm. He roars lifting her off her feet abruptly, the knife falling in the process, her legs wagging back and forth at the loss of gravity as she struggles.

"LORNA!" Jesse shouts in horror.

Gaining the attention of others who were busy fighting other Claws.

"You smell like it" he growls, he didn't know how it was possible, it wasn't right.

"You smell like the cure!".

Lorna froze at his words, unable to process what he just said.

"You can free me," he said with a glint of hunger in his eyes, it was now or never, the cure was right in front of him and he would grab the opportunity right now before others find out.

Lorna's eyes widen in realization knowing what he meant, he was going to eat her.

Lorna panics in response as his mouth growl large about to devour her.

But then the ground shock as tall shadow lands behind them, with a deep deadly growl as a wide range of killing intent shock the area making it hard to breathe.

"It's the black Ghoul," Natasha said with widening eyes as the Claws they were fighting disperse in fear.

Instantly he grabs Cain, his wings flapping as he zaps out in speed, dropping Lorna to the ground in the process.

She coughs trying to regain her airflow.

Jesse rushed to her side, holding her steady.

"Vincent!" Johnny hissed to his comm.

"I'm sorry I didn't see the black ghoul coming, he just came out of nowhere" Vincent answers.

"That means he was after the same thing too," Johnny said sternly.

"He's always a step ahead of us," Natasha said darkly as her eyes lands on Lorna taking deep breaths, Jesse beside her.

She saw it, her eyes didn't deceive her, When Lorna was dropped to the ground, the shadow hands careless her hair gently before flying out, it was an unusual action she didn't understand and she was dying to know what it meant.

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