Black Jail College

Chapter 182: Four kinds of goblins

It can be said that the two reconnaissance teams of the Chiyang Mercenary Corps are well-deserved elite lineups, and even the scout companies in the regular army are not necessarily better than the Chiyang Mercenary Corps.

After the three teams were ready, they immediately followed the cave and touched in.

Sure enough, I saw a huge cave directly under the ground every so long.

Looking at the thick chains, Li Xingyun and the others knew that the Goblin Kingdom in the underground world might have taken precautions against this unexpected passage.

In fact, after seeing a special goblin guard, Li Xingyun and the others analyzed that the accidental escape of the previous adventurer should have attracted the attention of the Goblin Kingdom, otherwise it would not send such an elite-level gob. Lin guards the passage.

"Mr. Luo Long and I, go down first, and you will come down after you receive the signal" Han Xing commanded without a beak. Facing the unknown situation under the cave, Han Xing was not willing to go down with the oil bottle.

If that person is accidentally exposed, it will even hurt him.

And Luo Long, who has the same level of cultivation as him, is no different from the best teammate so far.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Han Xing and Luo Long jumped down, watching the two disappear silently into the darkness, Li Xingyun and the others could only wait in place.

After half an hour, a bright light flew up from the lower end of the cave.

Seeing the agreed signal, Li Xingyun and more than 20 people immediately jumped down the chain.

It took Li Xingyun ten minutes to reach the bottom of the dark cave.

The underground world is not as dark as everyone expected.

Countless fluorescent mosses provide a light source for the entire underground world. Although it is not too bright, it can be compared to dusk.

After landing, a strong **** breath made Li Xingyun and others on guard.

Then the faint light source looked around, and Li Xingyun suddenly saw thousands of goblins of various kinds fell to the ground and died, including three goblins corpses emitting five-star energy.

"In addition to the shadow goblins I've met before, there are huge giant goblins, with strong defensive goblins like tortoise shells, and speed-shaped goblins with strong legs and swift winds. "

"Among the four types of goblins, in addition to the shadow goblins, the other three have five-star-level goblin kings. I think this is why we only meet the shadow goblins on it."

"Goblins are cruel and cunning by nature. It seems that this goblin kingdom is not as monolithic as we imagined"

"But you can't underestimate it. There are more than 1,000 planetary-level goblins alone here, indicating that there are not too few planetary-level goblins in this goblin kingdom."

"To be honest, it’s the first time that I’ve seen such a powerful Goblin Kingdom after so many years. The strongest goblin tribe I’ve encountered in the past has only ten five-star Goblin Kings. The vast majority of goblins are below the planetary level. It is the first time I have seen an army of goblins above the planetary level."

"This Goblin Kingdom is really much stronger than those big tribes. It's not an exaggeration to call it a kingdom."

Han Xing's stern expression revealed strange flushes during constant analysis, and he looked unusually excited.

After finally calming down the excitement in his heart, Han Xing regained his cold and stern expression again, and began to dissect the goblin corpses one by one.

Although the three of Li Xingyun were not too cold about this abnormal behavior, they knew that this was the precious experience that Han Xing had exchanged for countless lives, so they naturally followed suit.

Then Luo Long frowned and hid aside.

After discussing with each other for a while, the rest of the investigating team dispersed and probed the surrounding environment.

After more than an hour, Han Xing stopped his hand and said with a dignified expression: "I found human bones in the stomachs of three five-star goblins, and they are still minor human bones. Judging from the digestion situation, this person was less than ten hours after being eaten."

Ji Xiaoxi frowned and kicked the corpse of the giant goblin that had just been dissected. She also found some undigested weird bones in the giant goblin’s stomach. It looked like a minor bone in Han Xing's mouth.

"What does this mean?" Ji Xiaoxi also had some guesses, but he still asked.

Han Xing sighed: "This shows that this Goblin Kingdom has other passages to the ground, and they are stable passages, otherwise they will not capture minor humans."

"However, there has not been a large number of planetary-level goblins in the White Rose Kingdom. These goblins should have taken advantage of the time when the monsters attacked the city, and they have never hijacked these humans in the small mountain village where they took refuge."

"According to the habits of goblins, they are accustomed to eating old and mature men first, then adult women, and finally minor humans."

"In this way, there should not be many survivors among those abducted by them"

Han Xing's words made everyone murderous.

Goblins can only be regarded as a disease of tinea and scabies in many human kingdoms, and they have not attracted the attention of high-level humans.

It's just that these tinea and scabies are not a small harm to people at the bottom of mankind, not to mention the destruction of crops.

Every village living in the shadow of goblins knows that once these disgusting guys break through the defenses of the village, they are about to face a disaster that will not be left behind. Therefore, the task of crusade against goblins has always been more comparative. One more item.

What makes people most concerned is that other monsters will only attack the human village when driven by the strong.

But goblins are different. They seem to regard humans as the most delicious food. The ultimate dream of every goblin is that there are humans that can't be eaten. This is the most disgusting part of goblins.

And the Goblin Kingdom they discovered this time is very different from the past. This kind of complete army can no longer be done by goblins living in tribes.

Once this kind of national-level goblin army rages on the ground, the damage it will cause will be immeasurable.

"You have to kill all these goblins. Even if you don't kill them all, you have to find a way to block all the passages they go out to prevent them from going to the ground to make trouble. Then I will ask the Lord Earl to ask the monarch for instructions and send an army to fight against this so-called Goblin Kingdom, let these underground mice know what a real kingdom is"

Luo Long's murderous words are the final conclusion for this discussion.

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