Black Jail College

Chapter 183: Goblin King City

After that, everyone began to truly explore this underground world.

The strongest five-man team composed of Li Xingyun, Han Xing and Luo Long began to lurch along the route of the goblin logistics army transportation.

Others scattered under the arrangement of Han Xing, and went to investigate the specific situation of the Goblin Kingdom in all directions of the underground world.

After seeing the goblin army, all three of Li Xingyun were taken aback.

"One hundred thousand, maybe one hundred thousand army." Luo Long looked over and roughly calculated the number of goblins.

"Although not all are above the planetary level, there are at least 33,000-star-level large goblins and thousands of other varieties of mutant goblins."

"The five-star-level Goblin King has only sensed five for the time being"

"If you add the goblins we killed before, the overall strength of the goblins in this barracks is not much worse than the Chiyang Mercenary Corps."

"This kind of force is enough to attack a small city of 300,000 people head-on."

Listening to Han Xing's words, the three Li Xingyun fell silent.

The city where they and Lilith met was a small city with a population of about 300,000.

Thinking of the former prosperous city becoming ruins under the ravages of this group of goblins, Li Xingyun and the three decided that regardless of whether the goblin kingdom was involved in the conspiracy of the demon king, they had to find a way to destroy him this time.

After the five Li Xingyun bypassed the barracks, they continued to lurch forward.

Not long after, a huge city made up of rocks appeared in front of them.

In front of the city gate, four five-star giant goblins stood there like four giant statues. For the unpleasant subordinates, they stretched out their hands and squeezed them twice and then threw them into the big mouth to chew them.

Except for these four gigantic goblins that are ten meters high, as well as all kinds of weird goblins that come in and out.

Li Xingyun and others also saw some gregarious monsters with a little wisdom gradually entering the city gate.

"It seems that this place is the base camp of the goblins. Such a huge city can't be established in a few years. This goblin kingdom should have been secretly developed for a long time. The strange thing is how they have So many resources and technologies to develop a real city"

Li Xingyun was a little puzzled that the goblins in the intelligence were low-level intelligent guys, and even the five-star-level goblins looked stupid.

It stands to reason that there should be no way to build cities and maintain the wisdom and means of prospering cities.

"Go in and take a look and you'll know"

After Han Xing took out a few strange wooden masks to everyone, he also put on the strange masks in his hands, and then Han Xing's appearance began to change drastically, and soon became a lanky one with very developed leg muscles. Goblin-shaped.

"These masks can be disguised as a known goblin within three days, which is considered a one-time item. Even a five-star goblin king cannot see the flaws. It is enough to mix into this city. "

After Han Xing explained a little bit, Li Xingyun and others also put on masks.

All kinds of tall, short, fat and thin goblins appeared on the spot.

Li Xingyun looked at his sturdy legs and nodded in satisfaction. Han Xing carefully assigned the masks according to the strengths of the people. Li Xingyun disguised as a speed goblin was most suitable.

Ji Xiaoxi and Luo Long disguised themselves as goblins to worship and the other disguised as defensive goblins, which seemed nothing.

The five-meter giant goblin disguised by Chen Xiaoming is a bit conspicuous.

"Let's go" Chen Xiaoming said coarsely, and walked in the forefront with his sturdy legs and his fat ass.

Li Xingyun and others walked low-key behind Chen Xiaoming's back and quietly walked towards the open gate.

Sure enough, the four super-giant goblin kings guarding the gate of the city did not notice the abnormality of Li Xingyun's group, but a strange-looking monster sniffed at the location of the five Li Xingyun in doubt.

Han Xing saw this monster without saying a word and then dropped his hand. A sturdy thigh turned into a crescent moon and directly split the monster in half.

Han Xing's coldness and tyranny not only did not arouse the guarding goblins' vigilance, but looked at the rest of the monsters cruelly and laughed.

The monsters who were about to enter the city were stunned, and there were even some cowardly monsters who had already quietly left the entering brigade and ran towards the wild.

After killing a monster, Han Xing arrogantly pulled out the most valuable head of that monster and walked into the city gate.

And the goblins immediately swarmed the remaining corpses of the dead monsters, and even the blood dripping mud was collected.

When passing through the gate of the city, the three of Li Xingyun looked at Han Xing fearfully as if they had changed.

"Don’t be nervous, goblins themselves are synonymous with cruelty and cunning. It’s not common to kill each other if they don’t agree with each other. Moreover, the race of goblins is more exclusive, and they kill other kinds of monsters in their presence To get their favor"

Han Xing changed his tone and looked sly and disgusting, making Li Xingyun feel that if this guy was born on the earth in peacetime, it would be enough to win the Golden Man Award with this acting skill.

Compared with Han Xing's subtle disguise, Li Xingyun and the others were not so sophisticated, so they had to maintain a tyrannical appearance to frighten others.

Fortunately, the various goblins in this city are also very irritable, but Li Xingyun did not miss out.

After the five of Li Xingyun separated, it took more than ten hours to finally walk around this huge city.

Everyone also made amazing discoveries.

"There is also a city gate to the east of the city, and there are traces of heavy vehicles on the ground. There should be a goblin legion to the east of the city. The specific strength is not yet clear."

"The western part of the city is mostly a place where monsters of other races gather. Where I found traces of real demons activities, it has been clear that there are demons behind this city."

"There is a huge natural cave in the north of the city. The entire entrance of the cave is gorgeously decorated and guarded very tightly. I guess it might be the place where the highest level of the city lives, which is equivalent to a palace or the like."

"There is a huge prison and slave exchange under this city. I saw a lot of human bones at the exit, but before I had time to enter, I met a goblin army coming in. I retreated to prevent the snake from smashing the grass."

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