Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 201: Rainy night looking for people

   Chapter 201 Looking for someone in a rainy night

   After chatting a few words, Xie Feng was revived with blood, it didn't look like he had been hit at all, and Shen Lingxi swallowed all the words.

   Even if you want to ask, don’t be in a hurry.

   After school at night, Shen Lingxi was kept by Yang Jingwu for a while because of the competition.

  Xie Feng originally wanted to wait for her to go with her, but was called home by Yang Weihua with a phone call, looking very anxious.

   "Why haven't you gone back yet?" Shen Lingxi went back to the classroom to get things, and saw Shao Heng sitting in the seat doing homework.

   His schoolbag was still on the side, apparently he just came back from the competition class and didn't leave.

   "There is a question that I don't really want to understand, so let's memorize it first."

   Shao Heng glanced at her and continued to write the question.

  Shen Lingxi stuffed the finished comic book in the drawer into her bag and planned to go home and change it.

   "AC point will be faster as an auxiliary line."

   Shao Heng was stunned for a moment.

   He had thought of this method. Although the amount of calculation would be smaller, the composition would become relatively complicated, and mistakes would be made accidentally.

   And... the content involved is obviously beyond the outline for their current high school knowledge.

   "You should be stronger than just math." Shao Heng said calmly.

   Shen Lingxi pulled up the zipper of the schoolbag: "Well, it's all ok."

   "Then why are you doing this?"

   Shao Heng is asking her why she hides her strength.

   Shen Lingxi's eyes moved slightly: "Because I don't want to upset some people too soon."

   Shao Heng looked at her with a complicated expression.

   "It's getting late, let's go first."

   After finishing speaking, Shen Lingxi took the bag and left.

   Walking downstairs, Shen Lingxi found that it was raining.

  Although the rain was not too heavy, the biting coolness did not diminish in the slightest.

  Shen Lingxi stood there, listening to the sound of the rain.

  The raindrops are especially obvious under the street lights. The raindrops fall on the ground and ripple on the water surface. After spreading for two circles, they dissipate.

   She has never been in the habit of going out to check the weather forecast, and there is no umbrella in her bag.

   At this moment, either stay in the teaching building overnight, or go home in the rain.

   Shen Lingxi glanced back and rushed into the rain decisively.

   There is a distance from the teaching building to the school gate. When she got to the gate, her hair was almost wet.

   The rain obscured her vision, making her think she was hallucinating for a while.

  Under the street lamp not far away, Xie Gan stood there with a black umbrella in his hand, and the dim light could not see his face clearly.

   Shen Lingxi could imagine his expression at the moment, and he was frowning in all likelihood.

   "You kid can't even call someone to pick you up?" Xie An frowned and walked towards her, the umbrella in his hand tilted in the direction of Shen Lingxi.

   Fortunately, he brought a larger umbrella when he went out, so it was not a problem to cover the two of them.

   "Third Brother?"

  Shen Lingxi looked up at him, as if he hadn't recovered.


  Xie An's eyes were cold and his tone was light, and he couldn't hear much emotion.

"When did you come back?"

   Xie An handed her the umbrella in his hand: "Take it first."

   Shen Lingxi reached out and took it, Xie An took off his coat and then took the umbrella back: "Give me the schoolbag and put on the clothes."

  Her clothes and hair were soaked by the rain. It was late winter. If she went home so wet, she would definitely catch a cold the next day.

   Shen Lingxi gave him the schoolbag and put on his jacket, Xie An's frowning brows eased a little.

   "Aren't you..." Will you be back in a few days?

   Xie An replied: "I came back early after finishing the work, and I happened to pass by your school on the way home."

   (end of this chapter)

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