Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 202: The third brother is going to leak

   Chapter 202 The third brother is about to leak

   Shen Lingxi thought, their school is indeed on the way from the airport to Dilan, so it is reasonable for him to be here.

   But in fact, Xie An came back today.

   It's just that his plane arrived at eight o'clock in the evening.

   It started to rain at ten o'clock. After waiting for a while, the lights of Shen Lingxi's house didn't come on. Then he drove out to check the situation. Unexpectedly, he ran into this rainy child.

  The car was parked on the side of the road, and the two of them had to walk for a while to get there.

  It has been raining for a while, and the roads with poor drainage have accumulated water in many places.

   Shen Lingxi lowered his head and saw that his trousers were a little wet.

   What did you say happened to be passing by? If you were passing by, how could the trousers be so wet? It was obvious that you had been waiting outside for a while.

   Aware of the gazes of the people around him, Xie An looked at her: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

   Shen Lingxi hooked her lips and smiled, with light in her eyes.

   Xie An clearly saw that her own figure was reflected in her eyes, and there was only herself.

   "I haven't seen you for a few days, the third brother is handsome again."

   Xie Wen took a step.

  This kid is really…

   "Don't think that you want to turn the page if you say two nice words about you getting in the rain."

   I have to say, Shen Lingxi is very good at dealing with him, although it is not so easy to turn the page, Xie An's tone has been obviously gentle.

   Shen Lingxi's eyes moved slightly, and he reached out and pulled his sleeve.

   squeezed a little and shook it twice: "third brother is angry?"

  Xie An: "..." Your third brother is about to leak.

  Shen Lingxi noticed the change in his face and almost burst out laughing.

   Xie An's eyes fell on her hand pulling her sleeve, and finally said helplessly: "This is not an example."

   Facts have proved that he has nothing to do with this kid.

After    sent people home, Xie An stood by the door and did not go in.

   "Go to take a bath and sleep, it's too late, don't write questions."

   Shen Lingxi nodded obediently.

   "Good night, third brother."

  Xie An: "…"


   Shen Lingxi watched him enter the elevator before closing the door to take a shower.

   came out of the bathroom and looked at the trench coat on the chair, Shen Lingxi's eyes became a lot warmer.

   seems to meet Xie An, she always relaxes unconsciously.

   may be confused by beauty.

  Shen Lingxi sat down in front of the desk and took out a portrait from the pile of design drawings.

   The person in the painting has a clear face and an indifferent expression, sitting on the sofa with a book in his hand.

   bowed his head slightly, his eyes focused on the book in his hand, his cold eyebrows were slightly hidden by the falling hair.

  The slender eyelashes cast a silhouette under the projection of the light, the tall nose bridge is very delicate, and the corners of the lips are slightly raised, with a smile and a relaxed expression.

   The temperament of    is cold and noble, which makes people unable to look away.

   That was Xie An when he came to give her a lecture.

   After finishing the design draft, Shen Lingxi always had such a picture in his mind, so he picked up the brush and painted the figure of the man.

   "No one looks good at painting."

  Shen Lingxi was originally quite satisfied with her paintings, but now that Xie An came back, she felt that he in her paintings was not as charming as her own.

   At least, he didn't draw those little expressions.

  Compared to Shen Lingxi's calm mood, Shen Yuxin who is at home is uneasy.

The appearance of    Fernan, unconsciously a huge pie.

   To accept or not to accept, the temptation is too great.

   She went to her studio and rummaged through her previous works. The works that she thought were superb in the past are not pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at them now.

   (end of this chapter)

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