Chapter 203

   She saw the big show at the welcome party with her own eyes, and the three sets of clothes also gave her a huge shock.

   After learning painting for many years, she asked herself that she did not have the ability to integrate Chinese painting into clothing design so well, but that person did it.

   "Xinxin, why are you staying up so late?" Jiao Yuanyuan put on a mask and came over when she saw that the studio was still lit.

  Shen Yuxin frowned: "Mom, do you think I can go the way of a designer?"

   Jiao Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment.

   After listening to what happened, she also looked solemn.

   Shen Yuxin has studied Chinese painting for so many years, even if she enters the Chinese painting competition and wins the championship, it does not mean that she will have a good future in the future.

   At most, she will get a recommended place in the Academy of Fine Arts. After that, she still has to work hard for her future like an ordinary college student.

   But if you become a contract designer under the GPL, it will be different.

  With the **** of GPL and Fernan, it means that the debut is the peak. Compared with this, the recommended places in the Chinese painting competition seems to be so insignificant.

   Jiao Yuanyuan said very seriously: "Xinxin, you have to give it a try no matter what."

   "But I'm not the costume designer for that big show." Shen Yuxin was worried that the impostor would be exposed.

   Jiao Yuanyuan said, "You never said you were, it's just that Mr. Fernan misunderstood."

  They didn't take the initiative to explain that if Fernand thought she was, then she was.

   Since he has not admitted it, how can it be considered a lie?

  Shen Yuxin quickly understood what her mother meant: "Is this okay?"

"From today onwards, you should study the fashion design on the runway show carefully, draw a few manuscripts by yourself, don't take the initiative to mention the show when you go to see Mr. Fernan, and give him your design manuscript. Look, he should have his own judgment as to the final result."

   Shen Yuxin frowned.

  Although I know that this method is risky, if it is successful, the benefits are huge.

   The so-called pursuit of wealth and risk is very relevant at this time.


  Shen Yuxin has not rested for several days in order to study clothing design drafts. She has always been listening carefully in class, but was caught by the teacher.

   "Are you feeling unwell?" Yu Jiazhou, the head teacher, frowned and walked over to her position.

   Shen Yuxin's face was flushed, and she was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, teacher, I have been uncomfortable these days and haven't rested well."

  Yu Jiazhou nodded: "If you're really uncomfortable, tell the teacher to give you a leave and go back to rest."

  Shen Yuxin replied: "Thank you teacher."

   In the end, Shen Yuxin didn't ask for leave to go home, so she started to listen to the class.

  Fernan thought that the other party would reply soon, but unexpectedly, he waited in the hotel for several days.

   What's even more outrageous is that the news of his coming to Jincheng was spread out by someone, and there was a lot of uproar for a while.

   Even some clothing brands that did not know about the runway show in Jincheng No. 1 Middle School knew the news because of Fernan.

   After seeing the dress, he also began to send people to Jincheng in private.

   After all, the person who can make Fernandu be tempted to dig up must have real skills.

   "Principal Gu, what did you think about Shen's side?" Fernan couldn't wait. Just this afternoon, he received news that several clothing brand directors were coming to Jincheng.

  Gu Manli said that she would confirm the news with Shen Yuxin as soon as possible.

   (end of this chapter)

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