Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 205: you look familiar to me

   Chapter 205 You look familiar to me

   During the conversation between the two, Shen Yuxin kept hinting that she was interested in clothing design, but Fernan always seemed to be incomprehensible.

  Fernan was not in a hurry, the two chatted like old friends.

   One was naturally calm, the other looked anxious.

   The two are obviously not on the same channel.

   After chatting for a while, Fernan answered the call from his assistant and said goodbye in advance.

   Although Shen Yuxin was unhappy, it was not easy to show it, so she could only say a word before the other party left and make an appointment next time.

   "Sir, are you sure that Miss Shen is the one we're looking for?" The assistant didn't want to rush her, but as more and more brand managers came to Jincheng, the news might not be concealed.

  It is the person they like first, if they really determine the identity of the other party, it is better to strike first, so as not to be robbed by others.

  Then they were busy working for nothing and made wedding dresses for others.

  Fernan felt a little regretful: "It's not her, we found the wrong person."

The assistant    was a little surprised: "Sir, what should we do now? Should we continue looking for... or give up?"

  Fernan took a deep breath: "I'll go to KAP again."

The assistant frowned: "Sir, I have news to tell you that Ms. Chao Lan, the design director of KAP, is also here."

  Fernan was a little surprised.


  The three sets of clothes designed by Shen Lingxi, in addition to the blue set that has been given to Wang Ningxiu, there are two more sets in the KAP experience hall.

   received a call this morning, saying that someone wanted to buy that green plum set, but it wasn't the clothes in their store, so they had to call Shen Lingxi temporarily.

   When Shen Lingxi entered the store, she saw a young girl wearing a gray hooded sweater and a peaked cap.

   The girl's long curly hair hangs down her waist, her skin is fair, and her facial features are even more delicate like a doll.

  The moment they saw Shen Lingxi, they both looked at each other.

   "It's so beautiful." Lin Qingpei murmured softly, "If I had known that there would be beautiful people when I came back, why would I be staying abroad."

   Shen Lingxi saw the excitement in her eyes and raised her eyebrows slightly.

  Lin Qingpei made a move, followed by brilliance in his eyes, he couldn't help clenching his teeth.

   Why is this girl so handsome with her eyebrows raised?

   "Qing Pei?"

   Gao Baoli called several times, but found that her daughter didn't pay any attention to her, and immediately came over with her clothes: "I told you that you didn't hear me, you're mute?"

   "My ears are strained and I can't hear." Lin Qingpei smiled, but he didn't take his eyes off Shen Lingxi during his reply.

   Hearing her words, Shen Lingxi chuckled lightly.

   This girl is a bit interesting.

  Lin Qingpei couldn't hold back and walked towards her, with long eyelashes, full of sincerity: "Miss, I think you look familiar."

   Shen Lingxi was amused by her: "Oh?"

   "She really looks like the goddess in my dreams." Lin Qingpei was not at all embarrassed, his eyes were open and frank.

  Lin Qingpei is a full face control. When she has nothing to do, she likes to look at beautiful young ladies, but her look is very simple appreciation, not mixed with messy eyes.

   So Shen Lingxi didn't feel any discomfort when looking at her, and thought this little girl was very funny.

   Shen Lingxi smiled: "That's really a coincidence."

  The corner of Gao Baoli's mouth twitched as he watched, how could this daughter's problem of teasing the beautiful young lady still persist after so many years.

   "Qing Pei, don't talk nonsense." Gao Baoli stepped forward and pulled his skinless and faceless daughter back.

   (end of this chapter)

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