Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 206: Beautiful women are beautiful when they are angry

   Chapter 206 Beauty looks good even when angry

   At the same time, he said to Shen Lingxi with an apologetic face: "Sorry girl, my daughter has no ill intentions. She has been abroad for a long time. The way of expressing kindness may be a little... special (idiot)."

   "No, she's quite interesting." Shen Lingxi didn't mind.

   Then, she saw the skirt in Gao Baoli's hand.

  It looks like they are the ones who came to buy the dress.

   Before Shen Lingxi could ask a few more questions, there was a noise outside the door.


   The voice of the person who came was a bit sharp, full of dominance, and it made people very unhappy to hear it.

   Gao Baoli frowned immediately after seeing the man.

   Shen Lingxi looked at the man.

   I saw a woman dressed in jewels and walked up arrogantly.

   The woman's name is Peng Yuwei, who was originally Lin Qingpei's father's assistant, and later became the current Mrs. Lin.

   Peng Yuwei's heels are a bit high. Even if he is on a flat ground, he has to be supported by someone to walk, otherwise he will fall on his back if he is not careful.

   The moment he saw her, Lin Qingpei immediately let out a snort, looking extremely impatient.

   Shen Lingxi glanced at her, a beauty is a beauty, even when angry.

   "Gao Baoli, why are you so haunted? I told you to stay away from my husband, don't you understand what people say?" Peng Yuwei's expression was hideous, and he wanted to pull Gao Baoli's hair off.

   Before Peng Yuwei approached, Lin Qingpei quickly flashed to his mother.

   "Mrs. Lin, walk slowly, the heels are so high that you accidentally fall to your death."

   "Dead girl, do you have any tutoring and how to talk to the elders?" The woman also hated seeing Lin Qingpei, "It's only your shameless mother who can teach a daughter like you."

   "We walked upright and sat up straight, unlike some people who robbed other people's husbands so righteously." Gao Baoli is not a little woman who can be kneaded by others, and he went back without hesitation.

   "What do you mean, it's obviously you who cheated first, so there's still a reason to blame others?" Peng Yuwei noticed that the clerks were all looking at them, and his face was a little overwhelmed.

   "What nonsense are you talking about!"

   Seeing that they were about to quarrel, the boy beside Peng Yuwei hurriedly held him back.

   "Mom, don't say a few words."

  The boy is not very old, he looks like he is thirteen or fourteen years old, but he looks very handsome. If he is older, he will be an existence that can attract the attention of many girls in school.

   "Aunt Gao, sister, long time no see, welcome back."

  The boy smiled politely at the two of them.

   Gao Baoli doesn't like to see Peng Yuwei, but he doesn't put his anger on the child

   "Ajian has grown so big, I haven't seen me for so long, I almost didn't recognize me." Lin Qingpei replied.

   "You kid, what are you calling your sister, our Lin family can't afford to lose this person." Peng Yuwei was not angry at his son's elbow-turning behavior.

   The boy's name is Lin Chongjian, the half-brother of Lin Qingpei.

   When they were arguing, Shen Lingxi looked at them with unforgettable eyes.

   Judging from their clothes, the family's economic conditions should be pretty good. The bracelet on Peng Yuwei's wrist is still new from Aurora's family. She also saw it in a magazine not long ago.

  Although it is not very expensive, but the quantity is small, it is very difficult to buy.

  The ones you can buy are all with a little background at home.

   Lin Chongjian also noticed her when she looked at them.

   (end of this chapter)

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