Chapter 216 Foreign Teammates

   However, it turned out that Comrade Lao Xie was too early to be happy.

   The teammate they immediately matched is a foreign friend who has just come to China.

   And...I'm also a foreign friend who doesn't speak Chinese.

  Xie Feng: "..." You're a motherfucker, bad!

  Wang Zhuo: "..." Can they understand that grunt water-level English?

   After asking his teammates if they could understand Chinese to no avail, and after the other party ran around uncontrollably, Xie Feng was completely panicked.

  Shen Lingxi The game has not started, so please smile first.

   At this moment, Shen Lingxi's cell phone rang.

   While waiting for the skydive, he glanced at the WeChat message.

  Xie An: Do you like hibiscus cake?

   Shen Lingxi quickly replied: "Huh?"

  Xie An: Passing by the pastry shop, bring you some back?

   Shen Lingxi: Good.

   Seeing that the number of words in the message over there was small, and the reply was a little slow, I realized that the other side was busy.

  Xie An: Busy again?

   Shen Lingxi: Games.

   After Xie An replied, he stopped sending messages.

After    landed at the marked point, the four started searching for supplies.

  Xie Feng likes games, but his skills are so mediocre, and he has a teammate who doesn't understand the language, so he has no choice but to drift out of the fringe to play as a jungler.

   The materials for the jungle point are relatively poor. Several people searched for a few points, but Shen Lingxi still couldn't find a gun in his hand.

   "I'm sorry, is the field so poor now?" Xie Feng looked at the contents of his bag in a trance. There were only three bandages and one energy drink. He was really poor and could no longer be poor.

   Finally found a low-rise building and rushed in without hesitation.

   "You move, come back!" As the captain, Xie Feng immediately wanted to call the person back, but the other party didn't understand at all, so he rushed in regardless.

  Wang Zhuo was also stupid: "Ahhhh, come back!"

  Wang Zhuo's English level is comparable to Xie Feng's, and in a hurry, he can only scream.

   Shen Lingxi almost burst out laughing.

   "Help! Is there anyone who can control him." Xie Feng shivered and hid in the corner, "You come back, you fucking...nogo there, fuck."

   "Brother Feng, what should he do?" Wang Zhuo saw the teammate who rushed out, and he didn't even have time to pick up the gun, "Why are you running, send your mother, go... come back!"

   Someone from a foreign country spoke quickly and replied.

   "Fuck you... are you giving away the boys, and give them away!" Xie Feng didn't understand what they were saying at all. Seeing that they were still going in, he immediately shouted again.

  Shen Lingxi's hands were shaking, and it was a shame that no one was following her at this time, otherwise she would have to perform a magic trick of a body stroke master every minute.

   "Don't go in, there are people in the building." Wang Zhuo wanted to chase, but Shen Lingxi immediately stopped him.

   Wang Zhuo didn't see anyone, but he didn't dare to go there.

   "Fuck you...!" Xie Feng was dumbfounded.

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

  Xie Feng: "…"

  Wang Zhuo: "…"

   That teammate was beaten into a sieve.

   The three of them could only silently say goodbye behind their backs, the death squads were not as brave as him.

   "Damn, it's time to let you send chickens." Xie Feng was speechless.

   "There's another team coming, let's go." Shen Lingxi heard the sound of the car, if they didn't leave, they would be cold here.

   Xie Feng couldn't, so he could only leave the place quickly with a team that was very short of supplies.

  However, they were too reckless in this game. Soon after they left, the entire team was crushed to death.

   This is still Shen Lingxi playing the game for so long, except for the first few rounds of training in the dark Internet cafe, it has never ended so quickly.

   "Come again, I don't believe it anymore." Xie Fengqi, however, immediately started again.

   (end of this chapter)

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