Chapter 217 I am surrounded

   In the gap in the quality square, Shen Lingxi sent his record of the game just now to Xie An.

   Xie An replied in seconds: It was a good fight.

  Shen Ling laughed angrily.

  Xie An: Wait for my brother to come back with you.

   Shen Lingxi replied with an emoji that hugged her thighs.

   Although they did not encounter foreign teammates in the future, the battle situation was equally bleak.

   The best result was when there were ten teams left.

  Shen Lingxi pulled it all alone. These two teammates who were stubborn and scrap iron were not even considered bronze. It was really helpless. The last four rows were beaten into lone wolves to fight.

   The sound of help from the computer at that time was a signal for Shen Lingxi to confirm that they were still alive and that no other team had killed them.

   The doorbell rang.

  Shen Lingxi glanced at the time, thinking that Xie Gan was coming, found a nearby grass to hide the game character, got up and opened the door.

   "Dad, save me! I'm surrounded."

  Xie An: "…"

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

  The door opened, and Xie An heard a hoarse cry for help from the computer.

   That dad shouted was really emotional.

   Xie An heard that it was his cousin's voice and took a deep breath. If it wasn't for the fact that he was not in front of him at the moment, he would probably have killed him righteously.

  The two stared at each other for a while at the door, but Shen Lingxi smiled first and turned to let people enter the room.

   "Dad, Daddy Shen, are you there? If you don't come, we and Zhuozi will be destroyed."

   "Sister Xi, help, there are so many people, damn, someone beat me."

  Xie An walked to the computer and saw that Shen Lingxi's game character was well hidden, the vision card was very good, and it was perfectly integrated with the grass.

   Shen Lingxi poured two glasses of water at the location.

  Xie An: "Can I help you?"

   Shen Lingxi raised an eyebrow: "I can't ask for it."

  It was also the two unfortunate children who were screaming so violently that they didn't hear any movement here, otherwise they would have been too scared to say a word.

  Shen Lingxi was holding a teacup in one hand and a hibiscus cake in the other, watching Xie An manipulating the game character.

   After checking his equipment, the character who was lying down immediately stood up and ran in the direction of Xie Feng and the others.

   However, when approaching the battle circle, the character stopped and started hiding.

   Shen Lingxi could see his intention.

   He didn't plan to save people at all, and wanted to use those two as bait to kill a few people.

  【LinX used ak to knock down sjkg】

  【LinX used ak to knock down wwshoo】

   There were two kill announcements in a row, and the two happy teams who were besieging and suppressing were dumbfounded. I didn’t expect that there were actually people.

   "Dad Shen, you're finally back, scaring us to death."

   "Ah, ah, ah, it's terrible."

   The exclamations of the two made Xie An unable to hear the footsteps: "Shut up."

  Xie Feng: "..." Dad shouted too much, has he really become a man?

  Wang Zhuo: "..." Huh?

   After the shock, Xie Feng suddenly had a thought, and his eyes became extremely frightened.

   "Brother?" Xie Feng called out tentatively.

  Xie An listened to the footsteps and carefully adjusted his position: "Well."

The word    has already given him a lot of face to this unfortunate cousin.

  Xie Feng: "..."Fuck! At night, suddenly changing operators is scary?

   After someone dared not say a word, Wang Zhuo also silently turned off the microphone.

   After harvesting another person, Xie An ran decisively and gave up his teammates without hesitation.

   That's fine. Before leaving, he gave Wang Zhuo a bullet and sacrificed his teammates with blood.

  Wang Zhuo: "..."? ??

   Someone who was killed by his teammates was stunned and sent several question marks in the group.

   (end of this chapter)

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