Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 218: The second by the eighteenth

   Chapter 218 The second quilt Chapter 18: Hard work is not enough, talent is not enough

  Shen Lingxi glanced at the news but didn't reply, they didn't understand her but they knew that Xie Gan didn't kill his teammates for blood sacrifices to the Oriental Mysterious Prayer, but that there was a second-level helmet on top of Wang Zhuo's head.

   After they are in a box, the other party is likely to lick the bag.

   Even if it is something that he does not use, Xie An will not leave him to his opponent to deal with him. This is his usual style of play.

  Xie Feng shivered and sent a WeChat to Shen Lingxi.

  Xie Feng: The one who is playing the game that my cold-blooded cousin?

   Shen Lingxi glanced at Xie An as if: Hmm.

  Xie Feng: Farewell.

   So someone pulled Wang Zhuo, and the two quickly got off the assembly line and left.

   Shen Lingxi laughed angrily at the cowardly behavior of the two.

   "They were scared away by you."

   Listening to someone's teasing tone, Xie An was not affected at all: "Ren Cai, your eyesight is okay."

   At this time, he quickly went offline to play, and Xie Feng, who had lingering fears, couldn't help sneezing.

   I thought that maybe I didn't close the window and it was blowing.

  I immediately went to the window to close the window.

  Fifteen minutes later, Xie An ended the game and ranked third.

  Although I didn’t eat chicken, it’s not bad to be able to achieve such a result without teammates.

  Xie An returned the game to the main page: "Is the hibiscus cake delicious?"

   Shen Lingxi nodded, and she had already eaten three yuan while he was playing games.

   "Where did you buy it?" Shen Lingxi asked.

  Xie An was on his way home from get off work when he saw a newly opened pastry shop on the side of the road, and found a long queue at the door, so he asked two more questions.

   Qin Xin said that it was a newly opened Internet celebrity pastry. It looked good and tasted good, so many people came to line up as soon as it opened.

   So after sending the message, Xie An also got out of the car and joined the cake buying team.

   It was also after he started queuing, that the store's business became better again, and many sisters and sisters in the queue were peeking at him with blushing faces.

   Qin Xin was stunned in the car. The boss got out of the car and lined up, and his assistant was waiting in the car. How could he think about this, how magical.

   After the two chatted, Shen Lingxi asked a few things about why he went to the e-sports team.

"I like it." Xie An replied, "At that time, the original owner of COG had no way to support the huge expenses due to financial problems. In addition, the results generally failed to attract sponsorship, so he planned to sell the club. Take over."

   Shen Lingxi paused with the pastry's hand.

   If you can get a club, how can you have less spare money in your hand.

  Shen Lingxi has a new understanding of the wealth of the third master.

   "Why do you suddenly want to ask this?" Xie An asked.

  Shen Lingxi said calmly: "I just feel a little surprised. The work and rest time of e-sports players and the high-intensity training mode make me think that you may..."

   Mainly because she couldn't imagine what Xie An looked like in that state.

  Xie An understands in seconds: "I don't work hard enough, and talent comes together."

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

   The essence of Versailles on earth is beyond your count.

   Shen Lingxi calmed down thinking about the audio clips he found.

  The most popular audio about Devil is the video made by Mrs. Lanya Editing [D God Below the Immortal: A Collection of Immortal Words]

  Shen Lingxi, a visual animal, was completely attracted by the cover. I thought it was a collection of official speeches during the service period. After clicking it, I never expected it to be a collection of trash talk during the game.

   That taunting skill directly burst the screen.

   (end of this chapter)

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