Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 219: You are so comforting

   Chapter 219 You can really comfort people

  Shen Lingxi once doubted whether the third master had two faces. He really annoyed his teammates without a single dirty word.

When    is brutal, even his teammates are not spared.

   Especially the episode of him and Si Ye Shuangre, the number of broadcasts is directly over 100 million, which shows how popular it is.


   On Monday, the big break between classes was over, and Shen Lingxi and the others were walking to the class.

  Wang Ningxiu and Xie Feng were chatting about things in the game, occasionally bringing the topic to Shen Lingxi, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

   Neither Shao Heng nor Wang Ningxiu play games. As always, Shao Heng speaks less and spends more time as an audience. Wang Ningxiu is like a curious baby.

   "Ahhhh, so handsome!"

   "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, my photos are blurry."

   "My mother, I really want to go up and get an autograph."

   "What, where, I want to see!"

   Suddenly, not knowing what was going on in front of them, the girl who was behind them quickly passed by them and charged diagonally forward.

  Wang Ningxiu has a keen sense of hearing, and quickly captured the key information: "So handsome? Autograph?...A handsome guy?"

   "Xixi, let's go too."

   Before the four boys around him could react, the two who were chatting with them ran away.

  Xie Feng was stunned: "Damn, running so fast? Didn't you just say that you were too tired to run?"

   "That is, look at the handsome guys, the most handsome guy in the whole school is not next to them, and you have to see others." Wang Zhuo also expressed his incomprehension.

   Shao Heng looked in that direction, Wu Yangyang surrounded a lot of girls, some boldly even took out their mobile phones and squeezed into the crowd to take pictures.

   "This battle, isn't there a star coming?" Duan Wenyi looked there twice, but couldn't see anything.

  Wang Ningxiu pulled Shen Lingxi and quickly rushed to the crowd, but there were so many people that they couldn't squeeze in.

   Shen Lingxi was forced to be pulled, so she gave up decisively. Wang Ningxiu really wanted to see it, so she had to accompany her.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

   A wave of screams higher than a wave made Shen Lingxi feel that her eardrums were about to burst.

   "Let's go, what are you doing here?"

   Director Jiang saw that everyone was crowded together, and immediately folded up and did not start to evacuate. Those who quietly took out their mobile phones immediately put them back in their pockets, for fear that they would be confiscated if they were slowed down.

   "They all went back to their own class, what's it like to be noisy."

   "Go back to the classroom and go to class."

  The boy's voice came out and Wang Ningxiu's eyes lit up immediately.

   "Xi Xi, it's Jin Jin, the voice of my family Jin Jin."

  The crowd dispersed reluctantly, and Shen Lingxi also saw the people surrounded.

   is not just Wen Jinxing.

   When Wen Jinxing saw him, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

   However, someone looked like I didn't know you, and dragged Wang Ningxiu, who was about to transform into a screaming chicken, and left.

  Wen Jinxing can't laugh or cry, he just refuses to welcome her?

   If it weren't for the situation, Wen Jinxing really wanted to catch up and have a good chat.

   After returning to the classroom, Wang Ningxiu still did not recover from the shock of seeing Wen Jinxing.

   "I was so close to Jin Jin just now, he is so handsome, even more handsome at close range, my God."

   "How do I look, my hair is messy, and my clothes are neat and tidy. Jinjin just glanced in our direction, will it leave a bad impression on him?"

  Xie Feng said sincerely: "Don't worry, he won't notice you with so many people."

  Wang Ningxiu: "..." You can really comfort people.

   (end of this chapter)

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