Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 220: Top Stream Wen Jinxing

   Chapter 220 Top Stream Wen Jinxing

"That's right, there are so many people, he can't remember it." Wang Zhuo echoed, "Besides, aren't we handsome? Brother Feng, the school bully and the school grass, you play with him every day, and you never see you. Does he scream?"

   Hearing his name, Xie Feng adjusted his sitting position, sitting up straight for fear that others would not see it.

   "What's the matter, that's my Jin Jin, my male god." Wang Ningxiu retorted, "Although Brother Feng is also very handsome, the degree of surprise is greatly reduced after watching it too much. How can it be exciting to watch Jin Jin."

  Xie Feng: "…"

   I'm tired?

   Are you too ruthless?

I'm sad.

  Xie Feng looked at Wang Ningxiu sadly after a series of psychological activities.

On the other side, after seeing Wen Jinxing, Guan Muqing rushed back to the class excitedly: "Yuxin, I saw Jinjin, he came to school."

   Shen Yuxin didn't go out to run because she felt a little unwell. She didn't know about Wen Jinxing coming to school.

   "Jin Jin is really handsome, I look even better than on TV."

   "That's right, the voice is too gentle, I really want to take a photo and sign."

   After Guan Muqing shouted, several more girls gathered around Shen Yuxin, chattering about the excitement of seeing Wen Jinxing.

   Shen Yuxin was a little stunned: "You said that Wen... Jin Jin came to school?"

   She doesn't chase stars or follow Wen Jinxing, so she swallowed Wen Jinxing's full name just to make others think they are very close.

   "Yeah, yeah, Jinjin is here, Yuxin, do you think he will come to the class to look for you in a while? You guys are going to record a show together, he might come to you right?"

   Said, a female classmate surrounding Shen Yuxin was full of envy, as if Wen Jinxing would really come.

   Shen Yuxin was startled by this idea, and at the same time she was secretly looking forward to it, she said softly: "Jin Jin should come to school for an important matter, so she probably won't come to the class."

   While speaking, Shen Yuxin lowered her eyes slightly, as if she was shy.

   There is a kind of campus time, an undistinguished hazy love-like sense of sight.

   "How could it be, it's very possible, everyone has come, it's also possible to meet the partners who are about to cooperate."

   "That's right, Yuxin, if Jinjin really doesn't have time to come, do you want to take the initiative to go over and say hello to him?"

   Shen Yuxin was a little eager to move by her classmates, but she couldn't let go of her superficial restraint.

   "Yuxin, the chance to meet Jinjin in private is rare, let's go with you."

   "I think so too, Jin Jin himself is really super handsome, I really want to take a look at him, Yuxin, take us with you. With you here, we will definitely be able to see Jin Jin."

   Shen Yuxin's voice was a little low: "This will disturb him."

   "Jin Jin is very talkative. If you go now, maybe you can get Jin Jin's WeChat account in advance. You can get in touch before the last show. That's great."

   Hearing this, Shen Yuxin's face became a little more expectant.

   It seems that I got Wen Jinxing's WeChat account ahead of time, which is really good.

   Encouraged by the group, Shen Yuxin and a few classmates walked to the principal's office.

   The female classmates were very encouraging, but if they really wanted them to go in, they didn't have the courage, and they only dared to accompany her to the vicinity of the office.

   Shen Yuxin walked to the door of the office and took a deep breath.

   looked back and saw the group of girls in the class gave her a cheering gesture.

   (end of this chapter)

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