Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 224: our romantic encounter

   Chapter 224 Our Romantic Encounter

  Xie Feng put his arm on Shen Lingxi's shoulder, as if swearing his sovereignty: "Do you know him?"

   Before Shen Lingxi could speak, Wen Jinxing spoke first.

   "It's more than just getting to know each other, we also have a lively scandal." After speaking, Wen Jinxing threw an eyebrow at her, "Girlfriend, do you still remember our romantic encounter at the bus station?"

  Shen Lingxi snorted coldly: "I only remember that you were chased by the paparazzi and ran around."

  Wen Jinxing: "…"

  You didn't remember my handsome face, you remember all the messy things!

   "Also, who is your girlfriend, talking nonsense, I don't mind letting you be chased again." Shen · indifferent · Xi, said without emotion.

  Wen Jinxing: "…"

   commits Tai Sui.

  Wang Ningxiu was relieved after listening to it for a while.

   "Xixi, was it you who was photographed with Jin Jin at the bus stop a few days ago?" Wang Ningxiu lowered her voice, afraid of being heard.

  Shen Lingxi was helpless: "Well, I didn't read the Yellow Calendar when I went out, but I ran into him."

   Immediately everyone's expressions were a little weird.

   "How could we not read the almanac when we went out, it should be the fate that God gave us." Wen Jinxing said with a smile.

   Shen Lingxi: "Shut up you."

   When they debated fiercely, the assistant almost burst into tears: "Brother, we have to go. Sister Min has made several calls. If I don't go back, I'm afraid my job will be lost."

  Wen Jinxing patted the little assistant on the shoulder: 'It's okay, she resigned you, I'll call you back. "

  Little Assistant: "..." I can thank you.

  Wen Jinxing also knew that it was not appropriate for him to stay, and it was almost time to leave.

   "Would you like to add a WeChat?" Wen Jinxing's gentle voice came, like a breeze passing by.

  Wang Ningxiu: "!!"

  Shen Lingxi raised her eyebrows: "I'm afraid you're not for a fitness card, do you add WeChat everywhere?"

   "How can I?" Wen Jinxing was stunned for a moment.

   Wang Ningxiu whispered, "Jin Jin, did you add a girl's WeChat account today?"

   Hearing this, Wen Jinxing immediately refuted.

After   , what did he think of: "What is that Yuxin called?"

  Xie Feng and the others looked at him like idiots.

   "I didn't add it. She asked me for WeChat and I didn't give it. She added my agent's WeChat." Wen Jinxing said directly, and didn't think there was anything shameful about this.

  A thought flashed through Wen Jinxing's mind: "Did you not add me because you were jealous?"

  Shen Lingxi: "..." Mom's mental retardation?

  Xie Feng: "..." Are you sick?

  The rest of the crowd: "…"

   Good guy, is that what a big star looks like?

  The audience fell into silence.

   "Come on, I'm really leaving." Wen Jinxing looked at her with a look of pity.

   Wang Ningxiu, who was beside her, covered her mouth, barely keeping herself from calling out.

  Her Jinjin is so cute.

   Moe foul.

   Shen Lingxi refused.

  Wen Jin was about to turn his attention to Wang Ningxiu: "Can you ask her to add me, I'll sign it for you."

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

  Wang Ningxiu: "…"

   She didn't say anything. Seeing her tangled appearance, Shen Lingxi sighed helplessly and handed over the WeChat QR code: "Remember to sign her."

  Wang Ningxiu's eyes lit up immediately, wishing he could immediately jump up and hug Shen Lingxi.

   Just know that her Xixi is the best for her.

With a beep of   , the WeChat scan code was successful, and the two added friends.

  Wen Jinxing immediately asked the little assistant to sign with pen and paper: "My lovely fan sister, please tell her not to delete my WeChat, I will send you the surrounding items every once in a while, okay?"

   (end of this chapter)

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