Chapter 225 Literally

   The little assistant couldn't listen anymore and covered his face with his hands. His little boss was so shameless.

  Wang Ningxiu glanced at Shen Lingxi with anticipation in her eyes, but worried that Shen Lingxi would be embarrassed and would not speak.

  Shen Lingxi immediately felt a blow in his heart, Wang Ningxiu's expression was too cute.

   "Understood, don't delete it."

  Xie Feng: "..." Fuck!

   Before leaving, Wen Jinxing glanced at Xie Feng: "Little Junior Brother, please contact me if you have time."

  Xie Feng: "…"

  I finally see someone who owes more than me.


  After Wen Jinxing left with the little assistant, the world can be regarded as returning to peace.

   "Brother Feng, why does he keep calling you Junior Brother?" Wang Zhuo asked.

  Xie Feng's eyes moved, and he changed the topic: "Isn't he also a graduate of No. 1 Middle School, and the name of the senior and junior is called junior, there is no difference."

  Wang Zhuo nodded very simply, as if there was some truth to it.

   Shao Heng glanced at him and said nothing.

  I went to the water room to fill up water between classes and happened to meet Guan Muqing.

  Shen Lingxi is wondering if they are too destined, they have met in the water room many times.

   On the way back after filling the water, Shen Lingxi was blocked by them.

   "Guan Muqing, what do you want to do!"

  Wang Ningxiu didn't want to see them because of their promotion, Shen Yuxin added Wen Jinxing to WeChat, but they also took the initiative to bump into them, but they didn't make "Little Apple" angry.

   Among the people blocking them, in addition to Mu Qing, there were also a few very attentive girls who complimented Shen Yuxin.

"It's nothing, just come to share the joy with her." Guan Muqing deliberately showed off, "We Yuxin not only want to be on the show with Jin Jin, but also add his WeChat, you must be very envious, jealousy will be twisted. Right."

  Wang Ningxiu stood in front of Shen Lingxi and was on guard, as if the other party dared to take a step forward, she would fight back.

   Shen Lingxi raised her eyebrows slightly.

   These two, why do they like to stand in front of her?

   Xie Feng is like this, and so is Wang Ningxiu, a soft girl now.

   She looks so weak, can you be kneaded at will?

   Shen Lingxi couldn't help but start to reflect on whether her performance during this period of time had caused them to misunderstand herself.

   "What to show off, who knows if the WeChat she added is real or not, and who can't speak the blank vernacular, I even said that I added Jinjin WeChat." Wang Ningxiu immediately replied.

Guan Muqing's attitude is extremely arrogant: "This person's jealous face is really ugly, you have come to school for so long, you have to compare everything with Yu Xin, the school's prestige, grades, popularity, you don't see where you compare yourself. She's just an idiot."

   "That's right, don't even look at what you look like, you dare to brag and add Jinjin's WeChat, do you want to be embarrassed?"

  Shen Lingxi said casually: "Shen Yuxin has raised a lot of dogs. It's hard to escape the responsibility of letting the dogs out to bite people and stabbing the owner of the basket."


   Among the onlookers, I don't know who took a breath of cold air first.

   Shen Lingxi's remarks made it clear that they were scolding them as dogs raised by Shen Yuxin.

   Guan Muqing was so angry that he was about to push people: "What do you mean by that!"

   Before she pushed her to the front, Shen Lingxi took Wang Ningxiu away, which prevented her from being touched by Guan Muqing.

   "literally, if you don't understand it, go back to elementary school to learn sentence segmentation."

After   , she pulled Wang Ningxiu and was about to leave.

   When stepping out of the door of the water room, Shen Lingxi stopped.

   (end of this chapter)

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