Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 226: Suspected love exposure

   Chapter 226 Suspected Love Exposure

   "Tell Shen Yuxin a word, add WeChat and keep a low profile. If the wrong person is added and it is spread, she will be hit in the face."

   After the two left, Guan Muqing cursed behind his back angrily.

   Shen Yuxin learned that they were making trouble in the water room. Although she didn't say anything on her face, she suddenly panicked in her heart.

   She didn't understand what Shen Lingxi meant.

   It's as if she knew in advance that the fact that she added Wen Jinxing to WeChat was fake.

The idea of ​​   only exists for a moment.

  Apart from the three people in the principal's office, no one knows her story of Jiawen Jinxing WeChat.

   Shen Lingxi said this, must be out of jealousy.

   Thinking of this, Shen Yuxin was relieved a lot, and her heart became more and more complacent.

   Shen Lingxi must be jealous of her.

   That night, three of the top ten most popular searches on Weibo were all about Wen Jinxing.

  #Wen Jinxing Jincheng No.1 Middle School

  #Wen Jinxing ideal type

  #Wen Jinxing Shen Yuxin

  【Wen Jin goes! It's fresh Jin, my treasure! 】

  【Ah, ah, the male **** has returned to school, and I am also in No. 1 High School, why didn’t I go back and meet him by chance! 】

  【Jin Jin is too handsome, this look is not incompatible with high school students at all, too tender, so handsome! 】

   The comment area at the beginning was normal until a discordant voice appeared.

[Wen Jinxing was only suspected of being in a relationship not long ago, not to mention the ideal type announced on the show, is it too ostentatious recently, they all say that love makes people excited, Wen Jinxing is the stone hammer of love, and you see what he wears when he goes back to school Are the clothes very similar to the girl who was photographed, exactly like a couple's outfit. 】

   As soon as the comment came out, it was immediately hit by Wen Jinxing's Weifan.

   I don't know why, but the popularity of that comment is getting higher and higher, even though the followers have already told me not to wash the news, the popularity still hasn't dropped.

   What's even more outrageous is that the entry of Wen Jinxing's ideal type is on the hot search again.

   Before the studio and Wen Jinxingfang could respond, news broke that the girl who was photographed not long ago looked a bit like a student in their school.

  【Speak quietly, Jin Jin's scandal object is a bit like the school flower of our school. 】

   [Reply to the landlord: What school is Loulou? 】

   [The landlord replied: Jincheng No. 1 Middle School. 】

   Immediately afterwards, the Jincheng No. 1 Middle School Forum about school flower stickers was turned around.

   After everyone was pulling and pulling, it was found that similar clothes appeared in the photos of Shen Yuxin's private clothes in the first class of high school.

   So netizens followed the vine and found Shen Yuxin's Weibo.

  Shen Yuxin also has a small number of 100,000 Weibo fans. After all, she has the title of the most beautiful art examinee, and some fans are also normal.

   Netizens found that most of Shen Yuxin's Weibo are her own beautiful photos, as well as sharing her daily life.

  The content of Weibo is full of the quiet and sunny days, and it has attracted a lot of passers-by fans watching the show for a while.

  【Holy shit, what did I see! Sweater, long hair, beautiful, like sports? Isn't this Wen Jinxing's ideal look? 】

  【Crazy upstairs? Does wearing a sweater fit his ideal type? 】

  【Everything is a coincidence, take Jinjin away. 】

   Not long after, someone picked up the news that Wen Jinxing and Shen Yuxin were going to participate in the show together, and that the two were still meeting alone at school today.

   The relationship between the two seems to be very good.

   So Shen Yuxin and Wen Jinxing went on the hot search together.

   And it is also on the hot search for suspected romance.

   (end of this chapter)

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