Chapter 236 KAP is your stage

   The next morning.

   Shen Lingxi finished her morning run, went home and changed her coat before going out.

  Although the sun was mentioned, the outdoor temperature was only five degrees, and the cold wind with humidity was enough to make people shiver.

  It's a pity that her pretty face is covered by a mask.

  Shen Lingxi wore an off-white long woolen coat, and the same light-colored scarf made her look very warm and temperament.

   But it just looks warm.

  Waiting for the car outside, the wind was blowing, Shen Lingxi's ears were a little red, and the hand holding the phone was cold and aching, so she put her hand in her clothes pocket.

   Fortunately, the car came soon.

   got into the car, and the driver turned on the heater.

  The warm wind blows, gradually isolating the cold outside the window.

   Shen Lingxi said lightly, "Go to Jinjiang Courtyard."

  Jinjiang Bieyuan is a five-star hotel, which can guarantee the privacy and comfort of guests to a great extent.

  Shen Lingxi checked her mailbox last night and found that she received an email two days ago and wanted to meet her.

   She replied.

   The other party's reply was almost a second, so today's meeting was quickly confirmed.

   The two met at the coffee shop on the fifth floor.

The staff of the hotel are thoughtful, but not overly enthusiastic, which makes people feel uncomfortable. The alienation until the point is very comfortable. Shen Lingxi walked behind the staff and felt that this was a good place to talk about things. place.

  The waiter was well-trained to bring her to the destination. Apart from the necessary introduction, she did not talk too much with her along the way.

   As soon as he entered the hall, Shen Lingxi saw a very delicately dressed young woman.

   She was wearing a Chanel slim dress, and she looked very capable, a proper urban beauty.

   The makeup on that face is so beautiful that at first glance, I’m afraid that some famous movie star is coming.

   "Hello, Miss Shen."

  Chao Lan got up with a small smile on his face.

   At the same time, her eyes were looking at Shen Lingxi without a trace: "Please sit down, what would you like to drink?"

   "Water is fine."

  Shen Lingxi doesn't have the habit of drinking coffee in the morning, so she just asked for a glass of water.

   After the waiter served the water, they left first when they saw that they had nothing else to do.

  Chao Lan has been in the fashion circle for so long and has seen many beautiful men and women, but when she saw Shen Lingxi, she was still amazed.

   Looking at her from such a close distance, she is still amazingly beautiful, and the picturesque eyebrows and eyes are not enough to describe her beauty.

   She seems to be a beautiful incarnation. At first glance, it is amazing, and the more you look, the more delicious it is, people can't take their eyes away from her.

   "Miss Shen, you should know what I mean. I want to sign with you and become a contract designer of KAP."

   Shen Lingxi simply understood: "reason, benefit, reason."

   Such a direct question and answer method did not arouse Chao Lan's displeasure at all.

  Even before she came, she had already guessed Shen Lingxi's character.

   From her works, Chao Lan can feel that this is a very special girl, who seems to be casual and flamboyant, but she is calm and restrained in her bones.

   Zhang Yang seems to be her armor, covering up the truest look in her heart

   That is a very wonderful feeling, indescribable, but very attractive.

  Chao Lan smiled: "KAP is your stage."

   No cakes, no sugar-coated shells, and no touts.

   After a while, Shen Lingxi smiled lightly: "Actually, the main reason is that I like beautiful women. It was a wise choice for KAP to choose you to come to me."

   (end of this chapter)

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