Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 237: X, happy to cooperate

   Chapter 237 X, happy cooperation

   "I will not join KAP. Whether I will attend the show events held in the future depends on the situation. In addition, the KAP party cannot publish my personal information. The products derived from the design draft need my personal consent."

   After confirming that he wants to sign the contract, Shen Lingxi also stated his conditions very bluntly.

  Chao Lan was a little surprised. She knew that the other party would make conditions. She thought it was in the promotion and publicity of the design, but she did not expect these things.

   "You surprised me."

   Shen Lingxi chuckled.

   "Ms. Shen, you are really special. With such conditions, you are not afraid that KAP will not be able to promote it in the later stage, and will you hide your design draft?"

   Shen Lingxi leaned back a little: "I believe my partners are smart people."

  Because he has absolute confidence in his own works, Shen Lingxi believes that after reading his design draft, the other party only has a little brain, and he will not hide his own works.

   Capital company, interests come first.

  No one will put a lot of money without earning, behind the glamorous and beautiful, but need a lot of money as a support.

  Chao Lan understood, and calmly replied: "It's a pleasure to cooperate, I'll let them draw up the contract now."

   Shen Lingxi stretched out his hand and shook it back: "Happy cooperation."

  Chao Lan came this time with the idea that she must sign Shen Lingxi.

   is also because her design draft is good enough, so the company executives said they would do their best to sign people.

   After all, a person who can make Fernan try his best to poach is a huge treasure for KAP.

   The legal counsel upstairs has been waiting for news from Chao Lan.

   After receiving the content of the terms to be drawn up, the legal department completed the drawing up of the contract as quickly as possible.

   By ten o'clock, the two had already signed the contract.

   "We welcome you again on behalf of KAP, X."

   Shen Lingxi chuckled: "My pleasure."

  From today, KAP has an additional haute couture designer named X.

   "It's getting late. Shall we have a meal together at noon?" Chao Lan put away the contract, "The buffet in this restaurant is not bad, let's try it together?"


  Shen Lingxi likes Chao Lan's temperament very much, that kind of natural royal sister style makes people want to stop.

   "LAN, someone said you are beautiful and suitable for modeling?"

  Shen Lingxi held the plate and chatted with Chao Lan while picking the food she wanted.

   After getting along for a short time, both of them have a great affection for each other, and they talk a little more casually.

   "I'm pretty, I admit, this model doesn't matter, I'm afraid I said, let me go on stage when you show."

   Shen Lingxi put the small cake on her plate: "Do you think I have this chance?"

  Chao Lan turned to face her, and the corners of his lips raised: "If you are willing to be the finale model in my show, then I can consider it."


  Shen Lingxi frowned slightly and gave a distressed look: "I'll still consider this."

  Chao Lan chuckled: "Okay, I'll wait for you to think about it slowly. This agreement is valid for a long time. I hope you can make a decision before I can't walk on the runway because of my old age."

   After the two had lunch together, Shen Lingxi left first.

  Chao Lan took it out of her bag and muted it for a long time, revealing that there were more than a dozen missed calls on her cell phone.

   "LAN, are you not talking about martial arts anymore?"

  Chao Lan replied casually: "She is worth it, you don't have to look for her anymore, X has signed a contract with me."

   Fernan on the other end of the phone fell silent.

   Today's eighth shift



   (end of this chapter)

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