Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 238: You can't give what I want

   Chapter 238 You can't give what I want

   "I want to meet her."

   Fernan said reluctantly.

The    people were the ones he first took a fancy to, and it was Jincheng where he came first.

   After being busy for a while, he made a wedding dress for Chao Lan, and he couldn't accept it in his heart.

  The contract is in hand, and it is also out of the friendship between old friends. Chao Lan promised to help her make an appointment with Shen Lingxi.

   But she is only sending a message, as for whether the other party sees or does not see, she will not be responsible for the after-sales service.

   After all, the GPL represented by Fernand is the cradle of haute couture design.

   When Shen Lingxi received the WeChat message, she hadn't had time to get in the car.

  Anyway, they all came out. Seeing one is to see, and seeing two is also to see, so she agreed to Fernan's invitation.

  Fernan heard the news and rushed over immediately.

   When he arrived at the hotel, he saw Shen Lingxi and Chao Lan together, looking very intimate, not knowing what they were talking about, talking and laughing, like a pair of good sisters.

  Fernan tidyed up his clothes, raised his hand to put a fist on his lips, and coughed lightly.

   After adjusting his appearance and posture, he walked over.

"This style of painting is okay, but the plot is bloody. Since the male protagonist has divorced the female protagonist for the sake of Bai Yueguang, he should not be entangled in the entanglement, jumping repeatedly between Bai Yueguang and the female protagonist, he is a scumbag. ."

   "The heroine is also blind. The two men are handsome and gentle, so why don't you look down on him?"

   Shen Lingxi replied, "Because of the cannon fodder script he took."

Chao Lan pouted, even though she was 30 years old, the shyness of a girl was not abrupt on her at all, but she was still cute: "Cannon fodder can't rise yet? No wonder there are more and more villains in TV dramas, and there are such male and female protagonists. It's better to blacken it out early to keep it safe."

   "So I slapped the second villain and the scumbag male protagonist." Shen Lingxi replied.

   "This seems to be not bad, I hit it, I hit it."

  Fernan: "…"

   He tried to speak several times, but was shocked by the thunderstorms of these two people and was speechless.

  God knows what he went through next to him.

   managed to draw the attention of the two of them. Fernan maintained a good manner and expressed his appreciation to her like Shen Lingxi and the conditions given to her by the GPL.

  Chao Lan's expression was calm, and he wasn't worried at all about being poached by him.

   In the face of the olive branch thrown by GPL, to be honest, Shen Lingxi was a little surprised.

   "Mr. Fernan, thank you very much for your appreciation, but unfortunately, I have signed a cooperation agreement with KAP."

  Fernan is a little unwilling to give up: "The conditions that KAP can give, GPL can give, as long as you want."

   Shen Lingxi replied calmly: "What I want...the GPL can't give it."

   After finishing speaking, she did not shy away from showing him her cooperation contract with KAP, which Chao Lan agreed.

   They all believed in Fernand's character.

  Fernan was stunned.

   Looking at Chao Lan in disbelief, GPL wants to sign people, just to tie designers and brands together, but the conditions proposed by Shen Lingxi are freedom that GPL can't afford.

The contract she signed with Chao Lan is a contract in name, but in fact the two parties are in a cooperative relationship. As long as Shen Lingxi doesn't want to cooperate, she has the opportunity to cancel the contract at any time. At that time, she can bring her own design out of KAP. The copyright of the design draft is still in her own hands.

  Fernan sighed softly.

   He knew that in this robbery battle, he lost.

   He couldn't give him such conditions.

   also means that she has no fate with Shen Lingxi.

   (end of this chapter)

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