Chapter 245 Anchor Contest

   "Then I've been staring at the news over there recently. X's identity is a mystery, and it's not clear whether it's good or bad for us."

  Wen Jinxing is not blindly optimistic, he is usually a fool, and Yi Min is very satisfied with his steady state of sitting on the Diaoyutai when he is dealing with business affairs.

"Ok, I know."

  Wen Jinxing is doing the work as usual, and Shen Yuxin's situation is getting more and more difficult.

After    overturned again, her online review can be said to be very poor and thorough, and the gentle and drizzle in the original comment area has also turned into a **** storm.

   In the end, the Shen family spent money to drop the hot search, and things slowly cooled down.


   At eleven o'clock in the evening, Shen Lingxi was drawing a design draft after finishing the questions.

  Since KAP has agreed to hold a press conference, as X’s debut show, it is natural not to deal with it at will, or I will be sorry for the company’s support.

   Drop drop drop.

  New news beating.

   Shen Lingxi looked up at the flashing avatar icon in the lower right corner, it was Xiao Shen, the agent of the live broadcast company.

   The two share the same surname, maybe 800 years ago.

   Agent Xiao Shen: Dear LinX, our platform is holding an online anchor contest, are you interested in participating?

Agent Xiaoshen: In addition to the rookie competition, we also have a mentoring competition. Signed anchors can recruit apprentices and compete with other groups participating in the mentoring competition. The winning group will receive tens of millions of promotion resources from the platform. , and the recommendation on the homepage of the broadcast.

   Agent Xiao Shen: Dear, do you think about it?

   Shen Lingxi glanced at the news.

  LinX: No.

   Agent Xiao Shen: The bonus is rich!

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

  What's the matter with some shaking?

   Agent Xiao Shen: The prize money for the Rookie Award is 500,000 yuan, and the prize money for the mentor-apprentice combination event is 800,000 yuan.

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

  LinX: How to sign up?

   When the agent Xiao Shen saw this sentence, the corner of his mouth was already going to report to his temple.

   Agent Xiao Shen: [registration form].doc

   Agent Xiao Shen: [Competition Process].doc

   Agent Xiao Shen: [Competition Rules].doc

   Agent Xiao Shen: Please check the documents, dear, just fill out the registration form and send it to me.

   Shen Lingxi filled out the registration form and sent it back to Xiao Shen.

  Although you don't have to worry about money anymore, but... who doesn't love money.

  Who thinks too much money?

   Besides, not long ago, she was a poor girl who was earning ten dollars per game, so she had to cherish every opportunity to make money.

   After fifteen minutes.

  Shen Lingxi's mailbox popped up an email message.

  【Cube TV: Congratulations, the registration review of the anchor competition has passed! 】

   After confirming the content of the email, Shen Lingxi glanced at the rules and procedures of the competition, and the competition method was also very simple and rude.

   During the competition, the live broadcast company will establish a list of the corresponding awards on the homepage of the website, and those with high popularity will naturally be on the list, which is convenient for users and anchors to check the daily live broadcast situation.

   And the calculation method of popularity, in addition to rewarding gifts, there are also the number of viewers and the number of barrages in the comment area.

  Since the contract has been signed for less than a year, Shen Lingxi is eligible to participate in the selection of the Rookie Award.

   As for the mentoring competition, if you can fight for it, you can fight for it.

   After all, the apprentice’s request must be a pure novice player who has no previous live broadcast experience and must sign a contract within three months.

   took a look at the time, there are a lot of live broadcasters on the live broadcast platform at the moment, Shen Lingxi opened a user account to try his luck, see if the luck bonus, can you meet a new anchor who has not signed a contract.

   (end of this chapter)

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