Chapter 246 Finding Lost Children

   After choosing the game category, she specially started with the lowest number of people.

   Clicked on dozens of live broadcast rooms in a row, and the result…

There is a reason why    is low in popularity.

  Shen Lingxi took her hand away from the mouse, pinched her sore cervical vertebrae, and stared at the live broadcast room. She felt a pain in her eyes.

   I don’t know if it’s because of excessive dryness in my eyes, or my eyes are irritated.

   I'm afraid I'm going to be blind if I look at it any longer.

  Xie An came home from get off work and saw that the lights in Shen Lingxi's house were still on, so he made a call to remind the children that it was time to go to bed.


   Shen Lingxi was lying on the table and said weakly.

  Xie An listened to her unlovable tone, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, not gloating, but thinking of her pitiful misery...

   Well, just gloat.

   "You don't sleep so late, are you planning to cultivate immortals?" Xie An said mildly, "In case there is lightning and thunder one day, do I have to think about it first, did you succeed in immortal cultivation and begin to transcend the calamity?"

   Shen Lingxi's mouth twitched, and a contemptuous tone came out: "Third brother, you can be more obvious when you are gloating about misfortune."

  Xie An raised his eyebrows: "Misunderstanding. I just express my concern for you."

  Shen Lingxi smiled "hehe": "I really thank you."

  Xie An smiled: "It should be."

   Shen Lingxi: "..." Really shameless.

   "What are you doing?" After joking, Xie An tried to be as human as possible and stopped teasing her.

  Shen Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm looking for another lost child, unknown age, gender, appearance, height, nice voice, nice hands, obedient, well-behaved and sensible."

  Xie An: "…"

   He assured that he really didn't mean to laugh.

   I can't stand it anymore.

   "Your conditions for finding someone are harsh enough." Xie An suppressed his smile.

   Shen Lingxi opened another live broadcast room and was almost sent away by an uncle wearing a miniskirt.

   It's totally unreasonable to be banned from the live broadcast room after all this.

   Shen Lingxi sighed lightly: "Yeah, why did this child get lost?"

   "The child is afraid that his brain is not very good." Xie An said sincerely.

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

   Take the bamboo shoots.

   No wonder people in the e-sports circle give people the nickname old beast, this is not a human mouth, and no wonder it makes people feel frightened.

   Xie Wen understood the reason why she was looking for a baby, and said...there was nothing she could do.

   Find it yourself.

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

   Maybe someone sighed too much, and God couldn't stand it anymore, and sent a child named Hua Mian to her.


  Damn, you are playing games, why go to the food and broadcast page!

The group of recommended live broadcasts next to    made her hungry.

   Shen Lingxi couldn't hold back for a while, and directly forgot about quality education and cursed.

   At this time, she desperately wanted to call Comrade Xiao Shen and reported him the live broadcast room of his series of channels.

   "Welcome Mika Bakalamika to my live room."

   Shen Lingxi: "…"


   This **** new user takes a name right away, and it's a **** of a lot to change the username after seven days.

   Shame on the real Nima.

  【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh little brother's voice is so nice, you can read the name like this clearly, did you learn it specially?】

  【Can you trouble the friend who just came in to go out and come in again, I want to listen to my little brother read it again. 】

  Shen Mikaba Karamika Xi rolled his eyes on the spot, do you think I care about you?

   The anchor's voice is clean and pleasant, with a slight childish feeling. It is estimated that he is not too old. When chatting with netizens, he can still hear a little nervous.

  Shen Lingxi glanced at the number of people in the live broadcast room: 20

   These 20 people were probably all attracted by his voice and stayed.

   (end of this chapter)

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