Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 250: Zhuang Boyuan returns

   Chapter 250 Zhuang Boyuan Returns

   At nine o'clock in the evening, the banker was waiting for Zhuang Boyuan, who came back to China.

  He Chunhua was still lying in the hospital ward, and the old lady could not be separated from others. Zhuang Hongyu was worried that Chen Miaomiao would not ask about her mother, so she drove her home to pick her up.

  Chen Miaomiao turned on the headlights in the living room and sat in the dimly lit dining area.

   When Zhuang Boyuan came in with his luggage, he saw Chen Miaomiao thoughtfully at a glance.

   It has been a few years since she and Zhuang Dafu were married, and this was the first time they met.

  When he learned that his father had married a wife younger than himself, he was speechless and disdainful.

   After all, it is a little hard for any normal man to suddenly have a stepmother younger than himself.

   He didn't even look back when they got married.

   "Sir is back." Chen Miaomiao was awakened by the movement by the door, and stood up to say hello.

   She didn't call her Zhuang Boyuan by the familiar name, and she didn't pretend to be her stepmother. Instead, she politely called "Sir".

  Zhuang Boyuan's hand to close the door paused, also somewhat surprised.

   "Where's Auntie?" Zhuang Boyuan asked.

   "I'm still escorting me in the hospital." Chen Miaomiao replied, "Sir, you haven't eaten yet, the food is ready, come over to fill your stomach first."

  Zhuang Boyuan nodded, put his things away first, then came to wash his hands and eat.

  Chen Miaomiao lowered her head. She didn't have a good dinner. She should be hungry now, so she ate together.

  Zhuang Boyuan glanced at her from time to time. Although she was not a stunning beauty, her facial features were very delicate. No wonder his father liked her.

   At this time, Chen Miaomiao was full of thoughts on how to divide the property of the banker, so that she could take revenge on those who had humiliated her in the future, but she didn't notice Zhuang Boyuan's look at her at all.

  If she knew what Zhuang Boyuan thought of her, she would probably have laughed out loud on the spot.


   Yang Weihua had already finished exercising early, and he didn't see that **** go downstairs to eat breakfast. He thought he was going to skip class because of his old problems, so he took the spare key to the room and went upstairs.

   "Stinky boy, what time is it, and you still want to stand at the school gate?" Yang Weihua knocked on the door, his tone was not bad.

  No movement inside the door.

   "Stinky boy, it's seven o'clock, get up quickly, don't pretend you didn't hear me."

   After knocking several times in a row, there was no movement inside, so he opened the door with the key.

The moment    opened the door, Yang Weihua saw his flushed face, and his lips were dry and peeling.

   Immediately, he felt bad, and hurried up to check the situation.

   When his hand touched his forehead, he was startled, and the temperature was too high to burn his hands. No wonder he didn't respond when he shouted at the door.

  Yang Weihua hurriedly brought him a coat and put it on, and went downstairs with someone on his back.

  "Oh, I'm going, old uncle Shen can't carry you anymore."

   Even though he was mentally prepared, Yang Weihua stretched to his waist the moment he carried Xie Feng on his back.

   After some twists and turns, it can be regarded as getting people to the hospital.

  The nurse helped me to measure the temperature, and it was 39.5.

   When Xie An heard the news and rushed over, Yang Weihua was contacting his assistant on the phone to arrange today's work schedule.

  The two looked at each other, Xie Wen nodded and said hello.

  Yang Weihua hung up the phone after explaining the matter: "I'm fine, I just caught a cold and have a fever. Now I'm hanging on the water, and the temperature has slowly dropped."

   (end of this chapter)

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