Chapter 251 Hospital Visit

   "Okay." Xie An was slightly relieved to hear that, "Uncle, what's wrong with your waist?"

  Yang Weihua kept his hand on his waist, his expression unnatural: "I stretched it when I carried that kid downstairs in the morning, it's not in the way."

   "Let the doctor take a look at it." Xie An frowned.

   "It's all a small problem, I'm getting old." Yang Weihua patted Xie Gan's arm, "Unconsciously, you guys have grown so big, it feels trivial to hold one in one hand, and now you can't carry it anymore."

  Xie An's expression was quite gentle: "It's because we are heavy, my uncle is not old."

   "It will make my uncle happy." Yang Weihua pretended to be annoyed, but he was actually very psychologically beautiful.

   Xie An is only a few years older than Xie Feng. When he was a child, he would stay with Xie Feng in the Yang family for a few days, and their relationship was much closer than that of ordinary relatives.

"I don't think your face is very good. You've been tired recently. It's not good for you to come home and live there. You have to live outside by yourself. Do you have a meal at home or one less room for you?" Yang Weihua saw He lost a lot of weight, and he was very distressed.

  Xie An smiled and said, "I've been busy with things recently, and I stayed up a lot late, and I'll be fine after a while."

   "When things are done, take it easy. I think you should move home and have something to do with Xiaofeng. It just so happens that your grandfather is also bored at home. You can still play chess with him from time to time."

   Xie Wen touched his nose subconsciously: "I can't beat my grandfather, I won't look for abuse."

   Yang Weihua was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud after thinking of something.

   Others don't know, how could he, a son, not know.

  Yang Qianshan is seen by outsiders as a talented painter, but when he returns home, he is a stinky chess basket that everyone fears.

  The smell of chess is fine. He still likes to find someone to play chess, but he has to play with a child’s temper. He’s just an old child.

  Because of his good chess skills, the Yang family would be pulled to play chess together every time. Because there was no trace of water, he was only loved by Mr. Yang.

  Xie Feng's tonsils were somewhat inflamed, so the high fever was easy to repeat, so he was left in the hospital.

  When Shen Lingxi came to the hospital to visit, this guy was playing games with his **** on his back. He was really ill and didn't forget to be cool.

   "What's your shape, bulldozer?"

   Shen Lingxi leaned against the door with a look of disgust.

The moment    saw him, Xie Feng's mouth was flattened, like a human cub who had been wronged, and his eyes were a little red.

   "You have come to see me." Xie Feng wailed, "I have suffered inhuman abuse and humiliation here."

   Watching his tearful performance, Shen Lingxi couldn't help laughing.

  Xie Feng: "…"

   It's so miserable, still laughing?

  The love of classmates is gone?

   Also his expression was too sad, Shen Lingxi changed his face in a second: "Why have you been abused?"

  Xie Feng squinted slightly and gave a cold snort: "The needle I used to hang the water went through the needle, and the blood flowed back halfway. I asked my brother to call the nurse to help me adjust it. Do you know what he said?"

   In order to cooperate with his performance, Shen Lingxi pretended to be curious: What did he say? "

   "What did he call it? After changing the potion in a while, the blood will be lost to you again." Xie Feng covered his chest, "Did you hear what he said in human words?"

   Shen Lingxi: "…"

   is a bit brutal.

  Xie Feng sniffed: "I have thin blood vessels, and I ran for a few injections. He was tired of calling the nurses. He even said that I have a lot of flesh in my butt, so I just need to spank."

   (end of this chapter)

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