Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 253: Slapped Chen Miaomiao twice

   Chapter 253 Slapped Chen Miaomiao twice

   She seemed to be looking forward to seeing the pained look on Shen Lingxi's face.

  " Chen Miaomiao walked up to her and said deliberately, "Apart from the old man, the one you were closest to when you were a child was this duplicitous cousin. I didn't expect that he was also one of the people who sold you. "

   The electric light and flint saw it, and the crisp sound of "pop" shocked everyone who passed by.

  Chen Miaomiao was stunned by the beating, and she didn't expect her to take action.

   She covered her face and looked at her in shock: "You... you dare to hit me?"

   Shen Lingxi raised his hand and slapped again.

  Chen Miaomiao was completely stunned by her aura, and there was a sense of fear in her heart.

   At that moment, she seemed to feel Shen Lingxi's killing intent.

   She was like an awakened, irritated wolf, her eyes were cold and bloodthirsty.

   Shen Lingxi was still holding hot water in the other hand, so it was inconvenient to rub her wrist, so she could only turn around with one hand.

   I have been working on the draft for the past few days, my wrist is sore, and I slapped her ears so hard that I felt a little numb.

   "Tell me about the relocation of the grave and want to see that I have nowhere to go, and then collapse and feel sad and even ask you for help in a low voice, are you worthy?"

   "Wan Dapeng is a typical example of being strong from the outside and doing things in the middle. Everyone knows what he wants to do. Your parents should also know about it, maybe they even participated in the discussion."

  Chen Miaomiao was dumbfounded, how could he come to their house so well.

   "If I can send one in, it doesn't matter if I can send another one."

   Shen Lingxi's light words made Chen Miaomiao's face even paler.

   "Also... hit you, if you want to hit you, do you still want to pick the almanac?"

  Chen Miaomiao shuddered suddenly: "You are talking nonsense."

  Shen Lingxi smiled: "Is it nonsense or not, I will find out after checking it."

  Chen Miaomiao's face was flushed, and she was a little annoyed and angry: "Do you think you are something, do you send people in if you want to, the bureau is opened by your family?"

   Shen Lingxi threw away her hand impatiently in the face of her pulling.

  Chen Miaomiao saw the people coming downstairs from the corner of his eyes, his body that had already stood firm suddenly swayed deliberately, and he stepped on the air and rolled down the stairs by himself.

   "My God! Doctor, save people!"

   "See red, see red, doctor, nurse, come on!"

   "Why is this little girl so cruel, she is still pregnant, how can you push her, do you want her life!"

   Facing everyone's pointing, Shen Lingxi's brows furrowed.

   And at this time, the people upstairs rushed down.

   is Zhuang Boyuan.

  Xie Feng just finished the game in the ward, and looked out the door after hearing the noise.

   "Why is this door suddenly so lively?" The uncle in the next bed was awakened and asked sleepily.

  Xie Feng got up, the soreness from his **** made him gasp: "I'll go out and have a look."

   There were a lot of people watching. On the way to the stairs, he heard the broken thoughts of many people.

   I looked around in the crowd for a while, and I was barely able to see what was inside because of my height.

   "Fuck, Sister Xi."

   Seeing Shen Lingxi being surrounded by the crowd, Xie Feng immediately squeezed towards the center: "Borrowed, oh, don't squeeze, my ass, borrowed."

   finally squeezed in, and Xie Feng saw that there was a red mark on the back of Shen Lingxi's hand, and some places had broken skin and oozing blood.

   "Why did you hurt yourself when you came out to get some water? I'll take you to the nurse for some medicine?"

   (end of this chapter)

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