Chapter 254 Deliberately Framed

   Hearing that Xie Feng was going to take her away, the people around couldn't stand up immediately.

   "If you push someone, you want to leave, how can there be such a good thing, just wait for the police here."

   "That's right, if someone is good or bad, I'll see what you will do."

   "The little girl's heart is too cruel."

   "What an enmity, how dare you push people down."

   Not only that, but there are also five tall bodyguards watching around. If you really want to leave, you will have to fight in the hospital.

  Xie Feng frowned and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, who is pushing people, don't blame me for talking nonsense."

   Shen Lingxi didn't feel nervous at all, it seemed that the people surrounded by her were not like her.

   "You don't know anything and just believe me?" Shen Lingxi asked rhetorically.

  Xie Feng protected her behind him: "Nonsense, I know very well what kind of person you are, and I don't need anyone else to tell me."

   Shen Lingxi's original irritability was also relieved by Xie Feng's actions at this moment.

  This idiot is really, she can always surprise her.

   "Nima's, I knew I just took out my phone." Xie Feng whispered, "Why didn't my brother come back after buying food for so long, you sent him a message and told him to come back and save his life."

   "Don't worry, it's alright, I'll call someone." Shen Lingxi replied, "Are you still standing? I'll help you sit down for a while?"

   Xie Feng was about to kneel for her: "Sister, you are surrounded by people, can you be a little nervous."

   Shen Lingxi was at a loss for words, as if her nervousness had always been in a state of running away from home.

After    sent the person to the operating room, Zhuang Boyuan came back.

   Seeing his angry look, Xie Feng blocked people even more firmly: "What do you want to do, stay away."

  Zhuang Boyuan took a deep breath: "Why are you crazy, you can't talk about such a big thing, she is a pregnant woman, did you push her downstairs to kill her?"

   Shen Lingxi patted the hand covering her face, motioning for Xie Feng to lower his arm a little.

  "I hope you can speak so confidently after seeing the evidence for a while."

   Shen Lingxi's attitude was extremely indifferent.

   When Xie An came back from shopping, he happened to meet Pei Xingrang, who came in a hurry with people at the door of the building.

   Both of them were a little surprised when they saw each other.

   "Third Master, are you... sick?"

  Xie An: "No, visiting the doctor, you are..."

   Pei Xingrang followed the people from the city bureau, not like seeing a doctor, but more like he was here on business.

   "Something happened to my sister, come and check the situation."

  Xie An frowned: "Xi Xi?"

   Pei Xingrang didn't have a sister, so he could call her a sister so intimately, and he was so anxious, no wonder he thought of Shen Lingxi.


   got an affirmative answer, Xie An's face darkened immediately.

   When the two came together, they immediately attracted the attention of the people around them.

   These two men are eye-catching, and they don't know what they grew up with.

   In order to prevent the other party from feeling that they were intentionally partial, Pei Xingrang couldn't go to Shen Lingxi at the first time.

  Xie An walked towards her under the gazes of everyone: "Are you okay? Did they bully you?"

  Shen Lingxi shook his head: "He came quickly."

   "Well, we are here, don't be afraid." Xie An's expression softened, "You go back to the ward first?"

  Xie Feng shook his head: "I'm not going back."

   Xie An also knows his temper, so it's fine if he doesn't leave, nothing will happen if Pei Xingrang is here.

   (end of this chapter)

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