Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 255: Sister Xi's strength hangs

   Chapter 255 Sister Xi's strength hangs and beats

  Zhuang Boyuan did not expect that Shen Lingxi would take the initiative to call the police.

   After Pei Xingrang arrived, he directly showed his ID.

As soon as the certificate came out, Zhuang Boyuan was stunned for a moment, but he never thought that it was someone from the provincial department.

  Zhuang Boyuan frowned and looked Shen Lingxi up and down.

   They are all professionals, and they check the surveillance behind the stairs when they come up.

   But unfortunately, they were standing in a blind spot where they could only see half of them.

  The monitoring is silent, only vaguely see two people arguing.

   "Without the surveillance footage, there is no way to prove her innocence." Zhuang Boyuan breathed a sigh of relief after reading the surveillance contents.

   In his subconscious, he believed in Chen Miaomiao.

   "What are you staring at, the surveillance can't prove that there is any other evidence." Xie Feng immediately replied when he saw him looking at him coldly.

  Shen Lingxi's expression was calm: "Team Pei, have you brought the electrostatic absorber?"

   "Bring it."

  Shen Lingxi took a few steps back: "Check the footprints. When Chen Miaomiao fell down the stairs, there was a noticeable pause in hers at the entrance of the stairs, and the traces should be able to be found."

   Pei Xingrang raised his eyebrows, why did he feel that this sister seemed to understand their ways.

   "What is an electrostatic adsorber?" Xie Feng asked quietly.

Shen Lingxi replied: "The black plastic film is used for judging footprints in criminal investigation. There is a metal coating on the black plastic film. After the high-voltage electrostatic generator contacts the black plastic film, a large amount of high-voltage static electricity is generated, which can absorb the dust attached to the ground. Restore the footprint of the crime scene."

   Pei Xingrang: "..." I knock, professional?

  Xie Feng: "..." What are you talking about?

  Xie An frowned slightly, and it seemed that children knew more things than he imagined.

   At least what she said just now is something she has never been involved in.

   "In addition, apart from the two slaps on her face, my hands did not touch other parts of her body. During the investigation, I can ask her about the process of investigating the stairs."

  Zhuang Boyuan swallowed his saliva subconsciously, this is so wrong.

   Shen Lingxi's reaction was too calm. If she really pushed people down the stairs, she would be flustered when she saw the police coming, and she should have emotional ups and downs no matter how bad it was.

   Instead of calmly telling the police what she did when the crime happened, and where the key points were.

   Soon the restoration of the electrostatic adsorber’s footprint was revealed. After Chen Miaomiao rolled down the stairs, Shen Lingxi deliberately protected their area, so no one was approached.

   Even if Xie Feng protected her in front of her, she tried to avoid Xie Feng's footprints.

"According to the footprint analysis, before Chen Miaomiao rolled down the stairs, there was an obvious shift in the center of gravity, and there were multiple overlapping footprints, while the footprint opposite her did appear backward with its center of gravity backward, obviously being pushed backwards by someone. a handful."

  Zhuang Boyuan frowned: "What does this mean?"

"The meaning is very clear. Before Chen Miaomiao rolled down the stairs, she had a brief hesitation, and she moved in place to adjust the position, so there were such overlapping shoe prints on the edge of the stairs. If she was pushed down, The fall is instantaneous, and there is no time for reaction and hesitation."

   "It can also be seen from the video surveillance that when Chen Miaomiao fell down the stairs, Shen Lingxi made a backward movement, which is in line with the footstep judgment."

   "From now on, it can be proved that when Chen Miaomiao fell, Chen Miaomiao pushed her in the opposite direction."

   (end of this chapter)

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