Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 268: People are more valuable in having self-knowledge

  Chapter 268

   Huamian agreed.

   In the second game, the two jumped into the wild area.

   This time it was even worse, the people were gone, and the game survived for less than two minutes.

   In the third game, the two jumped to P city.

   landed, but before he could lick his bag, Hua Mian's teammate was headshot.

   After ten minutes of hard fighting, Hua Mian "sacrifices her love."

   Fourth inning.

   Fifth inning.

   Sixth inning.


The   comment area is already laughing crazy.

   [The anchor is really miserable, hahaha, except for the first game, no one survived for more than 15 minutes, and it still fell into a box several times.

  【Help, it’s too funny. 】

   [The anchor has a really good temper. 】

  Hua Mian sighed, suddenly feeling a little cold on the top of her head.

   may be bald.

   "Little brother, you believe me, I have learned, I am very strong now."

  Hua Mian pulled out a reluctant smile from the corner of her mouth, she really wanted to say, sister, you have some dishes without knowing it.

   It’s okay to be a slander, there’s no need to say it.

   After all, she is a girl, so she has to give her face.

   During the interval between their games, Shen Lingxi had already finished the three papers in hand.

   The winter vacation is getting closer and closer, and the amount of homework in the competition class is a bit abnormal, from the original one test paper per day to two per day.

   In addition to the practice papers in the usual class, the task is heavy.

   Shen Lingxi looked up and saw that they hadn't started the game yet, and sent a barrage message.

  Mika Bakalamika: Bring me one?

  Hua Mian wanted to cut into four rows, but when she saw Shen Lingxi, she immediately regained her spirits.

   "Bring, boss, what's your number, I'll add you."

  Hua Mian was probably abused a lot, Shen Lingxi seemed to be a little ecstatic when he heard his voice.

  Mika Bakalamika: I'll add you.

   Huamian was stunned when the friend verification message came.


  【The anchor is added, what are you stunned for?】

  【Is the network card installed, why is there no sound? 】

  Hua Mian calmed down and clicked OK.

   Because one person was added, Huamian opened four rows.

  Shen Lingxi was very fierce as usual, and just came up to the airport. After so many rounds of destruction, Hua Mian suddenly encountered such a fierce person, and the psychological gap was very big for a while.

   It is also a loss that his skills are hard enough, and he immediately reacted to keep up with Shen Lingxi's rhythm.

   They are both skilled, and although it is the first time to form a team, there seems to be a natural tacit understanding.

   The two of them cooperated, completely like a head harvester.

   It's just that the last two teammates who can't keep up with the rhythm suffer. The second lady is completely confused.

   No. 2: "Little brother, you have risen, you are amazing."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Mian completed the seven murders.


As soon as the words   Shen Lingxi came out, Hua Mian rushed over immediately and sent the group of people in the car away.

   "Mengpo Bridge, the collection is good."

  No.4: "Fuck, these two are too fierce, such fat thighs."

  No.2: "Little brother, were you hiding your strength just now? Why weren't you so good when we were fighting?"

   No. 2 had already been killed, but he did not quit the game and continued to watch the rest of his teammates play the game.

  No.4: "Fuck, I got goosebumps watching."

  Two: "It's too strong."

  Hua Mian's blood boiled, completely ignoring the chat between No. 2 and No. 4.

  【Good luck, eat chicken at night! 】

   This is the first chicken that Hua Mian got tonight, and the first time he has been so excited to eat chicken after playing for so long.

   (end of this chapter)

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