Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 269: Do the anchors add one to WeChat?

   Chapter 269 Add one to the anchor WeChat

   After the game ended, Hua Mian returned to her live broadcast room and saw that the number of online viewers had exceeded 10,000, and it was still rising at an extremely terrifying speed.

   Not only that, but the few barrages in the live broadcast room also began to become very fast. Even if his eyesight was good, it was difficult to see what they were posting.

  【LinX what are you doing! I've been squatting in your live broadcast room for so long and you don't show up, you come to rub other people's live broadcast room! 】

  【Help, I thought it was fake, it’s you! 】

  【LinX, D God knows you secretly came out to flirt with the little anchor, he is on his way to kill with his big sniper. 】

  Shen Lingxi naturally scanned the content on the barrage with a very calm expression.

   "Are you still coming?"

  Hua Mian stared at the barrage dumbfounded, basically shouting LinX.


   "Let's go." Shen Lingxi said lightly, "Stop the barrage in the live broadcast room, I'm frightening my teammates, it's rare to meet a good teammate, will you pay me if you lose people?"

  【Compensate, we will pay, LinX will open a live-streaming lottery, and we will play with you. 】

   "I've been very busy recently, so I don't have time to live broadcast, so I will play two games online. If there is a live broadcast, I will notify in advance."

After    finished speaking, Shen Lingxi didn't speak anymore, the barrage in the live broadcast room was still swiping fast, and Hua Mian's live broadcast room became popular, and it didn't take long for it to be recommended.

   "Where shall we dance?"

   Hua Mian declined the team application of the two teammates just now, and played a double row with Shen Ling.

   Shen Lingxi glanced at the route: "Airport, jump?"


  Hua Mian sat up straight, with a serious expression, who didn't know that she thought she was in the exam room.

  Compared with other points, the airport is richer in materials, but the terrain is relatively complex, and there are many people who choose to jump here, so it is inevitable that they will just shoot when they land.

  Shen Lingxi has been watching his live broadcast for a few days, and found that he is good at hitting the assault position, so when choosing an airport, he just wanted to see how strong his Gang Gun is.

  【I'm going, there are many people who jumped in several teams! 】

  【Is it bad to live, why do you want to fight with LinX, cherish life and stay away from Gang Gun. 】

After    landed, the two quickly started searching for supplies.

  Three minutes later, the system announcement appears.

  【LinX used mini14 to knock down snake】

   Immediately after going up and down, people were killed: "Lick the bag."

   After Hua Mian squatted down, Shen Lingxi quickly let the wall check the angle of view.

"someone is coming."

   Hearing this, Shen Lingxi predicted the location and time, and cooperated with Hua Mian to take away a head.

  Hua Mian and Shen Lingxi lined up to eat chicken.

  Hua Mian ranked first in total kills, and Shen Lingxi ranked third.

   When the game was over, Shen Lingxi didn't quit the team immediately: "How much do you plan for the anchor to add WeChat?"

  Hua Mian was dumbfounded: "No no no...don't give a reward."

   "So polite?" Shen Lingxi hooked her lips, "Then add one more?"

  Hua Mian was a little nervous: "Okay."

   "You sent me a private chat with your number, and I've downloaded it beforehand." Shen Lingxi said.

   After saying this, Shen Lingxi withdrew from the live broadcast room, not even taking a look at the rapid barrage of the live broadcast room.

   All the water friends were wailing and wanting to add LinX's WeChat, Hua Mian sweated a little, and sent his WeChat code in a trembling way.

   She immediately initiated a friend request, and the other side passed it almost in seconds.

  Shen Lingxi: Sorry, I didn't expect the water friends to come so fast.

  Huamian: It's okay, thank you.

  Shen Lingxi: Huh?

  Huamian: Little Dinosaur Nervous.jpg, many of your fans gave me some attention.

   (end of this chapter)

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