Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 271: She got engaged in the middle of the night

   Chapter 271 She got engaged in the middle of the night

  The night before winter vacation.

   Shen Lingxi had a slight cold and went to bed early.

   At ten o'clock, the phone rang suddenly.

  Shen Lingxi didn't even turn on the light, and fumbled for the location of the phone on the bedside table with her hands. After she managed to find it, she opened her eyes slightly.

  The strong light on the phone screen made her unable to see the caller's name, so she swiped it

   "You come home tomorrow, I have something to say."

   "Same on the phone."

   Shen Lingxi fell asleep in a daze, and didn't even know who the person on the opposite side was.

   "What's your attitude? I'm not discussing with you, I'm telling you."

   Shen Lingxi didn't move, and I don't know if he fell asleep.

   "Your sister is about to get engaged, you, the older sister, must come back."

  Shen Mingqi kept reciting in her ear, she was a little angry when she got up, but now she was suddenly woken up and depressed, she didn't say anything, but she continued to talk.

  Shen Lingxi frowned, took the phone from her ear, and glanced at the time display.

   "The big night's engagement, let's have a ghost."

  Shen Mingqi: "…"

   Shen Yunci, who was called home first, had a slightly subtle expression after hearing the voice of the public, and it seemed inappropriate to want to laugh.

  Shen Yuxin looked embarrassed, and it didn't seem right to place her hands and feet anywhere.

   Jiao Yuanyuan's face froze directly.

  Shen Mingqi once felt that he was at odds with this daughter. He didn't say a word. Either he would quarrel, or she would be half mad at her. He had no education at all.

   "Tell her."

  Shen Mingqi felt that if he continued to talk, he was afraid that he would be angered out of a heart attack.

   decisively gave the phone to Shen Yunci.


  Shen Yunci took over the phone and called out softly.

   When Shen Lingxi heard his voice, his irritability eased a lot: "Brother, I just woke up."

"Have you had dinner?"

  Shen Lingxi sat up from the bed, flipped the switch to turn on the lights in the room, got up and walked to the bedside and opened the curtains.

   "No, I'm ordering takeout now."

  Shen Lingxi slowed down, her voice still hoarse as she had just woken up.

   "Don't order it, I'll have someone deliver it."

   Shen Lingxi: "Okay."

   After talking about the meal, Shen Yunci told her in advance about Shen Yuxin's engagement.

  This afternoon, Qin Ye's family suddenly came to visit, saying that Qin Ye and Shen Yuxin were already together, and seeing that their two children had the same mind, they wanted to settle this matter first.

   After hearing this, Shen Lingxi was confused except in a circle.

   What is this called?

   Even if the two of them are together, they are at most in a relationship, so how could they get to the point of getting engaged.

   And she remembered that at her marriage recognition banquet, the two of them were obviously unfamiliar, so soon they had reached the point where they had to announce their engagement to the public?

   Shen Yunci was also shocked when he found out about this.

   But there is no way, Shen Mingqi and Jiao Yuanyuan are both satisfied with the marriage, and Shen Yuxin agrees, with a look of no room for negotiation, and it is clear that they will be notified.

   "Okay, I'll go back tomorrow." Shen Lingxi yawned, and packed up the cactus she was holding that looked like a bald head.

   She kept a pot of cactus in her room, originally thinking of using it to absorb radiation.

She didn't know whether    absorbed the radiation or not, anyway, she had nothing to do to tear off the two thorns, but it was very decompressing.

  Shen Lingxi glanced at the front side that she had already plucked, and the back side lost a third of the cactus, wondering if she had to buy a new pot at some point.

   (end of this chapter)

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