Chapter 272 KAP's Spokesperson

   Waiting for the takeout time, Shen Lingxi turned on the computer.

  Two hours ago, KAP sent her an email about the model question for the big show.

   In order to better promote the brand, we invite the spokesperson of our own brand to participate in the catwalk. First, we can strengthen the relationship with the spokesperson, and secondly, we can use the popularity of the spokesperson to promote the effect.

   Coincidentally, KAP's spokesperson contract is about to expire soon, and they are still considering whether to renew it.

   When I signed that Xiaohua, I valued her traffic and popularity. When the three-year contract expired, there were many newcomers in the entertainment industry, and Xiaohua was unable to produce excellent works for a long time, and her popularity has gradually begun to decline.

  So that one is no longer KAP's first choice, plus the issue of the spokesperson's catwalk, so Chao Lan wants to invite Shen Lingxi to participate in the selection of models and spokespersons.

   There will be a meeting at KAP in the morning to discuss the follow-up endorsement arrangements, so the selection of spokespersons and models is set in the afternoon.

   Shen Lingxi replied to the email, saying that she would be there tomorrow afternoon.


   The next morning, Shen Lingxi got up early in order to catch up with the afternoon.

  After washing, go to the cloakroom to change clothes.

  Shen Lingxi's room is very large. In order to make it easier for her to put clothes and shoes, Shen Yunci specially asked people to turn the next room into a cloakroom.

   As soon as the sliding door is opened, you can see the oversized custom wardrobe on all sides, but unfortunately, there are not many clothes in the wardrobe.

   To be precise, it should be that the number of clothes is not much compared to the area of ​​the wardrobe.

   In one of the cabinets, there are also many clothes that have not been cut with tags.

  Under the light of crystal chandeliers, the cloakroom looks magnificent.

   Her eyes swept over, and she picked an off-white sweater and jeans from the cabinet.

   Compared with delicate and well-behaved skirts, she prefers casual styles, such as sweaters, knitted sweaters, and simple style sweaters.

   It doesn't need to be matched, it looks good when you wear it casually, and you have a youthful atmosphere on your body.

   The slightly curly long hair hangs on the shoulders, which looks so cute and gentle. In order to save time, there is no makeup, so I just grab a messenger bag from the bag shelf and go out.


After the doorbell rang, Shen Lingxi did not expect that it was Qin Ye who came to open the door for him.

   Seeing that it was Shen Lingxi, Qin Ye was also a little surprised.

   This was the first time they had looked at each other at such a close distance, Qin Ye's heart suddenly tightened, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  Shen Lingxi is really beautiful. Today's off-white sweater makes her look a lot gentler.

   "We're going to stand by the door all the time?"

   Qin Ye returned to his senses: "I'm sorry."

   After saying that, he turned sideways and let people enter the house.

   "Brother Qin Ye, you..."

   Shen Yuxin walked over with a smile on her face, her expression froze when she saw the person standing with Qin Ye.

   "Sister, elder sister, you are back."

  Shen Yuxin took a deep breath, and the corners of her lips curled into a small smile, if there was no reluctance, it should be a pretty smile.

   Shen Lingxi looked indifferent: "Well, what about brother?"

   "Brother worked overtime last night and may not be awake yet."

   Shen Lingxi said "oh" and walked upstairs, obviously looking for Shen Yunci.

   "Brother Qin Ye, my sister should go to wake up my brother. You sit first, and the cake will be ready soon."

   While speaking, Shen Yuxin kept looking at him.

   Qin Ye took his eyes away from Shen Lingxi: "Okay, do you need any help?"

  Shen Yuxin sweetened: "No need."

   (end of this chapter)

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