Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 277: spokesperson candidate

   Chapter 277 Spokesperson Candidates

  If you change to another designer, KAP will definitely not be so easy to talk about.

  But now they are facing Shen Lingxi.

   An up-and-coming designer with great talent, they are willing to court her.

   Shen Lingxi asked, "Who are the candidates for your new spokesperson?"

"Our current brand spokesperson is Qi Xinnuan. Judging from her current popularity and business value, in our second echelon, the first echelon has Qing Fei, and model-born Hua Li Yanxin, a member of the girl group. Zhong Zhiyi, the second echelon is Qi Xinnuan, An Xia, and Qiao Qianyu."

  Chao Lan said the situation of the people they selected very directly: "This is their profile information."

   glanced at the photo of the first echelon, Shen Lingxi frowned.

   They are beautiful, but they are not the kind of feeling she wants.

  Qingfei is pretty, and the beauty is too aggressive, with the feeling of a femme fatale, Li Yanxin is more of a Xiaojiabiyu, and Zhong Zhiyi is completely a sweet girl, much worse than Shen Lingxi.

   "Neither satisfied?" Chao Lan didn't seem surprised at all.

   Shen Lingxi met her gaze, and both of them were joking: "I think Chao Damei is suitable, do you want to come and give me the finale."

  Chao Lan chuckled: "You little girl, even your elder sister molested."

   "It's getting late. I'll meet someone first. If it's really inappropriate, there's nothing I can do."

   In the end, Shen Lingxi didn't have the chance to kill those two with a single shot, so she was willing to watch an interview first.

  Chao Lan: "Okay."

   "By the way, the girls who are interviewing downstairs also let them come in and wait. It's too cold outside, it's time to catch a cold after blowing for a long time."

  Shen Lingxi felt cold just thinking about the long legs of those girls, and admired their ability to persist downstairs for so long.

   "The girl at the door?" Chao Lan looked puzzled, "Is there anyone at the door?"

   Shen Lingxi knew it, she probably didn't know about the model being blocked from the door.

After Chao Lan listened to it, he called the security guard downstairs using the conference room's landline, and asked them to put the people waiting at the door first, and asked Lili to find out who had agreed to let the interview model wait at the door. .

  Looking at Chao Lan's face, she knew that she was not too angry. She dared to use these methods of worshipping the high and stepping on the low, and what was even more outrageous was that Shen Lingxi saw it.

   "Sorry, I didn't know they were doing this in private." After getting angry, Chao Lan said with restrained anger.

   Shen Lingxi's lips curled slightly, a look of understanding.

After the    girls entered the building, the staff gave them the number plates for the interview and asked them to wait in the waiting room.

  There is a heater in the building, so they don't have to shiver from the cold.

  Shen Lingxi didn't want to show her face, so she sat in the monitoring room to watch the big screen of the live broadcast. Naturally, she accompany her to watch the monitoring. Naturally, a different person went to the spokesperson interview.

After    Qingfei and the others arrived, the staff took them to the lounge to prepare for the next interview.

   Six artists sat around the conference room, no one spoke, and the atmosphere of the scene was very awkward.

   Qing Fei, who has the highest rank, didn't even bother to give her a wink, and started to swipe her phone.

   What they didn't expect was that the monitor of the conference room at this time was connected to the screen of the conference room on the 22nd floor, and Chao Lan and Shen Lingxi saw everyone's reactions.

   is just a face-to-face effort, and Shen Lingxi came to a psychological conclusion.

   (end of this chapter)

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