Chapter 278 Good luck

  Chao Lan was very sorry to see her shaking her head.

   "I will report your opinion to the high-level officials to see if they will select some candidate lists of spokespersons in the future. If there is any news, I will notify you as soon as possible."

   Shen Lingxi nodded: "Okay."

   At the same time, another interview scene.

  The models who came to the interview have all started to enter the interview according to the arranged interview order.

  In the interview room, five interviewers sat in a horizontal row, and in front of them were all the information of the models.

   The scene was very quiet for a time.

   The first model to come in for an interview is Song Nuan, who just turned 18 this year.

   The little girl came in not at all timid, and introduced herself to several interviewers.

  The main interviewer looked up at her: "Let's start."

  Song Nuan's nervous calf was shaking. In order not to let the interviewer see anything, she took a deep breath to adjust her breath and expression.

   There are two aspects of the model interview, namely step and on-the-spot coping ability.

  The music sounded, and Song Nuan started to walk up the stairs to the rhythm of the music.

  Compared with the nervousness when he first entered the arena, Song Nuan seemed to be a different person when walking on the stage, full of aura, beautiful and confident.

   After walking, she stopped in the middle of the interview venue.

   The faces of several chief examiners are not bad, it can be seen that they are still quite satisfied with her.

   The interviewer asked a few more questions one after another, and she gradually got used to the atmosphere and looked a lot more relaxed.

   Shen Lingxi thinks it's pretty good.

   The next moment, the answer given by the interviewer is to be determined.

  Because I don't know the situation of the interviewers behind, I can only give two kinds of pending and eliminated.

   If the number of people to be determined exceeds the number of people to be selected, then one more selection will be made in the selection of candidates to be determined, and those who are eliminated will have no chance.

  Song Nuan got off to a good start, which can be regarded as putting some pressure on the people behind.

   The second model who came in was much more nervous. Through the screen, Shen Lingxi could feel the tension in her body.

   When walking on the platform, my limbs are also a little uncoordinated, and I don’t know if it is caused by excessive tension.

   In the question-and-answer session with the interviewer, she also behaved very mediocrely, and was given a knockout card by the interviewer unsurprisingly.

   As the first player to be eliminated, the girl showed some panic on her face.

   "Unfortunately, Miss Xia, you and KAP are not suitable."

  The eye circles of the eliminated models were slightly red, and they seemed to be a little aggrieved.

   After politely saying thank you to several interviewers, she hurriedly turned and left.

  Chao Lan sighed, feeling a little pity.

   She was very optimistic about this summer paper at the beginning, with a very beautiful resume and a lot of big shows, but she didn't know that her ability to be present was so poor.

   After turning the pages of the information, Chao Lan glanced sideways at Shen Lingxi.

   found that her expression has always been light, there is no surprise, no dissatisfaction, no waves, calmer than the lake.

  The interview continues.

   "Hello, I want to ask, has the interview started?"

  The belated girl looked around. Compared with the others, she was really warm.

  Scarves and padded jackets are all available, hiding a good figure under bloated clothes.

   "It has already begun."

   The girl who answered her seemed very nervous, her eyes looking at the closed door from time to time.

   "Which company are you from?"

  The girl froze for a moment: "I don't have a company."

   The other party was shocked.

   "It's not your first time interviewing a model, right?"

   The other party nodded: "Well."

  ""That...good luck. "

   The conversation between the two ends here.

   (end of this chapter)

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