Chapter 284 The Eve of Holidays

  Xie An couldn't help laughing: "Well, I don't know if the cat has an owner, how old is this year, does it have a good kitten, what kind of kitten do you like, and do you have any special hobbies besides biting people?"

   Shen Lingxi is about to close himself, but he has no way to say it, so he can only let Xie An joke.

   "Okay, let's wash up and have dinner."

  Xie An saw that the joke was almost done, so I stopped talking and went to the coffee machine to pour coffee first.

   Shen Lingxi looked at his back and gritted his teeth, the tips of his ears were red and hot.


   Time flies by.

  Before the holiday, the school arranged the last exam.

  At the last minute after the exam, the students returned to their respective classes, while packing their things, they talked about their winter vacation arrangements.

   "It can be considered that the exam is over, winter vacation, here I come!"

   "I have to make up for my sleep. I've been exhausted by staying up late to study. I'm going to sleep until twelve o'clock, no, I'm going to sleep until four o'clock in the afternoon."

   "Did you make an appointment to open the game, let's start the game!"

  Wang Zhuo came in from the door with his test tools in his arms, and wailed as he walked: "It's over, I can't keep my ass. The day the score comes out is the day I accept the mixed doubles."

   Duan Wenyi drew a cross on his chest: "Pray for you, bless you, I hope you live this New Year."

  Wang Zhuo stood up and bowed deeply: "I really thank you."

   "Oh, help." Wang Zhuo continued to wailing after thanking him, "Brother Feng, why haven't you come back yet, I have to howl with him."

  Wang Ningxiu is also packing up: "He Xixi went to the canteen."

   Wang Zhuo's expectant eyes lost a bit: "Then I'll wait for him to come back and then howl."

   Duan Wenyi was speechless, and he had to find a partner for co-authoring the mourning.

   "What's your plan after the holiday? It's still so long before the Chinese New Year, do you want to go out and play together?" Wang Zhuo's thinking jumped quickly, he was still shouting his results, and he started planning to play in the next second.

   "I really envy you, and there is still a vacation." Duan Wen sighed.

  Wang Zhuo suddenly woke up: "Yes, you are going to Beijing for training, six at a time and four."

   Duan Wenyi reminded friendly: "It's five. Brother Feng's home is in Beijing. He told Sister Xi just now that he will come with us."

   "It's numb."

  Wang Zhuo planted his head down.

  Xie Feng carried a lot of drinks to the cashier, while Shen Lingxi was still wandering around in the comics area.

  Don't look at the small shop in the school. Although the sparrow is small and complete, there are only unexpected things that it does not sell.

   Even if it is not available today, as long as you mention it to the boss, you will be able to see the goods in the store the next day, which is very able to catch the trend.

   "Why did you pick so many comics again, planning to..."

  Xie Feng looked at the five or six novels she was holding with a very subtle expression.

   "The Innocent Secretary of the Domineering Factory Director"

   "The love and hatred between me and the village chief's son"

   "The Sweet Little Lover of the Country Teacher"

  Help, what is this all about.

   "No, the little girls see that the domineering president falls in love with me, or it's the youthful love of the school god, what do you think is this?" Xie Feng was speechless to the extreme.

   Shen Lingxi chuckled: "What's wrong with these, don't you think they are very innovative?"

   Xie Feng twitched the corner of his mouth.

   Not only did he not think, but he even thought that the comics sold in the canteen are becoming more and more rustic, because the boss wants to meet the needs of your big customer.

   "You told your uncle, will you come back to Beijing with us in a few days?"

   Shen Lingxi couldn't hold the book anymore, so he basically stuffed it into Xie Feng's hands.

   Seeing that she was about to reach for it again, Xie Feng simply carried all the books in her hand.

   (end of this chapter)

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