Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 285: go to Beijing in advance

   Chapter 285 Go to Beijing in advance

   "I've already said it." Xie Feng adjusted his posture of holding the book, "Tell me which flight you will book, and I'll buy it together."

   Shen Lingxi nodded.

   "Monitor, the old class asked the four of you who participated in the competition training to go to the office."

   As soon as the two of them arrived at the door of the classroom, they didn't even set foot in the class to take the door, when they heard the voice of their classmates behind them.

   Shen Lingxi stuffed the things in his hand into Xie Feng's arms.

   "Ehhh, it's about to fall." Xie Feng panicked, and just before the thing fell, Shao Heng quickly helped it.

   When several people arrived at the office, Lao Yang was holding a test paper in his hand.

   "Here you come, find a place to sit."

   Hearing this, the four of them felt their scalps go numb.

   It seems that I won’t be able to leave if I don’t stay in the office for more than half an hour today.

   Among the four students in the fifth class who are going to participate in the competition, three are trained for mathematics competitions, and only Wang Ningxiu's physics competitions are trained.

"You should already know the training time, and you all know that the competition is a nationwide examination. In order to achieve good results during the competition, basically the students participating in the competition will organize training. Our training location this year is still in Beijing."

  Yang Jingwu took a sip of water, cleared his throat, and started his conversation.

   "It is a great honor that this year's competition group, our class has only four places. Your total score may not be so balanced in grades, but you are very top-notch in individual subjects."

   Shen Lingxi sighed, this familiar opening remarks.

   This familiar tone of voice.

   This familiar line.

   Maybe Yang Jingwu didn't realize it himself, he had already said these words to them several times.

   After mobilizing for half an hour before departure, it can be regarded as the topic.

  "Because there are still parts involved in experiments, the physics competition training needs to be present three days in advance. The school has booked a plane for ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. Is there any problem here?"

  Wang Ningxiu nodded: "No problem."

  Wang Ningxiu was very sorry that we couldn't go to Beijing together.

   "Your three math groups are scheduled for next Monday at ten o'clock in the morning, so that's fine."

   "There is a problem." Shen Lingxi said, "I need to go to Beijing ahead of time for some personal matters, so I will go there the day after tomorrow. If the flight tickets are not coordinated at the school, I can book the tickets myself."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Shao Heng also spoke up.

   "Teacher, I will also go to Beijing the day after tomorrow. I have something to do at home."

   Duan Wen was dumbfounded, why did the two of them have to go first, and he will go alone next Monday?

   "Aren't you going to go ahead of time?" Yang Jingwu looked at the only silent Miaomiao.

   Duan Wen shook his head.

  Yang Jingwu: "That's okay, leave me a talking partner."

  Duan Wenyi: "…"

   Ah, how can Laoban be too enthusiastic?

   Yang Jingwu did not expect such a scene: "Can you guarantee to arrive at the training base on time next Monday?"

   Shen Lingxi and Shao Heng replied at the same time: "Yes."

  In this case, Yang Jingwu didn't say much: "Okay, I am the lead teacher of the math group this time, and I have to follow the team. I will send a message next Monday to remind you, don't forget the time and miss it."

   Shen Lingxi: "Okay."

   Shao Heng also nodded.

   "Teacher, after the training, I will not come back with the team, I will book the tickets myself."

  Yang Jingwu immediately looked at Shao Heng: "You too?"

   (end of this chapter)

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