Black Lotus

Chapter 12 - He Doesn't Care


Wen Niannan received a text message and saw that it was sent by an unknown number. 

[Guess who I am! There will be a reward if you guess right~]

There was a cute sticker attached to the message as well. From the familiar tone, Wen Niannan had already guessed who sent it. 

He smiled and shook his head, only that guy would send a message like this to him. 

A while later, his phone rang. Although the number displayed was unknown, he already knew who it was. 


“Xiao Nian, surely you guessed that it was me?” Tang Shuo’s laughter was heard from the phone. 

When he heard Tang Shuo’s laugh, Wen Niannan felt relaxed.

“Who else would send me messages like this? You sent me a ton while we’re still in high school.” 

“You still remember? Not only didn’t you ever reply to me, you even blocked me.”

Thinking of that time, Tang Shuo felt a little embarrassed, but then he remembered why he called in the first place.

“Um… are you…free tomorrow? Will you go with me if I get two concert tickets?” 

After speaking, Tang Shuo held his breath nervously and waited for a reply.

After a while, he heard a voice.

Wen Niannan had also wanted to find a chance and relax for a bit. Listening to a concert might be a good idea.

“Sure. What time tomorrow?”

There was no response at the other end for a long time. Wen Niannan asked again, and suddenly he heard the sound of the phone falling onto the ground. 

“Hey, Tang Shuo? Hello? Are you okay?” 

“Ah!! Niannan, I never thought that you would actually agree! I was so sure that you would reject me! I’m so happy that we could go to the concert together!” Tang Shuo jumped around the place excitedly, causing his servants to glance at him. 

Wen Niannan chuckled, this guy never changed. 

“A lot of things happened and I want to relax. So, what time should we meet tomorrow?”

“Ah, yes… What time… Let’s see, the concert starts at 4:30 in the afternoon. We could meet early and go shopping for a bit.” 

“Ok, see you at the performance location at 1 pm.” 

After hanging up, Wen Niannan couldn’t help but smiled a bit. This guy couldn’t even finish a sentence in front of him before. 

He would often pass by the door of Wen Niannan’s classroom, and occasionally meet him in various places. Later, he directly confessed to him in front of the teachers and students of the school at a celebration party. A few years have passed and he was still like this.

His emotions were all over the place today, making it difficult for him to fall asleep. It wasn’t a bad idea to go listen to some music and calm himself down.

The next day, Wen Niannan, who had always dressed exquisitely, had changed into a more casual outfit. Aunt Lan was shocked when he saw him, as he rarely wears such an outfit. 

As soon as Wen Niannan walked to the door to wear his shoes, Uncle Xu came over. 

“Mr. Wen, where are you going with this outfit?” 

“I’ll be going to a concert with a friend. I’ll be back tonight,” said Wen Niannan while tying his shoelaces. 

“Friend? Is that the young master Tang Shuo that I met in the hospital?” Uncle Xu asked again. 


“Mr. Wen, as far as I know, this young master was chasing you back then. Your husband will get angry if he finds out.”

Wen Niannan paused and said mockingly, “He doesn’t care about me, so why would he be angry with whom I go out with?” 

After that, he stood up, took the car keys, and drove away. 

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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